back (n.)
- abandon
- abet
- advance
- advocate
- aft
- after
- afterpiece
- ago
- aid
- alpenstock
- alveolar
- alveolus
- angel
- ante
- apex
- arena
- arm
- around
- ascender
- ascending
- aside
- assist
- astern
- away
- backbone
- backdrop
- background
- backing
- backside
- backstop
- backward
- backwater
- backwoods
- bandeau
- bankroll
- bankrupt
- barytone
- bear
- beard
- bearer
- behind
- belly
- bet
- bevel
- bibliography
- bilabial
- blade
- board
- body
- bolster
- bond
- boost
- bra
- brace
- bracer
- bracket
- brassiere
- break
- breech
- broad
- budge
- buttress
- by
- call
- cane
- cap
- capital
- carrier
- carry
- case
- catchword
- central
- cervix
- champion
- change
- chasing
- circle
- climb
- close
- colophon
- consonant
- contents
- continuant
- corset
- counter
- countermarch
- cover
- cradle
- crook
- crush
- crutch
- cushion
- dedication
- defeat
- dental
- descender
- disregard
- distance
- document
- dorsum
- drifting
- due
- early
- ebb
- elect
- em
- en
- ensure
- errata
- extremity
- face
- fade
- feet
- field
- finance
- flat
- flow
- flowing
- fluent
- flying
- flyleaf
- folio
- following
- font
- foreword
- fro
- front
- frontier
- fulcrum
- fund
- gamble
- girdle
- glide
- glossal
- go
- going
- groove
- ground
- grubstake
- guarantee
- guaranty
- guttural
- guy
- hard
- hazard
- head
- heavy
- heel
- help
- high
- hind
- hinterland
- hold
- hype
- ignore
- imprint
- index
- inscription
- introduction
- italic
- jock
- jockstrap
- labial
- labiodental
- larynx
- late
- lateral
- lax
- lay
- leaf
- letter
- ligature
- light
- lingual
- lips
- liquid
- locale
- logotype
- loin
- low
- mainstay
- maintainer
- majuscule
- makeup
- mast
- master
- mature
- mid
- minuscule
- mount
- mounting
- move
- narrow
- nasal
- neck
- nick
- occiput
- occlusive
- open
- outback
- owing
- oxytone
- page
- palatal
- palate
- parlay
- pass
- passing
- payable
- pharyngeal
- pharynx
- pi
- pica
- pillow
- pitch
- plug
- plunge
- point
- posterior
- postern
- preface
- primitive
- probate
- progress
- progressive
- prop
- puff
- punt
- rachis
- raw
- rear
- rearward
- receivable
- recto
- reflex
- regress
- reinforcement
- reinforcer
- reject
- remote
- renege
- rest
- retarded
- retreat
- retrospective
- reverse
- ridge
- rigging
- rise
- rising
- roman
- rotary
- rough
- round
- ruin
- run
- running
- rushing
- scene
- script
- second
- see
- semivowel
- service
- setting
- shank
- shift
- shore
- shoulder
- shroud
- sign
- signature
- sink
- sinking
- slow
- soar
- soaring
- sonant
- spin
- spine
- sponsor
- sprit
- staff
- stage
- stake
- stamp
- stave
- stay
- stem
- stern
- stick
- stiffener
- stir
- stream
- streaming
- strengthener
- strong
- subtitle
- subvention
- support
- supporter
- surd
- sustainer
- sylvan
- syrinx
- tail
- tailpiece
- tardy
- teeth
- tense
- text
- theater
- thick
- tip
- title
- tongue
- tonic
- tout
- trail
- travel
- type
- typeface
- unready
- upholder
- upkeep
- velar
- velum
- verso
- vertebrae
- virgin
- vote
- vowel
- wager
- wane
- warrant
- waste
- weak
- whirl
- wild
- wilderness
- woodland
back (v.)
