saw (n.)
- adage
- ana
- analects
- aphorism
- apothegm
- ax
- axiom
- backsaw
- bow
- bucksaw
- butcher
- byword
- catchword
- chop
- cockscomb
- crenation
- crenelation
- crest
- cut
- dictate
- dictum
- distich
- dogtooth
- epigram
- excise
- expression
- fiddle
- fissure
- fretsaw
- gash
- gnome
- hack
- hacksaw
- handsaw
- hew
- jigsaw
- lance
- maxim
- moral
- mot
- motto
- oracle
- pare
- phrase
- precept
- prescript
- proverb
- proverbs
- prune
- rend
- rickrack
- ripsaw
- rive
- saying
- scallop
- scrape
- sentence
- serration
- slash
- slice
- slit
- snip
- split
- splitsaw
- sutra
- teaching
- tear
- text
- verse
- whipsaw
- whittle
- wisdom
- witticism
- word
saw (v.)
I saw and loved.
To kerke the narre from God more farre,
Has bene an old-sayd sawe;
And he that strives to touche a starre
Oft stombles at a strawe.
I may justly say, with the hook-nosed fellow of Rome, "I came, saw, and overcame."
God never had a church but there, men say,
The Devil a chapel hath raised by some wyles.
I doubted of this saw, till on a day
I westward spied great Edinburgh's Saint Gyles.
Silently as a dream the fabric rose,
No sound of hammer or of saw was there.
Nor do not saw the air too much with your hand, thus, but use all gently; for in the very torrent, tempest, and, as I may say, the whirlwind of passion, you must acquire and beget a temperance that may give it smoothness. Oh, it offends me to the soul to hear a robustious periwig-pated fellow tear a passion to tatters, to very rags, to split the ears of the groundlings, who for the most part are capable of nothing but inexplicable dumb-shows and noise. I would have such a fellow whipped for o'erdoing Termagant; it out-herods Herod.
And grace that won who saw to wish her stay.