shy (n.)
- agnostic
- averse
- avert
- backward
- balance
- balk
- bicker
- blink
- bowl
- cast
- catapult
- cautious
- cavil
- chary
- chuck
- chunk
- conscious
- coy
- dart
- dash
- debate
- demur
- dodge
- double
- duck
- elude
- fade
- failing
- falter
- faltering
- fear
- fence
- fire
- flinch
- fling
- flip
- fork
- gag
- gee
- glance
- haw
- heave
- hedge
- hover
- hurl
- infant
- introvert
- jerk
- jib
- jump
- lacking
- lance
- launch
- lob
- panic
- parry
- part
- partial
- pass
- pause
- peg
- pelt
- pitch
- pitchfork
- ponder
- pot
- put
- quail
- questioning
- quibble
- recoil
- retreat
- scant
- scanty
- scary
- scruple
- serve
- shift
- short
- shrink
- shrinking
- shuffle
- shun
- shunt
- side
- sidestep
- sideswipe
- sidetrack
- skedaddle
- sling
- snap
- stampede
- start
- startle
- stick
- strain
- stumble
- swerve
- switch
- throw
- tilt
- timid
- toss
- trembling
- wary
- waver
- weasel
- wince
- yield
shy (v.)
- averse
- avert
- avoid
- backward
- balance
- balk
- bicker
- bilk
- blench
- blink
- boggle
- bowl
- cast
- catapult
- cavil
- chuck
- chunk
- coy
- cringe
- dart
- dash
- debate
- deliberate
- demur
- dodge
- double
- duck
- elude
- equivocate
- eschew
- evade
- fade
- falter
- fear
- fence
- fire
- flinch
- fling
- flip
- fork
- gag
- gee
- glance
- haw
- heave
- hedge
- hesitate
- hover
- hurl
- hurtle
- introvert
- jerk
- jib
- jump
- lance
- launch
- lob
- mystify
- nitpick
- obscure
- palter
- panic
- parry
- part
- pass
- pause
- peg
- pelt
- pitch
- pitchfork
- ponder
- pot
- prevaricate
- pussyfoot
- put
- quail
- quibble
- recoil
- retract
- retreat
- scant
- scruple
- serve
- shift
- short
- shrink
- shuffle
- shun
- shunt
- side
- sidestep
- sideswipe
- sidetrack
- sidle
- skedaddle
- sling
- snap
- stampede
- start
- startle
- stick
- stickle
- strain
- stumble
- swerve
- switch
- tergiversate
- throw
- tilt
- toss
- waver
- wince
- withdraw
- yield
shy (adj.)
- afraid
- agnostic
- apprehensive
- averse
- avert
- backhanded
- backward
- bashful
- boggling
- cagey
- callow
- cast
- cautious
- chary
- circumspect
- confused
- conscious
- cowardly
- coy
- dash
- defective
- deficient
- deliberate
- demure
- diffident
- distrustful
- double
- doubtful
- doubting
- dubious
- embryonic
- failing
- faltering
- fearful
- fearing
- fearsome
- fence
- fire
- fling
- flip
- goosy
- hesitant
- hesitating
- immature
- inadequate
- inarticulate
- incomplete
- indisposed
- insufficient
- introversive
- introverted
- jumpy
- lacking
- lance
- leery
- loath
- missing
- mistrustful
- modest
- mousy
- nervous
- obscure
- panic
- part
- partial
- pass
- patchy
- peg
- pot
- put
- questioning
- reluctant
- reserved
- retiring
- scant
- scanty
- scarce
- scary
- scrappy
- scrupulous
- self-conscious
- self-effacing
- serve
- shaky
- shamefaced
- sheepish
- shift
- shivery
- short
- shrinking
- side
- skeptical
- sketchy
- skittish
- squeamish
- start
- stick
- suspecting
- suspicious
- tilt
- timid
- timorous
- trembling
- tremulous
- trigger-happy
- unassertive
- unassured
- uncertain
- underdeveloped
- undeveloped
- uneager
- untrusting
- unwilling
- wanting
- wary
- yield
Soft is the music that would charm forever;
The flower of sweetest smell is shy and lowly.