- abandon
- abet
- advance
- advocate
- affirm
- aft
- after
- again
- aid
- ante
- arm
- around
- ascend
- aside
- assist
- assure
- attest
- authenticate
- away
- background
- backpedal
- backstop
- backtrack
- backward
- backwards
- bankroll
- bankrupt
- bear
- beard
- behind
- belly
- bestride
- bet
- bevel
- blade
- board
- body
- bolster
- bond
- boost
- brace
- bracket
- break
- budge
- buttress
- by
- call
- cane
- cap
- capitalize
- carry
- case
- certify
- champion
- change
- circle
- circumstantiate
- climb
- close
- commend
- confirm
- corroborate
- corset
- counter
- countermarch
- cover
- cradle
- crook
- crush
- cushion
- defeat
- deny
- descend
- destroy
- disavow
- disown
- disregard
- distance
- document
- due
- ebb
- elect
- em
- en
- encourage
- endorse
- ensure
- face
- fade
- fail
- feet
- field
- finance
- flat
- flow
- follow
- forsake
- fortify
- front
- fund
- gamble
- girdle
- glide
- go
- going
- groove
- ground
- grubstake
- guarantee
- guy
- gyrate
- hard
- hazard
- head
- heel
- help
- high
- hind
- hinder
- hold
- hype
- ignore
- imprint
- index
- insure
- late
- lax
- lay
- leaf
- letter
- light
- loin
- low
- maintain
- master
- mature
- mid
- mount
- move
- narrow
- neck
- nick
- nominate
- open
- overcome
- page
- parlay
- pass
- patronize
- pillow
- pitch
- plug
- plunge
- point
- preface
- probate
- progress
- promote
- prop
- prove
- puff
- punt
- ratify
- raw
- rear
- recommend
- refinance
- regress
- reinforce
- reject
- renege
- repudiate
- rest
- retract
- retreat
- retroflex
- retrograde
- retrogress
- reverse
- revert
- ridge
- rigidify
- rise
- rotate
- rough
- round
- ruin
- run
- scene
- script
- second
- secure
- see
- service
- shank
- shift
- shore
- shoulder
- shroud
- sign
- sink
- slow
- soar
- spin
- sponsor
- staff
- stage
- stake
- stamp
- stave
- stay
- stem
- stick
- stiffen
- stir
- stream
- strengthen
- subside
- subsidize
- substantiate
- subtitle
- subvention
- support
- sustain
- tail
- teeth
- tense
- tighten
- tip
- title
- tongue
- tout
- trail
- travel
- type
- undergird
- underlie
- underpin
- undersign
- underwrite
- uphold
- validate
- vanquish
- verify
- vote
- wager
- wane
- warrant
- waste
- weak
- whirl
back (adv.)
- advance
- aft
- after
- again
- ago
- aid
- ante
- anticlockwise
- arm
- around
- aside
- astern
- away
- backward
- backwards
- behind
- behindhand
- bet
- board
- broad
- by
- case
- close
- counter
- counterclockwise
- crook
- deceitfully
- downward
- due
- early
- em
- en
- face
- field
- flat
- fro
- front
- furtively
- go
- ground
- guy
- hard
- hazard
- head
- heavy
- high
- hind
- hindhand
- insidiously
- late
- leaf
- letter
- light
- low
- neck
- passing
- phonemic
- privately
- rearward
- rearwards
- reminiscently
- rest
- retroactively
- retrospectively
- rough
- round
- second
- secretly
- shore
- shoulder
- sideward
- sign
- since
- slow
- slyly
- sneakily
- soft
- stage
- stake
- stern
- stream
- surreptitiously
- tail
- thick
- treacherously
- untimely
- up-country
- upward
- wide
- wild
back (adj.)
