archer (n.)
- artilleryman
- athlete
- ballplayer
- baseman
- batter
- battery
- bowman
- cannoneer
- carabineer
- catcher
- center
- coach
- competitor
- cricketer
- deadeye
- end
- footballer
- guard
- gun
- gunman
- gunner
- hunter
- infielder
- jock
- jumper
- lineman
- marksman
- musketeer
- outfield
- outfielder
- player
- pugilist
- quarterback
- racer
- rifleman
- sharpshooter
- shooter
- shot
- skater
- sniper
- sport
- sportsman
- tackle
- tailback
- trapshooter
- wingback
- wrestler
Insatiate archer! could not one suffice?
Thy shaft flew thrice, and thrice my peace was slain;
And thrice, ere thrice yon moon had filled her horn.
Oh, many a shaft at random sent
Finds mark the archer little meant!
And many a word at random spoken
May soothe, or wound, a heart that's broken!
Like an arrow shot
From a well-experienc'd archer hits the mark
His eye doth level at.