bond (n.)
- accord
- actuary
- addition
- adherence
- adhesion
- adhesive
- adjunct
- affairs
- affiliation
- affinity
- affixation
- agglomeration
- agglutination
- aggregation
- agreement
- allegiance
- alliance
- amass
- annexation
- annuity
- approximation
- arrangement
- articulate
- articulation
- assemblage
- associate
- association
- assurance
- attachment
- back
- bail
- band
- bargain
- bind
- binding
- bracket
- bridge
- bridle
- camisole
- cartel
- cement
- chain
- chains
- cling
- closeness
- clustering
- coherence
- cohesion
- collar
- collect
- combination
- combine
- communication
- compact
- concatenation
- concourse
- concurrence
- confluence
- congeries
- conglomeration
- conjugate
- conjugation
- conjunction
- connect
- connectedness
- connection
- connective
- consortium
- constancy
- contiguity
- contract
- contrariety
- convention
- convergence
- copulation
- cords
- couple
- coupling
- covenant
- cover
- cuffs
- deal
- dealings
- debenture
- deductible
- deduction
- deed
- deposit
- devotedness
- devotion
- disjunction
- earnest
- embrace
- engagement
- ensure
- escrow
- faith
- faithfulness
- fastener
- fastening
- fealty
- fetter
- fidelity
- filiation
- firmness
- gag
- gage
- gather
- gathering
- glue
- guarantee
- guaranty
- halter
- hamper
- hock
- homage
- homology
- hooking
- hookup
- hostage
- indemnity
- indent
- indenture
- insurance
- intercommunication
- intercourse
- interrelationship
- intimacy
- irons
- join
- joinder
- joining
- jointure
- junction
- knot
- lashing
- league
- leash
- liaison
- ligament
- ligation
- ligature
- link
- linkage
- linking
- loyalty
- manacle
- marriage
- marshal
- mass
- meeting
- merger
- merging
- mortgage
- muzzle
- nearness
- nexus
- pact
- paction
- pair
- pairing
- pawn
- pillory
- pledge
- policy
- post
- promise
- propinquity
- protocol
- proximity
- rapport
- recognizance
- relatedness
- relation
- relations
- relationship
- restraint
- security
- shackle
- sign
- similarity
- solder
- span
- specialty
- splice
- sponsor
- spout
- stake
- staunchness
- steadfastness
- stick
- sticking
- stipulation
- stocks
- straightjacket
- straitjacket
- stranglehold
- surety
- symbiosis
- sympathy
- tape
- tether
- tie
- tie-in
- tie-up
- ties
- trammel
- transaction
- treaty
- troth
- trueness
- understanding
- undertaking
- underwriter
- unification
- union
- unite
- warrant
- warranty
- weld
- yoke
bond (v.)
- accord
- accumulate
- agglutinate
- amass
- articulate
- assemble
- associate
- assure
- attest
- back
- bail
- band
- bargain
- bind
- bracket
- bridge
- bridle
- cement
- certify
- chain
- cling
- cohere
- collar
- collect
- combine
- compact
- comprise
- concatenate
- confirm
- conjoin
- conjugate
- connect
- contract
- copulate
- couple
- covenant
- cover
- deal
- deposit
- dicker
- embrace
- encompass
- endorse
- ensure
- fetter
- gag
- gage
- gather
- glue
- guarantee
- halter
- hamper
- hock
- hypothecate
- include
- indent
- indenture
- insure
- intercourse
- join
- knot
- league
- leash
- link
- manacle
- marry
- marshal
- mass
- merge
- mobilize
- mortgage
- muzzle
- pact
- pair
- pawn
- pillory
- pledge
- post
- promise
- secure
- shackle
- sign
- solder
- span
- splice
- sponsor
- spout
- stake
- stick
- tape
- tether
- tie
- trammel
- troth
- undersign
- underwrite
- unify
- unite
- warrant
- weld
- yoke
bond (adj.)
- adhesive
- adjunct
- agglutinate
- agreement
- articulate
- associate
- back
- band
- binding
- chain
- cling
- collar
- collect
- compact
- conjugate
- connective
- cover
- deal
- deductible
- earnest
- faith
- fidelity
- gage
- gathering
- interlinking
- lashing
- league
- linking
- mass
- meeting
- merging
- pact
- pairing
- post
- secure
- shackle
- sign
- span
- stick
- sticking
- tie
- understanding
- union
Is it so nominated in the bond?
I 'll make assurance double sure,
And take a bond of fate.
'T is not in the bond.
Immortal gods, I crave no pelf;
I pray for no man but myself;
Grant I may never prove so fond,
To trust man on his oath or bond.
An honest man's word is as good as his bond.