reflection (n.)
- address
- adumbration
- advisement
- affirmation
- albedo
- allegation
- animadversion
- answer
- apostrophe
- apprehension
- aspersion
- assault
- assertion
- attack
- averment
- baton
- beam
- bend
- bending
- blink
- blot
- blur
- bow
- bowing
- brand
- brooding
- carping
- cavil
- censure
- cerebration
- circumspection
- cogitation
- comment
- companion
- conceit
- concept
- conception
- consideration
- contemplation
- copy
- corroboration
- counsel
- crack
- criticism
- declaration
- deflection
- deliberation
- depreciation
- derogation
- dictum
- discreetness
- discretion
- discrimination
- disparagement
- display
- double
- duplicate
- echo
- effect
- effigy
- evidence
- exception
- exclamation
- expression
- fancy
- faultfinding
- fellow
- flak
- flashback
- flection
- flex
- flexure
- greeting
- hairsplitting
- hindsight
- hit
- icon
- idea
- idol
- image
- imago
- impression
- imputation
- inflection
- innuendo
- insinuation
- interjection
- judgment
- judiciousness
- knock
- likeness
- lucubration
- mark
- match
- mate
- meander
- meditation
- memoir
- memorization
- mention
- miniature
- model
- musing
- nit
- note
- notion
- obloquy
- observation
- onset
- onslaught
- onus
- opinion
- outline
- oxbow
- perception
- personality
- photograph
- phrase
- picture
- policy
- polity
- portrait
- position
- priggishness
- pronouncement
- proof
- providence
- prudence
- question
- quibble
- rap
- reaction
- reading
- recall
- recept
- recollection
- reconsideration
- reflectance
- reflectiveness
- reflex
- reflux
- remark
- remembering
- remembrance
- reminiscence
- reply
- representation
- reprimand
- reproach
- resemblance
- respondence
- response
- result
- retrospect
- retrospection
- return
- reverberation
- review
- revulsion
- rise
- rote
- rubbing
- rumination
- say
- saying
- semblance
- sentence
- sentiment
- shadow
- sign
- signal
- silhouette
- similitude
- simulacrum
- slam
- slur
- smear
- smirch
- smudge
- speculation
- spot
- stain
- statement
- stigma
- stigmatism
- stigmatization
- stricture
- study
- substantiation
- suggestion
- supposition
- sweep
- swipe
- symbol
- taint
- tarnish
- testament
- testimony
- theory
- thinking
- thought
- thoughtfulness
- token
- trace
- tracing
- turn
- turning
- twin
- utterance
- weighing
- word
But with the morning cool reflection came.
Remembrance and reflection how allied!
What thin partitions sense from thought divide!