essence (n.)
- ambergris
- ambrosia
- aroma
- artifact
- aspect
- attar
- attribute
- axiom
- balm
- balsam
- basis
- bearing
- being
- body
- bottom
- brainchild
- breath
- bulk
- burden
- case
- center
- chapter
- child
- civet
- climax
- coinage
- coloring
- composition
- concentrate
- concentration
- concern
- concoction
- connotation
- consequence
- core
- cornerstone
- creation
- creature
- crisis
- crux
- decoction
- denotation
- distillate
- distillation
- drift
- effect
- effluvium
- element
- elixir
- emanation
- ens
- entity
- esse
- essential
- essentiality
- exhalation
- existence
- extension
- extract
- extraction
- fabric
- fiber
- fixative
- flavor
- flower
- focus
- force
- form
- fragrance
- fruit
- fume
- fundamental
- generality
- gist
- handiwork
- head
- heading
- heart
- heliotrope
- hypostasis
- idea
- impact
- implication
- import
- infusion
- intension
- invention
- inwardness
- issue
- kernel
- keystone
- landmark
- life
- majority
- manufacture
- marrow
- mass
- masterpiece
- material
- materiality
- matter
- meaning
- meat
- medium
- milestone
- mintage
- most
- motif
- motive
- musk
- myrrh
- nature
- nub
- nubbin
- nucleus
- occurrence
- odor
- offspring
- opera
- opus
- origination
- outcome
- outgrowth
- overtone
- perfume
- perfumery
- pertinence
- pith
- pivot
- plurality
- point
- postulate
- presence
- principle
- problem
- product
- production
- property
- purification
- purport
- quality
- question
- quid
- quiddity
- quintessence
- recap
- recapitulation
- redolence
- reference
- referent
- refinement
- relation
- relevance
- requisite
- result
- resume
- root
- rubric
- run-through
- rundown
- sap
- savor
- scent
- scope
- sense
- significance
- signification
- smell
- soul
- spirit
- spoor
- stench
- stuff
- subject
- subsistence
- substance
- substantiality
- sum
- summary
- summation
- tenor
- text
- texture
- theme
- thrust
- timber
- tincture
- topic
- trace
- trail
- undertone
- value
- vital
- whiff
- work
essence (adv.)
essence (adj.)
- aromatic
- bearing
- bottom
- case
- center
- child
- core
- critical
- crucial
- drift
- effect
- ens
- essential
- force
- form
- fundamental
- head
- heart
- import
- important
- indispensable
- life
- mass
- material
- meaning
- medium
- most
- motive
- nub
- point
- quality
- question
- quid
- quintessential
- referent
- requisite
- scent
- sense
- subject
- summary
- tenor
- timber
- topic
- vital
- whiff
- work
But man, proud man,
Drest in a little brief authority,
Most ignorant of what he's most assured,
His glassy essence, like an angry ape,
Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven
As make the angels weep.
Look to the essence of a thing, whether it be a point of doctrine, of practice, or of interpretation.
The essence of good and evil is a certain disposition of the will.