charge (n.)
- accountability
- accusal
- accusation
- achievement
- action
- administration
- admission
- advowson
- agency
- aggression
- allegation
- allegement
- allegiance
- amount
- amperage
- anchorage
- annulet
- answerability
- application
- argent
- armory
- arms
- arraignment
- arrogation
- article
- ascription
- ask
- assail
- assault
- assessment
- assignation
- assignment
- attachment
- attack
- attribute
- attribution
- auspices
- authority
- authorization
- azure
- bail
- bale
- bandeau
- bang
- bar
- baton
- beef
- behest
- bellyful
- bend
- benefice
- bid
- bidding
- bill
- billet
- blame
- blast
- blazon
- blazonry
- blitz
- blitzkrieg
- boil
- bolt
- book
- boot
- borrowing
- breakthrough
- brevet
- brim
- brokerage
- budget
- bumper
- burden
- burthen
- business
- busywork
- canton
- capacity
- care
- carfare
- cargo
- carload
- cartload
- cathexis
- caution
- cellarage
- censure
- chaplet
- charisma
- charter
- chase
- chevron
- chief
- chock
- choke
- chore
- cite
- claim
- client
- clog
- clout
- cock
- cockatrice
- cogency
- command
- commission
- commissioning
- commitment
- committal
- complaint
- complement
- compulsion
- concern
- conduct
- consignment
- control
- coronet
- cost
- costs
- count
- counterattack
- counteroffensive
- credit
- crescent
- crest
- cross
- crowd
- crown
- crush
- cumber
- cumbrance
- curacy
- cure
- custodianship
- custody
- damage
- dash
- debit
- debt
- decree
- dedication
- deference
- delegate
- delegation
- demand
- denouncement
- denunciation
- dependent
- deputation
- detail
- device
- devoir
- devolution
- devolvement
- devotion
- dictate
- difference
- difficulty
- dint
- direction
- disadvantage
- discharge
- diversion
- dockage
- drag
- drive
- drop
- due
- duress
- duty
- eagle
- effect
- effectiveness
- effectuality
- eject
- embarrassment
- embassy
- empowerment
- encumbrance
- energy
- ermine
- errand
- escutcheon
- ethics
- etiology
- exaction
- exercise
- exhaust
- exhortation
- expenditure
- expense
- eye
- falcon
- fare
- fealty
- fee
- fell
- fess
- field
- figure
- file
- fill
- finger
- fire
- fleur-de-lis
- fling
- flush
- foray
- force
- forcefulness
- freight
- fret
- fuel
- fur
- fusil
- garland
- generate
- glebe
- governance
- government
- griffin
- guardianship
- guidance
- gun
- hamper
- handicap
- handling
- hands
- heap
- helmet
- hire
- hit
- hold
- homage
- homework
- honor
- impalement
- impeachment
- impediment
- impedimenta
- imperative
- implication
- imposition
- imputation
- inconvenience
- incubus
- incumbency
- indebtedness
- indictment
- infiltration
- influence
- information
- injunction
- innuendo
- insinuation
- instruction
- invoice
- jam
- job
- jurisdiction
- keep
- keeping
- kick
- label
- labor
- lade
- lading
- lash
- lawsuit
- lay
- legation
- levy
- liabilities
- liability
- license
- lieutenancy
- lift
- lion
- living
- load
- loading
- loyalty
- lozenge
- lumber
- make-work
- mana
- management
- mandate
- mantling
- maturity
- megadeath
- metal
- might
- mightiness
- millstone
- ministry
- mission
- motto
- mouthful
- move
- moxie
- mugging
- mullet
- must
- name
- need
- obligation
- offense
- offensive
- office
- onset
- onslaught
- onus
- oppression
- or
- order
- ordinary
- ought
- overburden
- overcharge
- overhead
- overkill
- overload
- oversight
- overweight
- pack
- pad
- palaetiology
- pale
- pastorate
- pastorship
- patronage
- payload
- pean
- pelt
- penalty
- pensionary
- pensioner
- pepper
- percolate
- pile
- pilotage
- pistol
- pizzazz
- place
- placement
- plaint
- pledge
- plug
- poison
- poop
- portage
- post
- pot
- potence
- potency
- potentiality
- potshot
- power
- powerfulness
- precept
- prelacy
- prepotency
- prescript
- prescription
- presentment
- pressure
- price
- prime
- productiveness
- productivity
- project
- prompt
- propellant
- prosecution
- protection
- protectorship
- protege
- proxy
- puissance
- pull
- punch
- purview
- push
- put
- quarter
- quartering
- quiver
- race
- raid
- rate
- rectory
- regency
- report
- reproach
- request
- respect
- responsibility
- riddle
- right
- rose
- rule
- running
- rush
- sable
- saddle
- safekeeping
- sally
- saltire
- salvage
- score
- scot
- scutcheon
- sensation
- service
- set
- shield
- shipload
- shiver
- shock
- shoot
- short
- shot
- shudder
- sinew
- snipe
- sortie
- steam
- stewardship
- stint
- storage
- storm
- strength
- strike
- stuff
- suit
- superintendence
- superiority
- superpower
- supervision
- surcharge
- surfeit
- surveillance
- tab
- tariff
- task
- tax
- teaching
- tear
- tell
- thrill
- thrust
- tincture
- tingle
- tingling
- tithe
- titillation
- toll
- torpedo
- towage
- trainload
- transfer
- tremor
- trouble
- trust
- trusteeship
- tutelage
- twit
- unicorn
- urge
- validity
- vehemence
- vert
- vicarage
- vigor
- vim
- virility
- virtue
- virulence
- vitality
- wad
- ward
- wardenship
- wardship
- warhead
- warrant
- wattage
- weight
- wharfage
- wind
- wing
- word
- work
- wreath
- yale
charge (v.)
