image (n.)
- abstract
- abstraction
- affectation
- affectedness
- airs
- allusion
- ally
- altarpiece
- analogue
- angle
- apparition
- appearance
- apprehension
- archetype
- artificiality
- aspect
- associate
- badge
- banner
- bloom
- brother
- cameo
- cast
- catalog
- character
- characteristic
- characterization
- clone
- cognate
- collage
- companion
- complement
- conceit
- concept
- conception
- conceptualization
- configuration
- congenator
- congener
- coordinate
- copy
- correlate
- correlative
- correspondent
- counterfeit
- counterpart
- cyclorama
- daub
- definition
- delineation
- depiction
- description
- details
- device
- differentia
- diptych
- double
- duplicate
- earmark
- effect
- effigy
- embodiment
- engram
- engraving
- envisioning
- epitome
- equal
- equivalent
- essence
- euphuism
- evocation
- facade
- facet
- facsimile
- fake
- fancy
- fantasy
- fashion
- feature
- fellow
- fetish
- figure
- flare
- floridity
- flourish
- flower
- forgery
- form
- fresco
- front
- gestalt
- ghost
- glass
- granulation
- grid
- guise
- hallmark
- hypocrisy
- icon
- idea
- idiosyncrasy
- idol
- ikon
- illumination
- illustration
- imagery
- imaging
- imagism
- imago
- imitation
- impression
- incarnation
- index
- indicant
- indicator
- insignia
- insincerity
- itemization
- keynote
- light
- like
- likeness
- limning
- look
- manner
- mannerism
- mark
- match
- mate
- materialization
- measure
- memory
- metaphor
- miniature
- mirage
- mirror
- model
- montage
- mosaic
- mould
- mural
- noise
- note
- notion
- objectification
- observation
- obverse
- opinion
- ornament
- panorama
- parallel
- particularization
- pastiche
- peculiarity
- pendant
- perception
- personification
- phantasm
- phantasma
- phantasmagoria
- phantom
- phase
- phasis
- phenomenon
- phony
- photograph
- picture
- picturing
- portrait
- portraiture
- portrayal
- presence
- pretense
- pretension
- profile
- project
- property
- put-on
- rain
- recept
- reciprocal
- reference
- reflection
- regard
- reification
- render
- rendering
- rendition
- replica
- representation
- representative
- reproduction
- resemblance
- respect
- ringer
- rolling
- rubbing
- scintillation
- sculpture
- seal
- see
- semblance
- sentiment
- shade
- shading
- shadow
- sham
- shape
- show
- side
- sign
- signal
- signature
- simile
- similitude
- simulacrum
- sister
- sketch
- slant
- snow
- snowstorm
- speaking
- specification
- specter
- spit
- stamp
- statue
- stencil
- style
- stylishness
- such
- supposition
- symbol
- symptom
- tableau
- tally
- tapestry
- theory
- thought
- trace
- tracing
- trait
- triptych
- trope
- twin
- twist
- unnaturalness
- view
- viewpoint
- vignette
- vision
- visualization
- wise
- word-painting
- wraith
image (v.)
- abstract
- adumbrate
- airs
- ally
- angle
- associate
- badge
- bloom
- cast
- catalog
- character
- clone
- companion
- complement
- conceive
- contemplate
- coordinate
- copy
- correlate
- counterfeit
- daub
- delineate
- demonstrate
- depict
- describe
- double
- duplicate
- earmark
- effect
- embody
- envisage
- envision
- equal
- exemplify
- facsimile
- fake
- fancy
- fantasy
- fashion
- feature
- figure
- flare
- flourish
- flower
- foreshadow
- form
- fresco
- front
- ghost
- glass
- guise
- illustrate
- imagine
- impersonate
- incarnate
- index
- interpret
- keynote
- light
- like
- limn
- look
- mark
- match
- mate
- measure
- mirror
- model
- mould
- noise
- note
- objectify
- ornament
- parallel
- personate
- personify
- phase
- photograph
- picture
- portray
- prefigure
- profile
- project
- rain
- realize
- reference
- reflect
- regard
- render
- represent
- respect
- rolling
- sculpture
- seal
- see
- shade
- shadow
- sham
- shape
- show
- side
- sign
- signal
- simile
- sketch
- slant
- snow
- spit
- stamp
- stencil
- style
- tally
- trace
- twin
- twist
- view
- vision
- visualize
- wise
Thou hast wounded the spirit that loved thee
And cherish'd thine image for years;
Thou hast taught me at last to forget thee,
In secret, in silence, and tears.
How widely its agencies vary,—
To save, to ruin, to curse, to bless,—
As even its minted coins express,
Now stamp'd with the image of Good Queen Bess,
And now of a Bloody Mary.
Time is the image of eternity.
But our captain counts the image of God—nevertheless his image—cut in ebony as if done in ivory, and in the blackest Moors he sees the representation of the King of Heaven.
How widely its agencies vary,—
To save, to ruin, to curse, to bless,—
As even its minted coins express,
Now stamp'd with the image of Good Queen Bess,
And now of a Bloody Mary.
By happy chance we saw
A twofold image: on a grassy bank
A snow-white ram, and in the crystal flood
Another and the same!