sapphire (n.)
- adamant
- agate
- alexandrite
- amethyst
- aquamarine
- azure
- beryl
- bloodstone
- blue
- carbuncle
- carnelian
- cerulean
- chalcedony
- chrysoberyl
- chrysolite
- citrine
- coral
- demantoid
- diamond
- emerald
- garnet
- girasol
- heliotrope
- hyacinth
- jade
- jadestone
- jargoon
- jasper
- moonstone
- morganite
- onyx
- opal
- peridot
- plasma
- ruby
- sapphirine
- sard
- sardonyx
- sky-blue
- spinel
- topaz
- turquoise
sapphire (adj.)
He pass'd the flaming bounds of place and time:
The living throne, the sapphire blaze,
Where angels tremble while they gaze,
He saw; but blasted with excess of light,
Closed his eyes in endless night.