text (n.)
- abstract
- adage
- ana
- analects
- aphorism
- apothegm
- argument
- arrangement
- article
- axiom
- back
- basis
- battledore
- bibliography
- book
- burden
- byword
- case
- casebook
- catchword
- chapter
- clause
- colophon
- concern
- consideration
- content
- contents
- continuity
- copy
- cue
- dedication
- dictate
- dictum
- distich
- draft
- edition
- epigram
- errata
- essence
- expression
- extract
- fascicle
- flyleaf
- focus
- folio
- foreword
- fundamentals
- gathering
- gist
- gnome
- grammar
- head
- heading
- hornbook
- hymnal
- hymnbook
- idea
- imprint
- index
- inscription
- introduction
- issue
- leaf
- lection
- letterpress
- libretto
- line
- makeup
- manual
- matter
- maxim
- meat
- moral
- mot
- motif
- motive
- motto
- music
- notation
- number
- opera
- oracle
- page
- paragraph
- part
- passage
- phrase
- playbook
- point
- precept
- preface
- prescript
- primer
- problem
- proverb
- proverbs
- question
- quotation
- reader
- reading
- recto
- rendering
- rendition
- rubric
- saw
- saying
- scenario
- schoolbook
- score
- script
- section
- sentence
- sheet
- side
- signature
- songbook
- songster
- speller
- subject
- substance
- subtitle
- sutra
- t
- tablature
- tail
- teaching
- textbook
- theme
- title
- topic
- transcript
- transcription
- variant
- verse
- version
- verso
- wisdom
- witticism
- word
- wording
- words
- workbook
The worst speak something good; if all want sense,
God takes a text, and preacheth Pa-ti-ence.
And many a holy text around she strews,
That teach the rustic moralist to die.
You shall see them on a beautiful quarto page, where a neat rivulet of text shall meander through a meadow of margin.