keep (n.)
- accommodation
- accommodations
- acropolis
- aliment
- alimentation
- alimony
- amass
- arm
- armor
- arrest
- backlog
- balance
- ballast
- bastille
- bastion
- beachhead
- bear
- bed
- bide
- bit
- block
- blockhouse
- board
- bolster
- borstal
- bosom
- bread
- breed
- bridgehead
- bridle
- brig
- bunker
- buttress
- cage
- camouflage
- can
- care
- carry
- castle
- cell
- champion
- charge
- check
- citadel
- clink
- clip
- cloak
- cloister
- collect
- conduct
- conserve
- control
- cool
- cooler
- coop
- copyright
- counterbalance
- cover
- crib
- crutch
- culture
- curb
- cushion
- custodianship
- custody
- donate
- donjon
- dungeon
- dwell
- embrace
- endowment
- ensure
- exist
- farm
- fastness
- feed
- fence
- fill
- finance
- find
- firm
- food
- forbear
- fort
- fortress
- foster
- freeze
- fund
- gaol
- garner
- garrison
- give
- guarantee
- guard
- guardhouse
- hallow
- harbor
- hatch
- have
- haven
- heed
- hide
- hoard
- hold
- honor
- hug
- husband
- jail
- jailhouse
- jug
- keeping
- last
- live
- livelihood
- living
- lockup
- lodgings
- maintenance
- manna
- mark
- mask
- meat
- meet
- mew
- mind
- mote
- muzzle
- nestle
- nourishment
- nurse
- nurture
- nutriment
- obey
- oubliette
- own
- pabulum
- pap
- patent
- peel
- pen
- penitentiary
- pillbox
- pokey
- police
- post
- pound
- praise
- present
- preserve
- prison
- prop
- protection
- provision
- pull
- raise
- ranch
- rath
- rear
- recruit
- refection
- reformatory
- refreshment
- regard
- register
- rein
- reserve
- respect
- retard
- run
- safeguard
- safehold
- safekeeping
- save
- screen
- shackle
- shelter
- shield
- shore
- shroud
- smother
- snub
- spare
- squirrel
- stand
- stay
- steady
- stick
- stifle
- stir
- stock
- stockade
- stockpile
- store
- stronghold
- subsidization
- subsidy
- subsistence
- subvention
- supply
- support
- sustainment
- sustenance
- sustentation
- tend
- tollbooth
- tower
- treasure
- upkeep
- victual
- ward
- wear
- yield
keep (v.)
- abide
- abstain
- accommodate
- accumulate
- acknowledge
- afford
- aliment
- amass
- arm
- armor
- arrest
- backlog
- balance
- ballast
- bear
- bed
- bide
- bit
- bless
- block
- board
- bolster
- bosom
- bread
- breed
- bridle
- bunker
- buttress
- cage
- camouflage
- can
- care
- carry
- castle
- celebrate
- champion
- charge
- check
- cherish
- clink
- clip
- cloak
- cloister
- clothe
- collect
- commemorate
- communicate
- comply
- conceal
- conduct
- confine
- conform
- consecrate
- conserve
- constrain
- contain
- continue
- control
- cool
- coop
- copyright
- counterbalance
- cover
- crib
- culture
- cumulate
- curb
- curtail
- cushion
- decelerate
- defend
- deny
- detain
- deter
- direct
- disallow
- discourage
- donate
- dwell
- embrace
- enclose
- endow
- endure
- enjoin
- enjoy
- ensure
- entertain
- exist
- extend
- farm
- fatten
- feed
- fence
- fend
- fill
- finance
- find
- firm
- follow
- fondle
- food
- forbear
- forbid
- fort
- foster
- freeze
- fulfill
- fund
- furnish
- gaol
- garner
- garrison
- give
- govern
- grow
- guarantee
- guard
- hallow
- harbor
- hatch
- have
- heed
- hide
- hinder
- hoard
- hold
- honor
- hug
- husband
- immobilize
- immure
- impound
- imprison
- incarcerate
- inhibit
- insure
- invest
- jail
- jubilate
- jug
- last
- laud
- lengthen
- live
- maintain
- manage
- mark
- mask
- meet
- memorialize
- mew
- mind
- mote
- muzzle
- nestle
- nourish
- nurse
- nurture
- obey
- observe
- obstruct
- operate
- ordain
- own
- patent
- peel
- pen
- perennate
- perpetuate
- persist
- police
- possess
- post
- pound
- praise
- prepare
- present
- preserve
- prevail
- prevent
- prison
- prohibit
- prolong
- prop
- protect
- protract
- provide
- provision
- pull
- raise
- ranch
- rear
- recruit
- regard
- register
- rein
- reinforce
- remain
- replenish
- repress
- reserve
- respect
- restrain
- restrict
- retain
- retard
- retrench
- run
- safeguard
- sanctify
- satisfy
- save
- screen
- secrete
- secure
- shackle
- shelter
- shield
- shore
- shroud
- signalize
- smother
- snub
- solemnize
- spare
- stabilize
- stand
- stay
- steady
- stick
- stifle
- stir
- stock
- stockade
- stockpile
- store
- straiten
- submit
- subsidize
- subsist
- subvention
- supply
- support
- suppress
- survive
- sustain
- tarry
- tend
- tower
- transfix
- treasure
- undergird
- underwrite
- uphold
- victual
- ward
- wear
- withhold
- yield
Then bless thy secret growth, nor catch
At noise, but thrive unseen and dumb;
Keep clean, be as fruit, earn life, and watch
Till the white-wing'd reapers come!
Push on,—keep moving.
Thou source of all my bliss and all my woe,
That found'st me poor at first, and keep'st me so.
We join ourselves to no party that does not carry the flag and keep step to the music of the Union.
And be these juggling fiends no more believ'd,
That palter with us in a double sense:
That keep the word of promise to our ear
And break it to our hope.
Keep thy shop, and thy shop will keep thee. Light gains make heavy purses. 'T is good to be merry and wise.
Because the good old rule
Sufficeth them,—the simple plan,
That they should take who have the power,
And they should keep who can.
Put your trust in God, my boys, and keep your powder dry.