- accented
- advance
- aft
- after
- aftermost
- again
- ago
- aid
- alveolar
- ante
- anticlockwise
- apical
- arm
- around
- articulated
- ascending
- aside
- astern
- away
- axial
- backward
- bankrupt
- behind
- behindhand
- belated
- bilabial
- blocked
- board
- bond
- broad
- by
- cacuminal
- cane
- cap
- capital
- carry
- case
- central
- cerebral
- champion
- change
- checked
- close
- consonant
- consonantal
- continuant
- counter
- counterclockwise
- cover
- delayed
- dental
- descending
- distance
- distant
- dorsal
- downward
- drifting
- due
- early
- elect
- em
- en
- face
- field
- flat
- flowing
- fluent
- flying
- following
- front
- glossal
- glottal
- go
- going
- ground
- guttural
- guy
- hard
- hazard
- head
- heavy
- heel
- helpless
- high
- hind
- hinder
- hindermost
- hindhand
- hindmost
- isolated
- italic
- jammed
- labial
- late
- lateral
- latish
- lax
- lay
- leaf
- letter
- light
- lingual
- liquid
- low
- majuscule
- master
- mature
- mid
- minuscule
- mount
- muted
- narrow
- nasal
- neck
- obstructed
- occlusive
- open
- outback
- outlandish
- outlying
- outstanding
- overdue
- owed
- owing
- page
- palatal
- palatalized
- pass
- passing
- payable
- pharyngeal
- phonemic
- phonetic
- phonic
- pitched
- point
- posterior
- primitive
- probate
- progressive
- puff
- pursuing
- raw
- rear
- rearmost
- rearward
- receivable
- redeemable
- reflex
- regressive
- remote
- rest
- retarded
- retral
- retroactive
- retroflex
- retrograde
- retrogressive
- retrospective
- reverse
- reversed
- rise
- rising
- roman
- rotary
- rotational
- rotatory
- rough
- round
- rounded
- run
- running
- rushing
- scene
- script
- second
- secure
- see
- service
- setting
- shift
- shore
- shoulder
- sign
- slow
- soaring
- soft
- sonant
- staff
- stage
- stern
- stick
- stir
- stopped
- stream
- streaming
- stressed
- strong
- support
- surd
- syllabic
- sylvan
- tail
- tardy
- tense
- thick
- throaty
- tonal
- tonic
- tout
- unaccented
- uncivilized
- uncultivated
- undeveloped
- uninhabited
- unoccupied
- unpaid
- unpopulated
- unpunctual
- unready
- unsettled
- unstressed
- untimely
- upward
- velar
- virgin
- vocalic
- voiced
- voiceless
- vowellike
- waste
- weak
- wide
- wild
Back and side go bare, go bare,
Both foot and hand go cold;
But, belly, God send thee good ale enough,
Whether it be new or old.
Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! my gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft. Where be your gibes now; your gambols, your songs? your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one now, to mock your own grinning? Quite chap-fallen? Now get you to my lady's chamber, and tell her, let her paint an inch thick, to this favour she must come.
O, call back yesterday, bid time return!
Blow, wind! come, wrack!
At least we 'll die with harness on our back.
What is got over the Devil's back is spent under the belly.
To treat a poor wretch with a bottle of Burgundy, and fill his snuff-box, is like giving a pair of laced ruffles to a man that has never a shirt on his back.
Revenge, at first though sweet,
Bitter ere long back on itself recoils.
Isocrates was in the right to insinuate, in his elegant Greek expression, that what is got over the Devil's back is spent under his belly.
I fled, and cry'd out, Death!
Hell trembled at the hideous name, and sigh'd
From all her caves, and back resounded, Death!
Revolutions never go backward.
Saint George, that swinged the dragon, and e'er since
Sits on his horse back at mine hostess' door.
For most men (till by losing rendered sager)
Will back their own opinions by a wager.
The man that hails you Tom or Jack,
And proves, by thumping on your back,
His sense of your great merit,
Is such a friend that one had need
Be very much his friend indeed
To pardon or to bear it.
And friend received with thumps upon the back.
Shall victor exult, or in death be laid low,
With his back to the field and his feet to the foe,
And leaving in battle no blot on his name,
Look proudly to heaven from the death-bed of fame.
Back to thy punishment,
False fugitive, and to thy speed add wings.