step (n.)
- accomplishment
- ace
- achievement
- act
- acta
- action
- activity
- adventure
- amble
- amount
- ankle
- answer
- approach
- arabesque
- artifice
- assay
- attempt
- band
- bed
- bedding
- belt
- bid
- bit
- blow
- boost
- boss
- bound
- bump
- bypass
- caliber
- caliper
- canter
- career
- chasse
- clip
- clop
- colophon
- compass
- concavity
- contrivance
- convexity
- countermove
- coup
- coupe
- course
- crack
- cross
- cut
- dealings
- deck
- decrease
- deed
- degree
- demarche
- dent
- device
- dial
- diapason
- dint
- direction
- divide
- dodge
- doing
- doings
- doorstep
- drag
- droop
- earreach
- earshot
- eccentric
- effort
- embossment
- endeavor
- enterprise
- essay
- estimate
- excrescence
- expedient
- experiment
- exploit
- extent
- fathom
- feat
- fifth
- fingerprint
- fling
- floor
- flounce
- foot
- footfall
- footmark
- footprint
- footrest
- footstep
- ford
- fourth
- fox-trot
- gait
- gallery
- gallop
- gambit
- gauge
- gest
- get
- gimmick
- git
- go
- gradation
- grade
- graduate
- grapevine
- gunshot
- hair
- hairsbreadth
- halftone
- hand
- handiwork
- height
- hitch
- hobble
- hoof
- hop
- hotfoot
- impress
- impression
- imprint
- improvisation
- inch
- increase
- indent
- indentation
- indention
- initiative
- interval
- job
- jog
- journey
- journeying
- jump
- layer
- leap
- leave
- ledge
- leg
- level
- lick
- limp
- little
- look
- lope
- lump
- lurch
- makeshift
- maneuver
- mark
- means
- measure
- measures
- mete
- meter
- mince
- motion
- move
- movement
- notch
- note
- nuance
- octave
- offbeat
- offer
- operation
- overlayer
- pace
- pad
- paddle
- pas
- pass
- passage
- path
- peg
- performance
- period
- pimple
- pitch
- plane
- plateau
- plumb
- point
- prance
- prize
- probe
- procedure
- proceeding
- process
- production
- progress
- progression
- proportion
- pug
- quickstep
- quit
- rack
- raise
- range
- rate
- ratio
- reach
- remove
- resort
- resource
- rest
- riser
- roll
- round
- route
- routine
- run
- rundle
- rung
- saunter
- scale
- scope
- scuttle
- seal
- seam
- second
- semitone
- seventh
- shade
- shadow
- shake-up
- shamble
- shelf
- shift
- shot
- shuffle
- signet
- single-foot
- sixth
- size
- skip
- slouch
- slowness
- solution
- sound
- space
- span
- spoke
- spoor
- spring
- sprint
- stab
- stage
- stagger
- stair
- staircase
- stairs
- stairway
- stalk
- stamp
- standard
- stave
- stepladder
- steps
- stint
- stoop
- stopgap
- story
- straddle
- stratagem
- stratum
- stride
- string
- stroke
- stroll
- strut
- stud
- stunt
- substratum
- superstratum
- survey
- swagger
- swing
- tactic
- thickness
- thing
- third
- thumbprint
- tier
- tone
- topsoil
- totter
- trace
- track
- tract
- transaction
- travel
- tread
- trial
- trick
- trip
- troop
- trot
- trump
- try
- turn
- undertaking
- up
- value
- velocity
- vestige
- waddle
- walk
- way
- whack
- work
- works
- zone
step (v.)