- accredit
- accuse
- action
- activate
- adjure
- admonish
- afflict
- allege
- amount
- amplify
- arms
- arraign
- article
- ask
- assail
- assault
- assert
- assess
- assign
- attack
- attribute
- authorize
- azure
- bail
- bale
- bang
- bar
- beef
- bend
- benefice
- bid
- bill
- billet
- blame
- blast
- blazon
- blitz
- blitzkrieg
- boil
- bolt
- book
- boot
- brevet
- brim
- budget
- burden
- burthen
- canton
- care
- caution
- censure
- charter
- chase
- chock
- choke
- cite
- claim
- clog
- clout
- cock
- command
- commission
- commit
- complain
- complement
- concern
- conduct
- congest
- consign
- contaminate
- control
- cost
- count
- counterattack
- cram
- credit
- crest
- criminate
- cross
- crowd
- crown
- crush
- cumber
- cure
- damage
- dash
- debit
- declare
- decree
- delegate
- demand
- denounce
- depute
- deputize
- detach
- detail
- detonate
- devolve
- dictate
- direct
- disadvantage
- discharge
- drag
- drive
- drop
- due
- eagle
- effect
- eject
- electrify
- empower
- encourage
- encumber
- energize
- enjoin
- entrust
- ermine
- exact
- exercise
- exhaust
- exhort
- expect
- expense
- expostulate
- eye
- falcon
- fare
- fee
- fell
- fess
- field
- figure
- file
- fill
- finger
- fire
- fling
- flush
- foray
- force
- freight
- fret
- fuel
- fur
- galvanize
- garland
- generate
- gun
- hamper
- handicap
- hands
- heap
- hire
- hit
- hold
- honor
- imbue
- impeach
- imply
- impose
- impregnate
- impugn
- impute
- incite
- inconvenience
- incriminate
- inculpate
- indict
- induce
- infect
- influence
- insinuate
- instruct
- interpenetrate
- invoice
- irradiate
- jam
- job
- keep
- kick
- label
- labor
- lade
- lash
- lay
- levy
- license
- lift
- lion
- load
- lumber
- mandate
- metal
- mission
- move
- name
- need
- office
- oppress
- or
- ordain
- order
- overburden
- overcharge
- overfill
- overload
- overtax
- pack
- pad
- pale
- patronage
- pelt
- penetrate
- pepper
- percolate
- permeate
- persuade
- pervade
- pile
- place
- pledge
- plug
- poison
- post
- pot
- power
- preach
- pressure
- price
- prime
- proclaim
- project
- prompt
- promulgate
- pronounce
- prorate
- pull
- punch
- push
- put
- quarter
- quiver
- race
- raid
- rate
- refer
- remonstrate
- report
- reprehend
- reproach
- request
- require
- respect
- riddle
- right
- rose
- rule
- rush
- sable
- saddle
- sally
- salvage
- satiate
- saturate
- score
- service
- set
- shield
- shiver
- shock
- shoot
- short
- short-circuit
- shudder
- snipe
- solicit
- steam
- stiffen
- stint
- storm
- strike
- stuff
- suffuse
- suit
- supercharge
- surcharge
- surfeit
- tab
- tariff
- task
- tax
- tear
- tell
- thrill
- thrust
- tincture
- tingle
- tithe
- toll
- torpedo
- transfer
- transfuse
- tremor
- trouble
- trust
- twit
- urge
- vert
- vigor
- wad
- ward
- warn
- warrant
- weigh
- weight
- wind
- wing
- word
- work
charge (adv.)
"Charge, Chester, charge! on, Stanley, on!"
Were the last words of Marmion.
O shame! where is thy blush? Rebellions hell,
If thou canst mutine in a matron's bones,
To flaming youth let virtue be as wax,
And melt in her own fire: proclaim no shame
When the compulsive ardour gives the charge,
Since frost itself as actively doth burn,
And reason panders will.
Who so shall telle a tale after a man,
He moste reherse, as neighe as ever he can,
Everich word, if it be in his charge,
All speke he never so rudely and so large;
Or elles he moste tellen his tale untrewe,
Or feinen thinges, or finden wordes newe.
And raw in fields the rude militia swarms,
Mouths without hands; maintain'd at vast expense,
In peace a charge, in war a weak defence;
Stout once a month they march, a blustering band,
And ever but in times of need at hand.
The charge is prepar'd, the lawyers are met,
The judges all ranged,—a terrible show!
A charge to keep I have,
A God to glorify;
A never dying soul to save,
And fit it for the sky.
The combat deepens. On, ye brave,
Who rush to glory or the grave!
Wave, Munich! all thy banners wave,
And charge with all thy chivalry!