break (n.)
- abeyance
- about-face
- abrasion
- abysm
- abyss
- accommodation
- adaptation
- adjustment
- alienation
- alter
- alteration
- amelioration
- apostasy
- apprentice
- arroyo
- bankrupt
- bark
- beat
- bed
- begin
- bend
- betterment
- billow
- blemish
- blessing
- blooper
- blow
- boner
- boo-boo
- boot
- bounce
- breach
- break
- breakage
- breakout
- breath
- breather
- breed
- bridle
- brush
- bully
- bump
- bunk
- burn
- burst
- bust
- caesura
- can
- cant
- canyon
- cashier
- cast
- castrate
- casualness
- cave
- cavity
- cease
- cease-fire
- cessation
- chafe
- chance
- change
- changeableness
- chap
- chasm
- check
- checker
- chimney
- chink
- chip
- chop
- cipher
- circuit
- clash
- claw
- cleavage
- cleft
- col
- collapse
- comb
- concussion
- condition
- conflict
- continuity
- conversion
- counter
- cow
- crack
- crackle
- cranny
- crash
- craze
- crevasse
- crevice
- cripple
- crush
- cure
- curry
- currycomb
- cut
- cwm
- dash
- daunt
- dawn
- decline
- defalcation
- defeat
- defect
- defection
- deficiency
- deficit
- defile
- deflation
- degenerate
- degeneration
- deliverance
- delivery
- dell
- dement
- demerit
- depreciation
- destiny
- deterioration
- devaluation
- deviate
- deviation
- difference
- dike
- disaffection
- discipline
- discontinuation
- discontinuity
- disfavor
- disregard
- disruption
- dissent
- dissolve
- disunion
- disunity
- ditch
- dive
- divergence
- diversification
- diversion
- diversity
- divide
- division
- downgrade
- downtime
- draw
- drill
- droop
- drop
- emergence
- end
- escape
- escapism
- estrangement
- evasion
- evert
- excavation
- exercise
- exhaust
- extrication
- fade
- faint
- fall
- fate
- fault
- feed
- fell
- fire
- fissure
- fit
- fitting
- fix
- flag
- flaw
- flight
- flip-flop
- flop
- fluke
- flume
- fly
- fodder
- foil
- fold
- form
- fortuitousness
- fortuity
- fortune
- foster
- found
- fracture
- fragment
- fray
- frazzle
- freeing
- fret
- furlough
- furrow
- gaffe
- gall
- gamble
- gap
- gape
- gash
- gentle
- getaway
- go
- gorge
- grind
- groom
- groove
- gulch
- gulf
- gully
- halt
- handle
- hap
- happenstance
- harness
- heave
- hesitation
- hiatus
- hitch
- hole
- holiday
- hurt
- ignore
- impropriety
- improvement
- incision
- indecorum
- indeterminacy
- indeterminateness
- initiate
- injury
- interim
- interlude
- intermezzo
- intermission
- intermittence
- interregnum
- interrupt
- interruption
- interval
- irregularity
- issuance
- issue
- jailbreak
- jangle
- jar
- jibe
- joint
- jostle
- kick
- laceration
- lack
- lacuna
- lapse
- layoff
- leak
- leakage
- leave
- leg
- lesion
- letup
- liberation
- lift
- light
- litter
- loop
- lot
- lower
- lowering
- luck
- lull
- master
- maul
- melioration
- microcircuit
- milk
- mismatch
- mitigation
- moat
- modification
- modulation
- mutilation
- need
- notch
- nullah
- nurse
- nurture
- object
- occasion
- omission
- open
- opening
- opportunity
- orient
- oust
- out
- outage
- outlet
- override
- overthrow
- pare
- parenthesis
- pass
- passage
- path
- pauper
- pause
- peak
- pension
- pierce
- pine
- plateau
- plummet
- plunge
- ply
- practice
- prisonbreak
- probability
- puncture
- purge
- qualification
- raise
- ravine
