cross (n.)
- achievement
- adversary
- adversity
- affliction
- aggravation
- alien
- alpenstock
- annoyance
- annulet
- anti
- arch
- argent
- ark
- armory
- arms
- autograph
- ax
- azure
- badge
- baffle
- balk
- bambino
- bandeau
- bar
- barrow
- bastard
- baton
- beads
- bend
- billet
- blast
- blazon
- blazonry
- blend
- blight
- block
- boat
- brass
- brassard
- brave
- bummer
- burden
- burthen
- bust
- button
- bypass
- cairn
- calvary
- cancel
- candle
- cane
- canoe
- canton
- care
- cargo
- carping
- cattalo
- cenotaph
- censer
- chain
- challenge
- chaplet
- charge
- checkmate
- chevron
- chi
- chief
- cipher
- citrange
- clash
- coast
- cockade
- cockatrice
- collar
- column
- combination
- con
- conflict
- contest
- contra
- contradictory
- contrary
- coronet
- counter
- counterattack
- countermand
- countersign
- countersignature
- crescent
- crest
- crisscross
- cromlech
- crook
- crosier
- crossbar
- crossbones
- crossbreed
- crosscut
- crossing
- crossway
- crown
- crucible
- crucifix
- cruet
- cruise
- crutch
- crux
- cumbrance
- cup
- curse
- dagger
- dash
- decoration
- defeat
- device
- difference
- difficulty
- disadvantage
- dish
- disillusion
- dispute
- dissident
- distress
- dolmen
- downer
- dress
- drop
- eagle
- elude
- embarrassment
- encumbrance
- endorsement
- enemy
- erase
- ermine
- escutcheon
- ex
- exing
- falcon
- fasces
- faultfinding
- fess
- field
- figurehead
- file
- fleur-de-lis
- foil
- ford
- freight
- fret
- fur
- fusil
- gall
- gallows
- gallows-tree
- garland
- gibbet
- grating
- grave
- gravestone
- grievance
- griffin
- guillotine
- half-breed
- half-caste
- halter
- hamper
- hand
- handicap
- hardship
- headstone
- helmet
- hemp
- heraldry
- hinny
- hostile
- hybrid
- icon
- impalement
- impediment
- impedimenta
- imposition
- inconvenience
- infliction
- inscription
- insignia
- irate
- irritation
- join
- label
- ladino
- liger
- lion
- livery
- load
- lozenge
- lumber
- mace
- mad
- maiden
- mantle
- mantling
- mark
- marker
- matzo
- mausoleum
- mean
- medal
- meet
- megalith
- memento
- memorial
- menhir
- menorah
- mestiza
- mestizo
- metal
- metis
- mezuzah
- mikvah
- mixed-blood
- mongrel
- monogram
- monolith
- monstrance
- monument
- moody
- mortarboard
- motorboat
- motto
- mound
- mulatto
- mule
- mullet
- necrology
- negative
- noose
- obelisk
- obituary
- oblique
- octoroon
- onus
- opponent
- opposite
- oppression
- or
- ordeal
- ordinary
- ostensorium
- over
- pack
- pale
- pass
- pax
- pean
- penalty
- pillar
- pin
- plaque
- plight
- plumcot
- ply
- predicament
- pressure
- prize
- protest
- pyramid
- pyx
- quadroon
- quarter
- quartering
- quarterstaff
- refractory
- regalia
- reject
- reliquary
- remembrance
- resist
- revoke
- ribbon
- rigor
- ring
- rival
- rood
- rope
- rosary
- rose
- row
- ruin
- run
- sable
- sabotage
- sail
- saltire
- scaffold
- scotch
- scull
- scutcheon
- seal
- secant
- sell
- shaft
- shamrock
- shield
- shillelagh
- shofar
- shrine
- signature
- signet
- sore
- sorrow
- span
- spike
- split
- spoil
- staff
- stake
- stave
- steam
- steamboat
- stela
- stick
- stone
- straddle
- stress
- stump
- stupa
- subscription
- swastika
- tabernacle
- tablet
- tallith
- tangelo
- tartan
- tau
- tease
- testimonial
- thistle
- thorn
- thurible
- thwart
- tie
- tigon
- tincture
- tomb
- tombstone
- tope
- traverse
- tree
- trial
- tribulation
- trophy
- trouble
- ugly
- unicorn
- uniform
- upset
- urceole
- variant
- verge
- veronica
- vert
- vicissitude
- visa
- vise
- visitation
- voyage
- wand
- weight
- woe
- wreath
- yacht
- yale
cross (v.)
