lower (n.)
- abase
- abash
- approach
- bludgeon
- bode
- bore
- break
- brew
- bump
- burrow
- bust
- cave
- clip
- color
- common
- compress
- couch
- countersink
- croak
- crop
- crush
- cut
- damp
- dash
- decline
- decrease
- dig
- dike
- dim
- discount
- discredit
- disgrace
- dive
- down
- downgrade
- dredge
- drill
- drive
- droop
- drop
- dump
- dusk
- face
- fall
- flop
- flush
- founder
- frown
- furrow
- gather
- glare
- gloam
- gloom
- gloominess
- glower
- gnarl
- gouge
- grimace
- groove
- growl
- grub
- hover
- indent
- inferior
- junior
- lapse
- less
- loom
- low
- lowering
- mantle
- mark
- menace
- mine
- minor
- minuscule
- moderate
- moue
- mow
- ordinary
- overhang
- pare
- peer
- plop
- plummet
- plump
- plunge
- pout
- quarry
- sag
- sap
- scoop
- scowl
- scrabble
- scrape
- scratch
- secondary
- set
- settle
- shame
- shave
- shorn
- shovel
- sink
- slash
- slouch
- slump
- small
- snap
- snarl
- somberness
- spade
- spit
- stare
- stoop
- sub
- subaltern
- subject
- subordinate
- swag
- trench
- trim
- trough
- tunnel
- under
lower (v.)
- abase
- abash
- abridge
- apprehend
- approach
- await
- belittle
- bludgeon
- bode
- bore
- break
- brew
- bulldoze
- bump
- burrow
- bust
- cave
- cheapen
- clip
- color
- comminate
- compress
- condescend
- confront
- couch
- countersink
- croak
- crop
- crush
- curtail
- cut
- damp
- dampen
- darken
- dash
- de-escalate
- debase
- decline
- decrease
- decry
- deduct
- deepen
- deflate
- degrade
- deign
- deject
- delve
- demean
- demote
- denounce
- deplume
- depreciate
- depress
- descend
- devaluate
- devalue
- dig
- dike
- dim
- diminish
- discount
- discourage
- discredit
- disgrace
- dishearten
- dispirit
- displume
- dive
- down
- downgrade
- dredge
- drill
- drive
- droop
- drop
- dump
- dusk
- excavate
- face
- fall
- flop
- flump
- flush
- forebode
- forewarn
- founder
- frown
- furrow
- gather
- glare
- glower
- gnarl
- gouge
- grimace
- groove
- growl
- grub
- hover
- humble
- humiliate
- impend
- indent
- intimidate
- lapse
- less
- lessen
- loom
- low
- mantle
- mark
- menace
- mine
- minor
- moderate
- modulate
- mow
- near
- oppress
- overhang
- pare
- peer
- plop
- plummet
- plump
- plunge
- portend
- pout
- quarry
- quieten
- redden
- reduce
- retrench
- sadden
- sag
- sap
- scoop
- scowl
- scrabble
- scrape
- scratch
- set
- settle
- shame
- shave
- shorten
- shovel
- simplify
- sink
- slash
- slouch
- slump
- snap
- snarl
- soften
- spade
- spit
- stare
- stoop
- sub
- subject
- submerge
- subordinate
- subside
- swag
- threaten
- trench
- trim
- tunnel
- under
- undervalue
- warn
lower (adv.)
I am not now in fortune's power:
He that is down can fall no lower.
From lower to the higher next,
Not to the top, is Nature's text;
And embryo Good, to reach full stature,
Absorbs the Evil in its nature.