- re-creation
- ready
- rear
- recess
- reduction
- reform
- reformation
- release
- relief
- remaking
- remission
- remove
- rend
- renewal
- rent
- replace
- rescue
- resolve
- respite
- rest
- reversal
- revival
- revivification
- revolution
- riddance
- rift
- rime
- rip
- rise
- risk
- rive
- rob
- roll
- ruin
- run
- rupture
- sack
- saddle
- sag
- savage
- scald
- scale
- scape
- scatter
- schism
- scissure
- scorch
- scotch
- scrape
- scratch
- scuff
- scuttle
- seam
- season
- send
- separation
- serendipity
- shard
- shave
- shift
- shiver
- short
- shortage
- shot
- show
- sink
- skin
- slash
- slew
- slice
- slit
- slot
- slump
- smash
- snap
- solecism
- sore
- spell
- splinter
- split
- sprain
- spread
- squeak
- stab
- stand-down
- start
- stay
- stick
- stop
- strain
- strip
- surcease
- surge
- surplus
- suspension
- swell
- swerve
- switch
- tack
- tame
- tear
- tell
- ten
- tend
- time
- toss
- train
- transition
- trauma
- trench
- trespass
- trim
- truce
- turn
- turnabout
- ullage
- uncertainty
- unevenness
- unman
- upheaval
- vacation
- valley
- variation
- variety
- vary
- vent
- void
- wadi
- want
- warp
- water
- wave
- wean
- wear
- wilt
- wind
- wont
- worsening
- wound
- wrench
- yaw
- yield
- yoke
break (v.)
- about-face
- abrade
- abscond
- acclimate
- acclimatize
- accommodate
- accustom
- adapt
- adjust
- alter
- ameliorate
- announce
- appear
- apprentice
- bankrupt
- bark
- beat
- bed
- befall
- begin
- bend
- betide
- billow
- blemish
- bloody
- blow
- boot
- bounce
- breach
- break
- breath
- breathe
- breather
- breed
- bridle
- brighten
- browbeat
- brush
- bulldoze
- bully
- bump
- bunk
- burglarize
- burgle
- burn
- burst
- bust
- can
- cant
- cashier
- cast
- castrate
- cave
- cease
- chafe
- chance
- change
- chap
- cheapen
- check
- checker
- chink
- chip
- chop
- cipher
- circuit
- circulate
- clash
- claw
- cleave
- coerce
- collapse
- collide
- comb
- commence
- comminute
- communicate
- compel
- condition
- confirm
- conflict
- confound
- confute
- conquer
- contradict
- contravene
- controvert
- convey
- counter
- cow
- crack
- crackle
- crash
- craze
- cripple
- crumble
- crumple
- crush
- cultivate
- cure
- curry
- currycomb
- cut
- dash
- daunt
- dawn
- debilitate
- decamp
- decipher
- decline
- decompose
- deconsecrate
- decrypt
- defeat
- defect
- defile
- deflate
- defrock
- defy
- degenerate
- degrade
- demolish
- demoralize
- demote
- depart
- deplume
- depose
- depreciate
- deprive
- destroy
- detach
- deteriorate
- dethrone
- devaluate
- develop
- deviate
- differ
- dike
- disaccord
- disagree
- disarrange
- disavow
- disband
- disbar
- discipline
- disclose
- discontinue
- discourage
- disengage
- disfavor
- disintegrate
- disjoin
- dismiss
- disobey
- disperse
- displace
- displume
- disregard
- disrupt
- dissent
- dissolve
- disturb
- ditch
- dive
- diverge
- diversify
- divide
- divulge
- domesticate
- domesticize
- domineer
- downgrade
- draw
- drench
- drill
- droop
- drop
- educate
- emerge
- end
- enslave
- erupt
- escape
- establish
- evert
- excommunicate
- exercise
- exfoliate
- exhaust
- expel
- explode
- fade
- fail
- faint
- fall
- familiarize
- fate
- fault
- feed
- fell
- fire
- fissure
- fit
