split (n.)
- abysm
- abyss
- alienation
- allot
- aperture
- arroyo
- ax
- birthmark
- blackhead
- bleb
- blemish
- blister
- blow
- branch
- branching
- breach
- break
- breakage
- broach
- bulla
- burst
- bust
- butcher
- cackle
- canyon
- cavity
- channel
- chap
- chasm
- check
- chimney
- chink
- chip
- chop
- chortle
- chuckle
- cicatrix
- clearing
- cleavage
- cleft
- col
- comedo
- crack
- cranny
- crater
- craze
- crevasse
- crevice
- cross
- crow
- cut
- cwm
- decay
- defacement
- defect
- defile
- deformation
- deformity
- dell
- dichotomy
- dike
- disaffection
- disclosure
- disconnect
- discord
- disfavor
- disfiguration
- disfigurement
- disruption
- dissolve
- distortion
- district
- disunion
- disunity
- ditch
- divaricate
- divergence
- divide
- division
- divorce
- divvy
- draw
- eject
- equity
- estrangement
- excavation
- excise
- fault
- fenestra
- fission
- fissure
- fistula
- flaw
- flume
- fontanel
- foramen
- fork
- forking
- fracture
- fragment
- freckle
- furrow
- gap
- gape
- gash
- gat
- giggle
- go
- gorge
- groove
- guffaw
- gulch
- gulf
- gully
- ha-ha
- hack
- hee-haw
- hemangioma
- hew
- hiatus
- hickey
- hole
- hollow
- horselaugh
- hurt
- imperfect
- incision
- inlet
- interval
- jigsaw
- joint
- keloid
- kink
- lacuna
- lam
- lance
- laugh
- leak
- leave
- lentigo
- mar
- mash
- milium
- moat
- molder
- mole
- nevus
- notch
- nullah
- ope
- open
- opening
- orifice
- outlet
- parcel
- pare
- part
- partition
- pass
- passage
- passageway
- pimple
- pit
- pock
- pockmark
- pore
- portion
- powder
- prune
- pustule
- rails
- ravine
- rend
- rent
- rift
- rime
- rip
- rive
- roar
- rupture
- saw
- scab
- scale
- scar
- schism
- scissure
- scratch
- seam
- section
- segment
- segregate
- sell
- separate
- separation
- share
- shares
- shout
- shriek
- skedaddle
- skip
- slash
- slice
- slit
- slot
- snap
- snicker
- snigger
- snip
- snort
- space
- splinter
- spread
- sprung
- start
- stock
- stocks
- stoma
- sty
- sulcus
- tap
- tear
- titter
- total
- track
- trench
- twist
- undo
- valley
- verruca
- vesicle
- void
- wadi
- wale
- warp
- wart
- weal
- welt
- wen
- whitehead
- whittle
- worse
- wreck
- yawn
- zone
split (v.)
- ablate
- absquatulate
- alienate
- allot
- amputate
- apportion
- atomize
- ax
- bifurcate
- bisect
- blemish
- blister
- blow
- branch
- breach
- break
- broach
- burst
- bust
- butcher
- cachinnate
- cackle
- carve
- channel
- chap
- check
- chink
- chip
- chop
- chortle
- chuckle
- cicatrize
- cleave
- consume
- corrode
- crack
- craze
- cross
- crow
- crumble
- cut
- decamp
- decay
- decompose
- deface
- defect
- defile
- deform
- delete
- demolish
- depart
- detach
- dichotomize
- dike
- disarticulate
- disassemble
- disconnect
- discord
- disengage
- disfavor
- disfigure
- disintegrate
- disjoin
- disjoint
- dismantle
- disorganize
- dissect
- dissever
- dissociate
- dissolve
- distort
- distribute
- district
- disunite
- ditch
- divaricate
- diverge
- divide
- divorce
- draw
- eject
- erode
- estrange
- excise
- exfoliate
- expel
- fault
- fissure
- flaw
- fork
- fracture
- fragment
- freckle
- furrow
- gap
- gape
- gash
- giggle
- go
- gorge
- groove
- guffaw
- gulf
- hack
- halve
- hee-haw
- hew
- hole
- hollow
- hurt
- incise
- isolate
- joint
- kink
- lacerate
- lam
- lance
- laugh
- leak
- leave
- mar
- mash
- molder
- notch
- ope
- open
- parcel
- pare
- part
- partition
- pass
- pit
- pock
- pockmark
- pore
- portion
- powder
- prune
- pulverize
- ramify
- rend
- rent
- rift
- rime
- rip
- rive
- roar
- rupture
- saw
- scab
- scale
- scar
- scarify
- scissor
- scram
- scratch
- seam
- section
- segment
- segregate
- sell
- separate
- sequester
- sever
- share
- shatter
- shout
- shriek
- skedaddle
- skip
- slash
- slice
- slit
- slot
- snap
- snicker
- snigger
- snip
- snort
- space
- splinter
- spread
- start
- stock
- sty
- subdivide
- subtract
- sunder
- tap
- tear
- titter
- torn
- total
- track
- transect
- trench
- twist
- uncouple
- undo
- unmake
- unyoke
- vamoose
- void
- warp
- wart
- welt
- whittle
- withdraw
- worse
- wreck
- yawn
- zone
split (adv.)
split (adj.)
- abrupt
- aggravated
- ax
- bifurcate
- bifurcated
- blemished
- blow
- branch
- branched
- branching
- broach
- broken
- burned
- bust
- busted
- channel
- checked
- chip
- cleft
- cloven
- crack
- cracked
- crazed
- cross
- cut
- damaged
- defective
- deformed
- dehiscent
- dichotomous
- disfigured
- disjoint
- distorted
- ditch
- divided
- fault
- faulty
- flawed
- forked
- gape
- gaping
- go
- hack
- harmed
- hole
- hollow
- hurt
- impaired
- imperfect
- injured
- irritated
- joint
- lacerate
- lacerated
- lance
- leak
- mangled
- mar
- marred
- mutilated
- notch
- ope
- open
- opening
- pare
- part
- pass
- pimpled
- pimply
- pit
- pore
- ragged
- rend
- rent
- rift
- rime
- rimose
- rip
- riven
- scabby
- scale
- scarred
- scorched
- section
- separate
- separated
- severed
- shattered
- shredded
- slashed
- smashed
- spread
- sprung
- start
- stock
- sty
- sunder
- tap
- tattered
- torn
- total
- track
- twisted
- void
- warped
- wart
- weakened
- worse
- worsened
Nor do not saw the air too much with your hand, thus, but use all gently; for in the very torrent, tempest, and, as I may say, the whirlwind of passion, you must acquire and beget a temperance that may give it smoothness. Oh, it offends me to the soul to hear a robustious periwig-pated fellow tear a passion to tatters, to very rags, to split the ears of the groundlings, who for the most part are capable of nothing but inexplicable dumb-shows and noise. I would have such a fellow whipped for o'erdoing Termagant; it out-herods Herod.