go (n.)
- accomplishment
- accord
- achievement
- act
- acta
- action
- advance
- adventure
- adventurousness
- aggression
- aggressiveness
- agree
- aim
- ambitiousness
- approach
- approaching
- arrival
- articulate
- assail
- assault
- assay
- associate
- attack
- attempt
- back
- bang
- bear
- begin
- bias
- bid
- birr
- blend
- blow
- bout
- brave
- break
- brook
- budge
- carry
- cease
- chance
- change
- chatter
- circle
- circumstance
- clean
- click
- climb
- collapse
- commute
- concern
- connect
- contest
- coup
- course
- court
- cover
- crack
- cruise
- date
- dealings
- decathlon
- decease
- decline
- decrease
- deed
- degenerate
- derby
- die
- dig
- dissolve
- do
- doing
- doings
- doubles
- drive
- drop
- dynamism
- ebb
- effort
- elapse
- embrace
- encounter
- end
- endeavor
- engagement
- enter
- enterprise
- enterprisingness
- episode
- escort
- essay
- event
- exit
- experience
- experiment
- exploit
- fade
- fall
- fancy
- fare
- farewell
- favor
- feat
- fetch
- fight
- fire
- fit
- flag
- fling
- flit
- flow
- fly
- fold
- force
- forcefulness
- founder
- foursome
- function
- gabble
- gambit
- game
- games
- gang
- gest
- get
- get-up-and-go
- getup
- go
- go-ahead
- graduate
- gumption
- gymkhana
- hand
- handiwork
- happening
- hardihood
- head
- hide
- hie
- hit
- hold
- hustle
- incident
- incline
- increase
- initiative
- inning
- innings
- job
- journey
- joust
- lack
- last
- lead
- lean
- leave
- lick
- lie
- like
- live
- lose
- make
- maneuver
- match
- matching
- measure
- meet
- meeting
- melt
- mention
- moulder
- mount
- move
- moxie
- need
- occasion
- offer
- operation
- operative
- opportunity
- part
- pass
- passage
- pee
- pentathlon
- pep
- percolate
- performance
- perk
- place
- play
- plunge
- point
- pop
- potency
- probe
- proceeding
- process
- production
- progress
- prosperity
- push
- pushiness
- quit
- race
- rally
- range
- reach
- read
- regress
- relief
- relish
- repair
- repeat
- retreat
- review
- rise
- roll
- rot
- round
- run
- runoff
- sashay
- say
- scan
- serve
- set
- shift
- shot
- shrink
- singles
- sink
- slap
- snap
- soar
- sound
- sour
- span
- spell
- spin
- spirit
- spoil
- sport
- spread
- spunk
- stab
- stagger
- stand
- starch
- start
- steer
- stem
- step
- stint
- stir
- straddle
- stream
- stretch
- stroke
- study
- stunt
- success
- support
- surround
- sweep
- tackle
- take
- tend
- test
- thing
- threesome
- tick
- tilt
- time
- tour
- tournament
- tourney
- transaction
- travel
- trek
- trend
- trial
- trick
- try
- tuck
- turn
- twirl
- twosome
- undertaking
- use
- utter
- venturesomeness
- venturousness
- verge
- victory
- vigor
- vitality
- voyage
- wane
- warp
- waste
- whack
- whirl
- work
- works
go (v.)
- accompany
- accord
- act
- action
- admire
- adopt
- advance
- adventure
- agree
- aim
- approach
- articulate
- ascend
- assail
- assault
- assay
- associate
- attack
- attempt
- back
- bang
- bear
- become
- begin
- belong
- bias
- bid
- birr
- blend
- blow
- bout
- brave
- break
- brook
- budge
- carry
- cease
- chance
- change
- chatter
- choose
- circle
- circulate
- clean
- click
- climb
- collapse
- commute
- concern
- conduce
- connect
- contest
- continue
- contribute
- coup
- course
- court
- cover
- crack
- cruise
- date
- decamp
- decease
- decline
- decrease
- defecate
- degenerate
- dematerialize
- depart
- descend
- deteriorate
- detonate
- die
- dig
- diminish
- disappear
- discuss
- disintegrate
- dispel
- disperse
- dispose
- dissipate
- dissolve
- do
- drive
- drop
- dwindle
- ebb
- elapse
- embrace
- encompass
- encounter
- end
- endeavor
- endure
- enter
- enunciate
- environ
- erode
- erupt
- escort
- espouse
- essay
- evanesce
- evaporate
- event
- examine
- exit
- experience
- experiment
- expire
- explode
- exploit
- extend
- fade
- fail
- fall
- fancy
- fare
- farewell
- favor
- feat
- fetch
- fight
- fire
- fit
- flag
- flee
- fling
- flit
- flow
- fly
- fold
- follow
- force
- forsake
- founder
- function
- gabble
- game
- gang
- gest
- get
- go
- graduate
- grow
- gyrate
- hand
- happen
- harmonize
- head
- hide
- hie
- hit
- hold
- hustle
- incline
- increase
- inspect
- investigate
- involve
- job
- journey
- joust
- lack
- last
- lead
- lean
- leave
- lick
- lie
- like
- live
- lose
- make
- maneuver
- match
- measure
- meet
- melt
- mention
- militate
- mosey
- moulder
- mount
- move
- natter
- near
- need
- obtain
- occasion
- occur
- offer
- operate
- outdistance
- outrange
- part
- pass
- pee
- percolate
- perform
- perish
- perk
- persevere
- persist
- place
- play
- plunge
- point
- pop
- prefer
- prevail
- probe
- proceed
- process
- progress
- pronounce
- prosper
- pursue
- push
- qualify
- quit
- race
- rally
- range
- reach
- read
- recede
- regress
- rehearse
- reiterate
- relish
- repair
- repeat
- repudiate
- retire
- retract
- retreat
- retrogress
- review
- revolve
- rise
- roll
- rot
- rotate
- round
- run
- sashay
- satisfy
- say
- scan
- scrutinize
- serve
- set
- shift
- shrink
- sink
- slap
- snap
- soar
- socialize
- sound
- sour
- span
- spell
- spin
- spirit
- spoil
- sport
- spread
- stab
- stagger
- stand
- starch
- start
- steer
- stem
- step
- stint
- stir
- straddle
- stream
- stretch
- stroke
- study
- stunt
- submerge
- subside
- succeed
- succumb
- suffer
- suffice
- support
- surround
- survive
- sweep
- tackle
- take
- tend
- test
- tick
- tilt
- time
- tolerate
- tour
- tourney
- travel
- trek
- trend
- trick
- try
- tuck
- turn
- twirl
- undergo
- undertake
- urinate
- use
- utter
- vanish
- verge
- vigor
- voyage
- wane
- warp
- waste
- weaken
- wend
- whack
- whirl
- withdraw
- work
go (adv.)
