obligation (n.)
- accountability
- affair
- agreement
- allegiance
- appreciation
- appreciativeness
- aptitude
- aptness
- attempt
- benefaction
- benefit
- benevolence
- benignity
- bill
- blessing
- bond
- borrowing
- burden
- business
- call
- catch
- cause
- chance
- charge
- clause
- coaction
- commitment
- committal
- compulsion
- compulsiveness
- condition
- constraint
- contingency
- contract
- courtesy
- covenant
- deal
- debt
- dedication
- deference
- demand
- devoir
- devotion
- due
- duress
- duty
- effort
- enforcement
- engagement
- enterprise
- ethics
- eventuality
- favor
- fealty
- given
- grace
- gratefulness
- gratitude
- grounds
- homage
- imperative
- indebtedness
- inevitability
- irresistibility
- joker
- kicker
- kindness
- liability
- liableness
- likelihood
- likeliness
- loyalty
- maturity
- mercy
- mission
- mitzvah
- must
- necessity
- need
- office
- onus
- operation
- ought
- parameter
- part
- place
- plan
- pledge
- possibility
- prerequisite
- probability
- program
- project
- promise
- proneness
- proposition
- provision
- provisions
- proviso
- recognizance
- requirement
- requisite
- respect
- responsibility
- restraint
- right
- score
- service
- specification
- stipulation
- string
- task
- terms
- thankfulness
- trust
- turn
- ultimatum
- understanding
- undertaking
- venture
- weakness
- work
Too great haste to repay an obligation is a kind of ingratitude.
As though there were a tie
And obligation to posterity.
We get them, bear them, breed, and nurse:
What has posterity done for us
That we, lest they their rights should lose,
Should trust our necks to gripe of noose?