say (n.)
- about
- absolutism
- acme
- address
- affirmation
- allegation
- allocution
- announcement
- annunciation
- answer
- apostrophe
- articulate
- ascendancy
- assertion
- asseveration
- authority
- authorization
- aver
- averment
- avouchment
- avowal
- aye
- ballot
- believe
- bout
- canvass
- canvassing
- championship
- chance
- charisma
- charm
- chime
- choice
- chorus
- cite
- clout
- command
- comment
- competence
- competency
- conclusion
- consequence
- control
- crack
- credit
- creed
- debate
- decision
- declamation
- declaration
- diatribe
- dictum
- directorship
- discretion
- divine
- division
- dominance
- domination
- dominion
- dream
- echo
- effect
- effectiveness
- eminence
- emit
- enchantment
- enfranchisement
- enunciation
- esteem
- eulogy
- exclamation
- exhortation
- express
- expression
- faculty
- fancy
- favor
- feel
- filibuster
- force
- franchise
- gather
- give
- go
- grant
- greeting
- harangue
- have
- headship
- hegemony
- height
- hold
- imperium
- importance
- inaugural
- influence
- inning
- innings
- insinuation
- interjection
- invective
- jeremiad
- jurisdiction
- kingship
- leadership
- legitimacy
- let
- leverage
- lip
- lordship
- magnetism
- management
- manifesto
- mark
- mastership
- mastery
- maximum
- mention
- moment
- most
- nay
- no
- note
- observation
- opine
- opportunity
- option
- oration
- paramountcy
- peroration
- personality
- persuasion
- philippic
- phrase
- pitch
- place
- plebiscite
- poll
- position
- potency
- power
- predicate
- predication
- predominance
- preponderance
- prerogative
- present
- presidency
- pressure
- prestige
- primacy
- proclamation
- profession
- pronouncement
- proposition
- protest
- protestation
- proxy
- purchase
- put
- question
- quote
- raise
- read
- reading
- recital
- recitation
- record
- referendum
- reflection
- register
- reign
- relief
- remark
- repeat
- reply
- representation
- repute
- retort
- return
- right
- riposte
- round
- rule
- salutatory
- say-so
- saying
- screed
- sentence
- sound
- sovereignty
- speak
- speech
- spell
- stance
- stand
- state
- statement
- suasion
- suffrage
- suggestion
- supremacy
- surmise
- suspect
- sway
- take
- talk
- tell
- think
- thought
- time
- tirade
- turn
- utter
- utterance
- valediction
- valedictory
- voice
- vote
- voting
- weight
- whack
- whisper
- word
- write-in
- yea
- yes
- zenith
say (v.)
- about
- acknowledge
- address
- affirm
- allege
- animadvert
- announce
- annunciate
- answer
- argue
- articulate
- assert
- asseverate
- assume
- aver
- avouch
- avow
- ballot
- believe
- bout
- breathe
- canvass
- chance
- charm
- chime
- chorus
- cite
- clout
- command
- comment
- communicate
- conceive
- conclude
- consider
- contend
- control
- convey
- crack
- credit
- debate
- declare
- deduce
- deem
- deliver
- disclose
- divine
- dream
- echo
- effect
- emit
- enunciate
- esteem
- expect
- express
- fancy
- favor
- feel
- filibuster
- force
- formulate
- franchise
- gather
- give
- go
- grant
- harangue
- have
- hold
- imagine
- impart
- indicate
- infer
- influence
- insist
- just
- let
- leverage
- lip
- maintain
- mark
- mention
- note
- opine
- palms
- phonate
- phrase
- pitch
- place
- poll
- position
- power
- predicate
- prefigure
- present
- pressure
- presume
- presuppose
- proclaim
- profess
- pronounce
- proposition
- protest
- purchase
- put
- question
- quote
- raise
- react
- read
- recite
- reckon
- record
- reecho
- register
- reign
- rejoin
- remark
- repeat
- reply
- repute
- respond
- retort
- return
- reverberate
- right
- riposte
- round
- rule
- sentence
- sound
- speak
- spell
- stance
- stand
- state
- submit
- suppose
- surmise
- suspect
- sway
- take
- talk
- tell
- think
- time
- turn
- understand
- utter
- verbalize
- vocalize
- voice
- vote
- vouch
- weight
- whack
- whisper
- word
- yes
say (adv.)
say (adj.)
- about
- articulate
- believe
- bout
- chance
- choice
- crack
- creed
- divine
- effect
- express
- fancy
- force
- forensic
- give
- go
- grant
- height
- inaugural
- inning
- just
- let
- lip
- mark
- maximum
- moment
- most
- no
- place
- power
- present
- pressure
- put
- question
- read
- reign
- right
- round
- sound
- stance
- state
- suspect
- thought
- time
- turn
- utter
- valedictory
- weight
- whack
Shut, shut the door, good John! fatigued, I said;
Tie up the knocker! say I'm sick, I'm dead.
Though I say it that should not say it.
We can say nothing but what hath been said. Our poets steal from Homer. . . . Our story-dressers do as much; he that comes last is commonly best.
"And this," said Caesar, "you know, young man, is more disagreeable for me to say than to do."
First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.
So well to know
Her own, that what she wills to do or say
Seems wisest, virtuousest, discreetest, best.