plump (n.)
- ample
- back
- ballot
- bang
- bump
- burly
- canvass
- cast
- cave
- chink
- chuck
- clap
- click
- clink
- clop
- clump
- clunk
- collapse
- cushion
- dash
- decline
- deposit
- dive
- divide
- droop
- drop
- ease
- fall
- fat
- flick
- fling
- flop
- fluff
- flush
- founder
- full
- gentle
- gross
- hippy
- hurl
- lapse
- limber
- lower
- mash
- massage
- overweight
- pad
- parachute
- pat
- patter
- pitch
- pitter-patter
- plain
- plank
- plop
- plumb
- plummet
- plunge
- plunk
- poll
- pop
- pounce
- pulp
- rap
- right
- roly-poly
- round
- roundabout
- sag
- set
- settle
- sharp
- simple
- sink
- skin-dive
- slap
- slouch
- slump
- smack
- smash
- sound
- square
- squash
- squat
- stalwart
- stoop
- stout
- straight
- support
- swag
- swoop
- tap
- throw
- thrust
- thud
- thump
- tick
- tinkle
- toss
- vote
plump (v.)
- ample
- back
- ballot
- bang
- blunt
- bump
- canvass
- cast
- cave
- chink
- choose
- chuck
- clap
- click
- clink
- clop
- clump
- clunk
- collapse
- crump
- cushion
- dash
- decline
- deposit
- direct
- dive
- divide
- droop
- drop
- ease
- engross
- fall
- fat
- fatten
- flick
- fling
- flop
- fluff
- flump
- flush
- founder
- full
- gentle
- gross
- hurl
- knead
- lapse
- limber
- loosen
- lower
- mash
- massage
- mellow
- mollify
- pad
- parachute
- pat
- patter
- pitch
- pitter-patter
- plain
- plank
- plop
- plumb
- plummet
- plunge
- plunk
- poll
- pop
- pounce
- pulp
- rap
- relax
- right
- round
- sag
- select
- set
- settle
- sharp
- sink
- skin-dive
- slap
- slouch
- slump
- smack
- smash
- soften
- sound
- spang
- square
- squash
- squat
- stoop
- subdue
- submerge
- subside
- supple
- support
- swag
- swoop
- tap
- tenderize
- throw
- thrust
- thud
- thump
- tick
- tinkle
- toss
- vote
plump (adv.)
- abruptly
- ample
- back
- bang
- dash
- direct
- directly
- downright
- ease
- exactly
- flop
- flush
- forthright
- full
- hastily
- impetuously
- impulsively
- lower
- mash
- mellow
- pat
- patter
- pitter-patter
- plain
- plop
- plumb
- plunk
- point-blank
- pop
- precipitately
- precipitously
- precisely
- right
- round
- sharp
- slap
- smack
- smash
- square
- squarely
- startlingly
- straight
- sudden
- suddenly
- surprisingly
- unawares
- unexpectedly
plump (adj.)
- adipose
- ample
- back
- bang
- beamy
- beefy
- big-bellied
- blowzy
- blunt
- bosomy
- brawny
- burly
- busty
- buxom
- cast
- cave
- chubby
- chunky
- corpulent
- dash
- definite
- definitive
- direct
- dive
- downright
- dumpy
- ease
- fat
- fattish
- fleshy
- fling
- flush
- forthright
- full
- full-bodied
- gentle
- gross
- heavyset
- hefty
- hippy
- imposing
- limber
- lusty
- matter-of-fact
- meaty
- mellow
- obese
- overweight
- pat
- paunchy
- plain
- plumb
- podgy
- point-blank
- pop
- portly
- potbellied
- pudgy
- puffy
- pursy
- right
- roly-poly
- rotund
- round
- roundabout
- select
- set
- sharp
- simple
- sound
- square
- squat
- squatty
- stalwart
- stocky
- stout
- straight
- strapping
- sudden
- supple
- support
- swollen
- tap
- thick-bodied
- thickset
- tick
- top-heavy
- tubby
- unambiguous
- unequivocal
- unmistakable
- well-fed
Banish plump Jack, and banish all the world.