restraint (n.)
- abnegation
- absolutism
- abstinence
- aloofness
- aplomb
- appropriateness
- arrest
- assurance
- backwardness
- balance
- ban
- bashfulness
- blankness
- block
- blockage
- blocking
- bond
- bondage
- bounds
- bridle
- calm
- calmness
- camisole
- captivity
- censorship
- chains
- chasteness
- chastity
- check
- chilliness
- circumscription
- clarity
- classicalism
- classicism
- clearness
- closure
- coaction
- coldness
- collar
- comeliness
- composure
- compulsion
- compulsiveness
- confidence
- confinement
- conservatism
- constraint
- constriction
- continence
- control
- cool
- coolness
- correctness
- cramp
- cuffs
- curb
- curtailment
- delay
- delimitation
- detachment
- detainment
- detention
- dignity
- directness
- discipline
- discreetness
- discretion
- discrimination
- disenfranchisement
- disfranchisement
- dispassion
- distance
- distinction
- domination
- ease
- elegance
- embargo
- enforcement
- enslavement
- enthrallment
- equanimity
- equilibrium
- evenness
- felicitousness
- felicity
- fetter
- feudalism
- finish
- fittingness
- fixation
- flow
- fluency
- forbearance
- frigidity
- frostiness
- frugality
- gag
- gentleness
- grace
- gracefulness
- gracility
- halter
- hamper
- hindrance
- holdup
- iciness
- impartiality
- impassiveness
- impassivity
- impediment
- impoundment
- inaccessibility
- independence
- inevitability
- inhibition
- interdict
- interdiction
- interference
- interruption
- introversion
- irons
- irresistibility
- judiciousness
- leash
- lenity
- let
- limit
- limitation
- limpidity
- lockup
- lucidity
- manacle
- mildness
- moderateness
- moderation
- moderationism
- modesty
- muzzle
- naturalness
- neatness
- necessity
- negativism
- neutrality
- nonviolence
- obligation
- obstruction
- obstructionism
- occlusion
- opposition
- pacifism
- pellucidity
- penning
- peonage
- perspicuity
- pillory
- plainness
- poise
- polish
- possession
- propriety
- proscription
- prudence
- purity
- quietness
- refinement
- rein
- remoteness
- renouncement
- renunciation
- repose
- repression
- reserve
- resistance
- restriction
- retardation
- reticence
- retirement
- seemliness
- self-abnegation
- self-assurance
- self-command
- self-confidence
- self-control
- self-denial
- self-discipline
- self-government
- self-possession
- self-restraint
- serenity
- serfdom
- serfhood
- servility
- servitude
- setback
- shackle
- simplicity
- slavery
- smoothness
- soberness
- sobriety
- squeeze
- stability
- standoffishness
- steadiness
- stocks
- straightforwardness
- straightjacket
- straitjacket
- stranglehold
- stricture
- subduedness
- subjection
- subjugation
- suppression
- taboo
- taste
- tastefulness
- temperance
- temperateness
- terseness
- tether
- thrall
- thralldom
- trammel
- tranquillity
- tyranny
- unaffectedness
- unapproachability
- uncongeniality
- understatement
- unobtrusiveness
- vassalage
- withdrawal
- withdrawnness
- yoke
Liberty exists in proportion to wholesome restraint.
The work under our labour grows,
Luxurious by restraint.