sore (n.)
- abrasion
- abscess
- ache
- aching
- acid
- acute
- ague
- algesia
- anemia
- ankylosis
- anoxia
- apnea
- asphyxiation
- asthma
- ataxia
- atrophy
- backache
- belligerent
- bitter
- blain
- bleb
- bleeding
- blemish
- blister
- blow
- boil
- break
- bruise
- bubo
- bulla
- bunion
- burn
- burning
- cachexia
- cachexy
- canker
- carbuncle
- caustic
- chafe
- chancre
- chancroid
- check
- chilblain
- chill
- chip
- colic
- concussion
- constipation
- convulsion
- coughing
- crack
- crackle
- cramp
- craze
- cross
- cut
- cyanosis
- damage
- danger
- depressive
- desperate
- diarrhea
- difficulty
- distress
- dizziness
- dolor
- dropsy
- dysentery
- dyspepsia
- dyspnea
- edema
- emaciation
- eschar
- extreme
- fatigue
- felon
- fester
- festering
- fever
- fibrillation
- fistula
- flux
- fracture
- fray
- frazzle
- furuncle
- gall
- gash
- gathering
- grief
- growth
- gumboil
- heavy
- hemorrhage
- hostile
- hurt
- hurting
- hydrops
- hypertension
- hypotension
- icterus
- incision
- indigestion
- infection
- inflammation
- injury
- insomnia
- irate
- irritation
- itching
- jaundice
- kibe
- laceration
- lesion
- lumbago
- mad
- marasmus
- mutilation
- nausea
- necrosis
- pain
- pang
- papule
- paralysis
- paronychia
- passion
- pathetic
- petechia
- piles
- pimple
- pock
- polyp
- pressing
- pruritus
- puncture
- pustule
- rash
- raw
- rawness
- red
- rent
- rheum
- rip
- rising
- run
- rupture
- sad
- scab
- scald
- sclerosis
- scorch
- scrape
- scratch
- scuff
- seizure
- sensitive
- sensitiveness
- sharp
- shock
- slash
- smarting
- sneezing
- soreness
- spasm
- stab
- stewing
- stigma
- stinging
- stress
- stroke
- sty
- suffering
- suppuration
- swelling
- tabes
- tachycardia
- tear
- tender
- tenderness
- throes
- tingling
- touching
- trauma
- trouble
- tubercle
- tumor
- ulcer
- ulceration
- upset
- urgent
- vertigo
- vomiting
- wale
- wasting
- welt
- wheal
- whelk
- whitlow
- wound
- wrench
sore (adj.)
- acerb
- acerbic
- aching
- acid
- acidic
- acidulent
- acidulous
- acrid
- acrimonious
- acute
- affecting
- afflictive
- agonizing
- ague
- algetic
- angered
- angry
- annoyed
- antagonistic
- antipathetic
- awkward
- belligerent
- bitter
- bleak
- blow
- burdensome
- burn
- burning
- caustic
- chafed
- cheerless
- chip
- choleric
- clashing
- colic
- comfortless
- conflicting
- crack
- crackle
- critical
- cross
- cut
- delicate
- deplorable
- depressing
- depressive
- desperate
- despiteful
- dire
- dismal
- dismaying
- distressful
- distressing
- dolorous
- dreary
- embarrassing
- extreme
- fierce
- fiery
- galled
- gathering
- grievous
- harrowing
- hateful
- heavy
- hostile
- hurt
- hurtful
- incensed
- indignant
- inflamed
- irate
- ireful
- irritated
- itching
- joyless
- lamentable
- livid
- mad
- malevolent
- malicious
- malignant
- mournful
- moving
- onerous
- oppressive
- painful
- pathetic
- peeved
- pissed
- piteous
- pitiable
- poignant
- pressing
- prickly
- quarrelsome
- rancorous
- rash
- raw
- red
- regrettable
- rent
- repugnant
- resentful
- rip
- rising
- rueful
- run
- sad
- sensitive
- serious
- severe
- sharp
- sorrowful
- spiteful
- splenetic
- stinging
- sty
- suffering
- tender
- thorny
- ticklish
- tingling
- touching
- touchy
- troublesome
- tumor
- uncomfortable
- upset
- urgent
- venomous
- vexed
- virulent
- vitriolic
- woebegone
- woeful
- wound
- wrathful
- wretched
- wroth
Methought I heard a voice cry, "Sleep no more!
Macbeth does murder sleep!" the innocent sleep,
Sleep that knits up the ravell'd sleave of care,
The death of each day's life, sore labour's bath,
Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,
Chief nourisher in life's feast.
The wise man sayth, store is no sore.
You cannot eat your cake and have your cake; and store's no sore.