start (n.)
- advance
- advantage
- aid
- allowance
- alpha
- assistance
- attack
- backing
- base
- basis
- beat
- begin
- beginning
- birth
- blink
- bob
- bolt
- bounce
- bound
- boundary
- bourn
- break
- broach
- buck
- bulge
- bundle
- burst
- capriole
- ceiling
- chance
- chase
- circumscription
- clear
- commencement
- compass
- course
- crack
- creation
- curvet
- cutoff
- dart
- dawn
- dawning
- deadline
- deadwood
- delimitation
- determinant
- dodge
- dog
- draw
- drive
- drop
- duck
- edge
- emergence
- encouragement
- end
- enter
- establishment
- extremity
- fade
- falcon
- father
- financing
- finish
- fissure
- flick
- flinch
- flip
- flirt
- float
- floor
- flounce
- flush
- found
- foundation
- founding
- fowl
- fracture
- frontier
- genesis
- go
- gun
- handicap
- hawk
- hedge
- help
- hitch
- hop
- hound
- hunt
- hurdle
- inauguration
- inception
- initiate
- initiation
- institute
- institution
- interface
- issue
- jack
- jacklight
- jar
- jerk
- jib
- jig
- jiggle
- jog
- joggle
- jolt
- jump
- launch
- lead
- leap
- leapfrog
- leave
- limen
- limit
- limitation
- line
- march
- mark
- mete
- moot
- move
- odds
- oncoming
- onset
- open
- opening
- opportunity
- origin
- origination
- outbreak
- outset
- panic
- pluck
- pose
- postulate
- pounce
- proposition
- quail
- recoil
- retreat
- rise
- run
- rupture
- sally
- send
- send-off
- setoff
- shock
- shoot
- shrink
- shy
- sidestep
- skedaddle
- skip
- snap
- snatch
- split
- sponsorship
- sport
- spring
- squinch
- stalk
- stampede
- start-off
- starting
- startle
- steeplechase
- swerve
- tackle
- takeoff
- term
- terminus
- threshold
- track
- trail
- turn
- tweak
- twitch
- vantage
- vault
- weasel
- wince
- wrench
- yank
start (v.)
- activate
- advance
- advantage
- aid
- allowance
- arise
- attack
- avoid
- base
- beat
- beget
- begin
- birth
- blanch
- blench
- blink
- bob
- boggle
- bolt
- bounce
- bound
- break
- broach
- buck
- bulge
- bundle
- burst
- capriole
- ceiling
- chance
- chase
- clear
- commence
- compass
- confine
- constitute
- course
- crack
- create
- cringe
- curvet
- dart
- dawn
- depart
- develop
- disintegrate
- dodge
- dog
- draw
- drive
- drop
- duck
- edge
- embark
- emerge
- end
- enter
- establish
- evade
- fade
- falcon
- father
- finish
- fissure
- flick
- flinch
- flip
- flirt
- float
- floor
- flounce
- flush
- found
- fowl
- fracture
- go
- gun
- handicap
- hawk
- hedge
- help
- hitch
- hop
- hound
- hunt
- hurdle
- inaugurate
- initiate
- institute
- introduce
- issue
- jack
- jacklight
- jar
- jerk
- jib
- jig
- jiggle
- jog
- joggle
- jolt
- jump
- launch
- lead
- leap
- leapfrog
- leave
- limit
- line
- march
- mark
- moot
- move
- negotiate
- open
- organize
- originate
- overleap
- panic
- pluck
- pose
- postulate
- pounce
- prefer
- proceed
- propose
- proposition
- propound
- protrude
- quail
- recoil
- recommend
- retreat
- rise
- run
- rupture
- sally
- send
- shock
- shoot
- shrink
- shy
- sidestep
- skedaddle
- skip
- snap
- snatch
- split
- sport
- spring
- squinch
- stalk
- stampede
- startle
- still-hunt
- submit
- suggest
- swerve
- tackle
- term
- track
- trail
- turn
- tweak
- twitch
- undertake
- unravel
- vantage
- vault
- wince
- wrench
- yank
start (adj.)
The blood more stirs
To rouse a lion than to start a hare!
Ye gods, it doth amaze me
A man of such a feeble temper should
So get the start of the majestic world
And bear the palm alone.
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
Straining upon the start.