- abdicate
- accelerate
- ace
- act
- action
- adventure
- amble
- ambulate
- amount
- ankle
- answer
- appraise
- appreciate
- approach
- assay
- assess
- attempt
- band
- bed
- belt
- bestride
- bid
- bit
- blow
- boost
- boss
- bound
- bump
- bypass
- calculate
- calibrate
- caliper
- canter
- career
- chasse
- circumambulate
- clip
- clop
- compass
- compute
- coup
- course
- crack
- cross
- cut
- deck
- decrease
- dent
- dial
- diminish
- divide
- dodge
- drag
- droop
- endeavor
- escalate
- essay
- estimate
- evaluate
- experiment
- exploit
- fathom
- feat
- fifth
- fingerprint
- fling
- floor
- flounce
- foot
- ford
- gallop
- gauge
- gest
- get
- go
- grade
- graduate
- hair
- hand
- hasten
- hightail
- hitch
- hobble
- hoof
- hop
- hotfoot
- impress
- imprint
- improve
- inch
- increase
- indent
- intensify
- intercede
- interfere
- intervene
- jaywalk
- job
- jog
- journey
- jump
- layer
- leap
- leave
- ledge
- leg
- level
- lick
- limp
- little
- look
- lope
- lump
- lurch
- maneuver
- mark
- measure
- mensurate
- meter
- mince
- motion
- move
- notch
- note
- offer
- pace
- pad
- paddle
- pass
- peg
- perambulate
- pitch
- plane
- plumb
- point
- prance
- prize
- probe
- proceed
- process
- progress
- proportion
- quantify
- quantize
- quickstep
- quit
- rack
- raise
- range
- rate
- reach
- reduce
- remove
- resign
- resort
- rest
- retire
- roll
- round
- route
- run
- rundle
- saunter
- scale
- scope
- scuttle
- seal
- seam
- secede
- second
- shade
- shadow
- shamble
- shift
- shuffle
- sidle
- single-foot
- size
- skip
- slink
- slither
- slouch
- socialize
- sound
- space
- span
- spring
- sprint
- stab
- stage
- stagger
- stairs
- stalk
- stamp
- stave
- stint
- stoop
- straddle
- stride
- string
- stroke
- stroll
- strut
- stud
- stunt
- survey
- swagger
- swing
- toddle
- tone
- totter
- trace
- track
- tract
- traipse
- travel
- tread
- triangulate
- trick
- trip
- troop
- trot
- trump
- try
- turn
- up
- valuate
- value
- waddle
- walk
- way
- weigh
- whack
- withdraw
- work
- zone
step (adv.)
- ace
- act
- action
- adventure
- bed
- belt
- bit
- course
- cross
- cut
- deed
- degree
- experiment
- extent
- floor
- foot
- fourth
- gest
- go
- gradually
- hand
- hop
- hotfoot
- inch
- little
- lump
- lurch
- means
- measure
- pace
- path
- plumb
- rack
- range
- rate
- rest
- round
- route
- seam
- second
- shot
- slowly
- stage
- stairs
- steadily
- straddle
- stride
- swing
- thing
- third
- track
- try
- turn
- up
- way
- work
step (adj.)
- ace
- act
- amount
- band
- bed
- belt
- bid
- bit
- blow
- boss
- bound
- conventional
- course
- crack
- cross
- cut
- dent
- dial
- eccentric
- enterprise
- expedient
- fifth
- fling
- floor
- foot
- fourth
- get
- go
- grade
- graduate
- hand
- height
- initiative
- job
- kinky
- leg
- level
- lick
- limp
- little
- lope
- lump
- makeshift
- mark
- mensurate
- notch
- offbeat
- operation
- pass
- peg
- performance
- plane
- plumb
- point
- prize
- rack
- range
- rate
- reach
- rest
- roll
- round
- routine
- run
- rung
- scale
- seal
- second
- seventh
- shelf
- shift
- shot
- sixth
- size
- solution
- sound
- span
- spoke
- stage
- stair
- stairs
- standard
- story
- string
- swagger
- tactic
- tentative
- thing
- third
- tone
- track
- tract
- traditional
- trial
- triangulate
- trip
- try
- turn
- unconventional
- up
- velocity
- way
- weigh
- whack
- work
The sublime and the ridiculous are often so nearly related, that it is difficult to class them separately. One step above the sublime makes the ridiculous, and one step above the ridiculous makes the sublime again.
Then gently scan your brother man,
Still gentler sister woman;
Though they may gang a kennin' wrang,
To step aside is human.
It is only the first step which costs.
A foot more light, a step more true,
Ne'er from the heath-flower dash'd the dew.
We join ourselves to no party that does not carry the flag and keep step to the music of the Union.