trident (n.)
- branch
- clover
- crotch
- crutch
- delta
- deltoid
- deuce-ace
- fan
- fork
- furcula
- groin
- inguen
- leash
- offshoot
- prong
- ramification
- shamrock
- stem
- tercet
- ternary
- ternion
- terzetto
- three
- threesome
- tierce
- trefoil
- trey
- triad
- triangle
- triarch
- tricorn
- trilateral
- trilogy
- trimester
- trine
- trinity
- trio
- triplet
- tripod
- triptych
- triquetral
- trireme
- triskelion
- triumvirate
- trivet
- troika
- wishbone
trident (adj.)
- branch
- deltoid
- ternary
- three
- three-cornered
- three-dimensional
- three-pronged
- three-sided
- triangular
- triangulate
- tricuspid
- trifid
- trigonal
- trilateral
- trine
- tripartite
His nature is too noble for the world:
He would not flatter Neptune for his trident,
Or Jove for's power to thunder.