- act
- action
- advance
- adventure
- almost
- back
- bang
- bout
- chance
- clean
- course
- date
- deed
- die
- do
- end
- enter
- event
- experiment
- fly
- fold
- force
- game
- gest
- go
- hand
- head
- inning
- last
- lead
- lean
- like
- live
- lose
- measure
- mention
- near
- nearly
- occasion
- part
- place
- pop
- rally
- range
- round
- say
- shot
- slap
- step
- straddle
- stream
- take
- test
- thing
- time
- try
- tuck
- turn
- use
- work
go (adj.)
- act
- advance
- approaching
- articulate
- associate
- attack
- back
- bang
- bias
- bid
- blow
- bout
- brave
- carry
- chance
- change
- clean
- course
- cover
- crack
- date
- degenerate
- die
- dig
- do
- effective
- effectual
- end
- enter
- enterprise
- fancy
- fire
- fit
- fling
- fly
- fold
- force
- functional
- game
- get
- go
- graduate
- hand
- head
- hie
- hit
- incident
- initiative
- inning
- job
- lack
- last
- lead
- lean
- lick
- like
- live
- lose
- matching
- meet
- meeting
- mount
- near
- need
- operation
- operational
- operative
- part
- pass
- performance
- place
- play
- point
- pop
- practical
- range
- reach
- read
- recorded
- rise
- roll
- round
- run
- say
- scan
- serve
- set
- shift
- shot
- sound
- sour
- span
- spread
- start
- step
- stir
- stream
- stretch
- support
- tend
- tentative
- test
- thing
- tick
- tilt
- time
- trial
- try
- tuck
- turn
- use
- utter
- waste
- whack
- work
Be sure you are right, then go ahead.
Go, and do thou likewise.
Go boldly forth, my simple lay,
Whose accents flow with artless ease,
Like orient pearls at random strung.
Go call a coach, and let a coach be called;
And let the man who calleth be the caller;
And in his calling let him nothing call
But "Coach! Coach! Coach! Oh for a coach, ye gods!"
Go! you may call it madness, folly;
You shall not chase my gloom away!
There's such a charm in melancholy
I would not if I could be gay.
They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters.
Go, forget me! why should sorrow
O'er that brow a shadow fling?
Go, forget me, and to-morrow
Brightly smile and sweetly sing!
Smile,—though I shall not be near thee;
Sing,—though I shall never hear thee!
Go forth under the open sky, and list
To Nature's teachings.
I 'll go his halves.
Go, little booke! go, my little tragedie!
Go, lovely rose!
Tell her that wastes her time and me
That now she knows,
When I resemble her to thee,
How sweet and fair she seems to be.
So we 'll go no more a-roving
So late into the night.
For men may come and men may go,
But I go on forever.
Go, poor devil, get thee gone! Why should I hurt thee? This world surely is wide enough to hold both thee and me.
Shall I bid her goe? What if I doe?
Shall I bid her goe and spare not?
Oh no, no, no! I dare not.
Go, Soul, the body's guest,
Upon a thankless arrant:
Fear not to touch the best,
The truth shall be thy warrant:
Go, since I needs must die,
And give the world the lie.
Much water goeth by the mill
That the miller knoweth not of.
Go to grass.
Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.
Ay, but to die, and go we know not where;
To lie in cold obstruction and to rot;
This sensible warm motion to become
A kneaded clod; and the delighted spirit
To bathe in fiery floods, or to reside
In thrilling region of thick-ribbed ice;
To be imprison'd in the viewless winds,
And blown with restless violence round about
The pendent world.
Go where glory waits thee!
But while fame elates thee,
Oh, still remember me!
Whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.
Through torrid tracts with fainting steps they go,
Where wild Altama murmurs to their woe.