- abjure
- across
- alien
- antagonize
- arch
- ark
- arms
- autograph
- ax
- azure
- badge
- baffle
- balk
- bar
- barrow
- belie
- bend
- bestride
- bilk
- billet
- blast
- blazon
- blend
- bless
- blight
- block
- boat
- brave
- burden
- burthen
- bust
- button
- bypass
- cancel
- candle
- cane
- canoe
- canton
- care
- chain
- challenge
- charge
- checkmate
- chi
- cipher
- circumnavigate
- circumvent
- clash
- coast
- collar
- collide
- con
- conflict
- confound
- confront
- confute
- contest
- contradict
- contravene
- controvert
- counter
- counteract
- counterattack
- countermand
- counterpose
- countersign
- countervail
- crest
- crisscross
- crook
- crossbreed
- crosscut
- crown
- cruciate
- cruise
- cup
- curse
- dash
- decussate
- defeat
- defy
- delete
- deny
- destroy
- disadvantage
- disallow
- disappoint
- disavow
- disclaim
- discomfit
- disconcert
- discountenance
- dish
- disillusion
- disown
- disprove
- dispute
- disrupt
- dissatisfy
- distress
- dress
- drop
- eagle
- elude
- erase
- ermine
- ex
- falcon
- fess
- field
- file
- flummox
- foil
- ford
- forswear
- freight
- fret
- frustrate
- fur
- gainsay
- gall
- garland
- gibbet
- grave
- guillotine
- halter
- hamper
- hand
- handicap
- hinny
- hybridize
- impugn
- inconvenience
- interbreed
- intersect
- irate
- join
- label
- lion
- load
- lumber
- mace
- mantle
- mark
- mean
- meet
- metal
- miscegenate
- mongrelize
- motorboat
- mound
- navigate
- negate
- negative
- nonplus
- noose
- nullify
- obstinate
- oppose
- oppugn
- or
- over
- pack
- pale
- pass
- perplex
- pin
- plight
- ply
- pressure
- prize
- protest
- pyramid
- quarter
- rebut
- recant
- refute
- reject
- renounce
- repudiate
- resist
- retract
- revoke
- ring
- rival
- rood
- rope
- rose
- row
- ruin
- run
- sable
- sabotage
- sail
- scaffold
- scotch
- scull
- seal
- sell
- shaft
- shield
- shrine
- sorrow
- span
- spike
- split
- spoil
- staff
- stake
- stave
- steam
- stick
- stone
- stonewall
- straddle
- stress
- stump
- tantalize
- tease
- thwart
- tie
- tincture
- tomb
- tope
- traverse
- tree
- trophy
- trouble
- uniform
- upset
- verge
- vert
- visa
- vise
- voyage
- weight
- withstand
- yacht
cross (adv.)
cross (adj.)
- adversative
- adverse
- alien
- angered
- angry
- annoyed
- antagonistic
- anti
- antipathetic
- antithetic
- arch
- argent
- ark
- ax
- azure
- bar
- bastard
- bearish
- bend
- bitchy
- bless
- block
- brave
- bust
- button
- cane
- cantankerous
- captious
- care
- chain
- chi
- chiasmal
- chiasmic
- chief
- choleric
- churlish
- clashing
- collar
- competitive
- conflicting
- contradictory
- contrary
- counter
- crabbed
- cranky
- crescent
- crisscross
- cross-grained
- cross-shaped
- crossbred
- crossed
- crosswise
- crotchety
- crown
- cruciate
- cruciferous
- cruciform
- crusty
- cussed
- dagger
- dash
- decussate
- disagreeable
- discordant
- discrepant
- dish
- disharmonious
- disproportionate
- dissentient
- dissident
- dissonant
- divergent
- dress
- eagle
- ex
- excitable
- exing
- faultfinding
- feisty
- field
- fractious
- furious
- grating
- grave
- grouchy
- grumpy
- half-bred
- half-breed
- hand
- hostile
- huffish
- huffy
- hybrid
- immiscible
- incensed
- incompatible
- indignant
- inharmonious
- inimical
- interbred
- intersecting
- irascible
- irate
- ireful
- irritable
- irritated
- jangling
- jarring
- lion
- livery
- livid
- mad
- maiden
- mark
- mean
- meet
- memorial
- metal
- moody
- negative
- oblique
- obstinate
- opponent
- opposed
- opposing
- opposite
- oppositive
- or
- ordinary
- ornery
- over
- pale
- pass
- pean
- peevish
- perverse
- pettish
- petulant
- pissed
- ply
- pressure
- prize
- querulous
- quick-tempered
- ratty
- recalcitrant
- refractory
- repugnant
- ribbon
- ring
- rose
- row
- run
- sable
- scotch
- seal
- shirty
- short-tempered
- sideways
- snappish
- sore
- span
- spiteful
- splenetic
- split
- staff
- stick
- stone
- surly
- testimonial
- testy
- tetchy
- tie
- tomb
- touchy
- transversal
- transverse
- trial
- ugly
- uncongenial
- uncooperative
- unfavorable
- unfriendly
- unharmonious
- uniform
- unpropitious
- upset
- variant
- vert
- vexed
- waspish
- weight
- wrathful
- wroth
- x-shaped
Not she with trait'rous kiss her Saviour stung,
Not she denied him with unholy tongue;
She, while apostles shrank, could danger brave,
Last at his cross and earliest at his grave.
The moon of Mahomet
Arose, and it shall set;
While, blazoned as on heaven's immortal noon,
The cross leads generations on.
In those holy fields
Over whose acres walked those blessed feet
Which fourteen hundred years ago were nail'd
For our advantage on the bitter cross.
On her white breast a sparkling cross she wore
Which Jews might kiss, and infidels adore.