cynic (n.)
- backbiter
- defamer
- defeatist
- depreciator
- detractor
- disparager
- killjoy
- knocker
- libeler
- malist
- misanthrope
- misanthropist
- misogynist
- muckraker
- mudslinger
- negativist
- nihilist
- pessimist
- railer
- sexist
- slanderer
- traducer
- worrywart
Thrasyllus the Cynic begged a drachm of Antigonus. "That," said he, "is too little for a king to give." "Why, then," said the other, "give me a talent." "And that," said he, "is too much for a Cynic (or, for a dog) to receive."
There is a fine circumstance connected with the character of a Cynic,—that he must be beaten like an ass, and yet when beaten must love those who beat him, as the father, as the brother of all.