present (n.)
- accord
- advance
- affect
- affront
- aid
- aim
- allot
- allow
- allowance
- alms
- aorist
- array
- articulate
- attendant
- award
- baksheesh
- being
- bend
- benevolence
- bill
- bomb
- bonus
- boon
- bounty
- box
- brandish
- brave
- breast
- challenge
- chime
- chorus
- chronology
- close
- compliment
- contemporary
- continuity
- contribution
- couch
- current
- dare
- deal
- display
- dole
- donate
- donation
- duration
- durative
- emcee
- emit
- encounter
- endowment
- evidence
- exhibit
- express
- extant
- face
- favor
- feature
- file
- fill
- find
- fix
- flaunt
- flop
- flourish
- frame
- front
- fund
- future
- gift
- give
- grant
- gratuity
- hand
- headline
- heap
- highlight
- imperfect
- instant
- issue
- keep
- largess
- largesse
- lastingness
- latest
- lip
- living
- manifest
- marshal
- mean
- meet
- mete
- modern
- mount
- new
- now
- nowadays
- oblation
- offer
- offering
- open
- parade
- paragraph
- past
- perfect
- period
- phrase
- pluperfect
- point
- pour
- pourboire
- premiere
- presentation
- preterit
- preview
- produce
- proffer
- put
- rain
- raise
- rally
- record
- recruit
- register
- render
- running
- say
- serve
- set
- show
- shower
- slip
- snow
- sound
- space
- space-time
- sponge
- spotlight
- stage
- star
- state
- stem
- stock
- store
- style
- supply
- support
- tell
- tender
- tense
- term
- tide
- time
- tip
- today
- token
- train
- tribute
- turn
- utter
- voice
- wave
- while
- whisper
- word
- yield
present (v.)
- accommodate
- accord
- acquaint
- adduce
- administer
- advance
- affect
- afford
- affront
- aid
- aim
- allege
- allot
- allow
- allowance
- alms
- announce
- array
- articulate
- award
- being
- bend
- bestow
- betoken
- bill
- bomb
- box
- brandish
- brave
- breast
- breathe
- challenge
- chime
- chorus
- close
- clothe
- communicate
- compliment
- conceive
- confer
- confront
- contribute
- convey
- couch
- dangle
- dare
- deal
- defy
- deliver
- demonstrate
- deploy
- determine
- develop
- devote
- direct
- disclose
- dispense
- display
- distribute
- divulge
- dole
- donate
- dramatize
- embody
- emcee
- emit
- enact
- encounter
- endow
- enunciate
- envisage
- evidence
- evince
- exhibit
- express
- extend
- face
- fail
- favor
- feature
- file
- fill
- find
- fix
- flaunt
- flop
- flourish
- formularize
- formulate
- frame
- freeload
- fresh
- front
- fund
- furnish
- gift
- give
- grant
- hand
- headline
- heap
- highlight
- illuminate
- impart
- incarnate
- indicate
- introduce
- invest
- issue
- keep
- lavish
- lip
- maintain
- manifest
- marshal
- materialize
- mean
- meet
- mount
- new
- now
- offer
- open
- parade
- paragraph
- past
- perfect
- perform
- phonate
- phrase
- plead
- point
- pour
- prefer
- premiere
- prepare
- preview
- produce
- proffer
- pronounce
- provide
- proximate
- put
- quaint
- rain
- raise
- rally
- record
- recruit
- register
- render
- replenish
- represent
- reveal
- say
- serve
- set
- show
- shower
- slip
- snow
- sound
- space
- sponge
- spotlight
- stage
- star
- state
- stem
- stock
- store
- style
- submit
- subsidize
- succeed
- supply
- support
- tell
- tender
- tense
- term
- tide
- time
- tip
- token
- train
- tribute
- turn
- unfold
- utter
- verbalize
- vocalize
- voice
- vouchsafe
- wave
- whisper
- word
- yield
present (adv.)
present (adj.)
- accessible
- actual
- adjacent
- advance
- aid
- allow
- articulate
- attendant
- available
- award
- bend
- bill
- boon
- brave
- breast
- close
- contemporaneous
- contemporary
- current
- deal
- direct
- evidence
- existent
- existing
- express
- extant
- face
- fresh
- front
- future
- give
- grant
- hand
- heap
- immanent
- immediate
- imperfect
- incarnate
- indwelling
- inherent
- instant
- latest
- lavish
- lip
- living
- manifest
- mean
- meet
- modern
- mount
- nearby
- new
- open
- past
- perfect
- pluperfect
- point
- premiere
- present-day
- prevalent
- proximate
- put
- quaint
- remaining
- running
- say
- serve
- set
- slip
- sound
- stage
- star
- state
- stock
- store
- style
- support
- tender
- tense
- term
- time
- token
- topical
- turn
- up-to-date
- up-to-the-minute
- utter
- while
- yield
And make my seated heart knock at my ribs,
Against the use of nature. Present fears
Are less than horrible imaginings.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Absent in body, but present in spirit.
My mind to me a kingdom is;
Such present joys therein I find,
That it excels all other bliss
That earth affords or grows by kind:
Though much I want which most would have,
Yet still my mind forbids to crave.
Past and to come seems best; things present worst.