equivocation (n.)
- ambiguity
- ambivalence
- amphibology
- antinomy
- avoidance
- bickering
- casuistry
- chicane
- chicanery
- circularity
- circumvention
- coloring
- confabulation
- disingenuousness
- distortion
- dodge
- dodging
- double
- duck
- elusion
- elusiveness
- equivocalness
- escape
- evasion
- evasiveness
- exaggeration
- fallaciousness
- fallacy
- falsification
- falsifying
- fencing
- fluctuation
- forbearance
- forestalling
- hairsplitting
- hedging
- insincerity
- irony
- jesuitism
- jesuitry
- lying
- misapplication
- misconstruction
- misrepresentation
- misstatement
- mystification
- neutrality
- nonintervention
- obfuscation
- obscurantism
- oscillation
- oxymoron
- paltering
- paradox
- perjury
- perversion
- pettifoggery
- plausibility
- plausibleness
- polysemant
- prevarication
- prevention
- pun
- rationalization
- self-contradiction
- shifting
- shuffle
- shuffling
- shunning
- shy
- sidestep
- slip
- sophism
- sophistication
- sophistry
- speciousness
- straining
- subterfuge
- subtlety
- tergiversation
- vacillation
- wavering
- zigzag
I pull in resolution, and begin
To doubt the equivocation of the fiend
That lies like truth: "Fear not, till Birnam wood
Do come to Dunsinane."
How absolute the knave is! we must speak by the card, or equivocation will undo us.