botany (n.)
- agrobiology
- amnion
- anatomy
- astrobiology
- bacteriology
- biochemistry
- biology
- biometrics
- biometry
- bionics
- bionomics
- biophysics
- bladder
- bleb
- blister
- boll
- calyx
- capsule
- cell
- cryobiology
- cybernetics
- cyst
- cytology
- ecology
- embryology
- enzymology
- exobiology
- fistula
- flora
- follicle
- gallbladder
- genetics
- greenery
- greens
- herbage
- legume
- loculus
- marsupium
- microbiology
- pericarp
- pharmacology
- physiology
- pod
- radiobiology
- sac
- saccule
- sacculus
- scrotum
- seedcase
- silique
- sinus
- sound
- stomach
- taxonomy
- udder
- vegetation
- ventricle
- verdure
- vesica
- vesicle
- virology
- zoology
Love not the flower they pluck and know it not,
And all their botany is Latin names.