- fix
- flag
- flatten
- flaw
- flee
- flight
- flip-flop
- flop
- flout
- fly
- fodder
- foil
- fold
- form
- foster
- found
- fracture
- fragment
- fray
- frazzle
- fret
- frustrate
- furlough
- furrow
- gall
- gamble
- gap
- gape
- gash
- gentle
- go
- gorge
- grind
- groom
- groove
- gulf
- gybe
- habituate
- halt
- handle
- hap
- harden
- harness
- heave
- hitch
- hole
- holiday
- house-train
- housebreak
- humble
- humiliate
- hurt
- ignore
- impart
- impoverish
- improve
- inaugurate
- incise
- infract
- infringe
- initiate
- injure
- innovate
- interfere
- interject
- interlude
- intermit
- interpose
- interrupt
- intervene
- intimidate
- intrude
- inure
- issue
- jangle
- jar
- jibe
- joint
- jostle
- kick
- lacerate
- lack
- languish
- lapse
- leak
- leave
- leg
- lift
- light
- lighten
- liquidate
- litter
- loop
- lot
- lower
- luck
- lull
- maim
- manage
- master
- maul
- meliorate
- milk
- mismatch
- mismate
- mitigate
- modulate
- mutate
- mutilate
- naturalize
- need
- negate
- notch
- nurse
- nurture
- object
- occasion
- occur
- offend
- open
- oppress
- orient
- orientate
- oust
- out
- overawe
- overbear
- overcome
- overmaster
- override
- overthrow
- overwhelm
- pare
- pass
- pauperize
- pause
- peak
- penetrate
- pension
- pierce
- pine
- plummet
- plunge
- ply
- practice
- prepare
- prostrate
- puncture
- purge
- quell
- raise
- ready
- rear
- rebut
- recess
- redesign
- reduce
- reform
- refute
- rehearse
- relax
- release
- remove
- rend
- renounce
- rent
- replace
- repress
- repudiate
- rescue
- resolve
- respite
- rest
- retire
- reveal
- reversal
- revive
- rift
- rime
- rip
- rise
- risk
- rive
- rob
- roll
- ruin
- run
- rupture
- sack
- saddle
- sag
- savage
- scald
- scale
- scape
- scatter
- scend
- scorch
- scotch
- scrape
- scratch
- scuff
- scuttle
- seam
- season
- send
- sever
- shatter
- shave
- sheer
- shift
- shiver
- short
- show
- sink
- skin
- slash
- slew
- slice
- slit
- slot
- slump
- smash
- snap
- spell
- splinter
- split
- sprain
- spread
- squeak
- stab
- start
- stay
- stick
- stop
- strain
- strip
- subdue
- subjugate
- superannuate
- suppress
- surge
- suspend
- swell
- swerve
- switch
- tack
- tame
- tear
- tell
- ten
- tend
- terrorize
- time
- toss
- train
- transgress
- transition
- transmit
- transpire
- traumatize
- trench
- trespass
- trim
- turn
- tyrannize
- unchurch
- undermine
- undulate
- unfold
- unfrock
- unman
- unravel
- unsaddle
- unseat
- vacation
- vanquish
- vary
- veer
- vent
- violate
- void
- want
- warp
- water
- wave
- weaken
- wean
- wear
- weary
- wilt
- wind
- worsen
- wound
- wrench
- yaw
- yield
- yoke
Better is to bow then breake.
And be these juggling fiends no more believ'd,
That palter with us in a double sense:
That keep the word of promise to our ear
And break it to our hope.
Take, O, take those lips away,
That so sweetly were forsworn;
And those eyes, the break of day,
Lights that do mislead the morn:
But my kisses bring again, bring again;
Seals of love, but sealed in vain, sealed in vain.
Oh why should the spirit of mortal be proud?
Like a fast-flitting meteor, a fast-flying cloud,
A flash of the lightning, a break of the wave,
He passes from life to his rest in the grave.