open (n.)
- absolute
- affirmed
- agape
- air
- alveolar
- apparent
- ascetic
- back
- bald
- barytone
- begin
- bilabial
- bill
- billow
- bluff
- bomb
- branch
- breach
- break
- broach
- broad
- broadcast
- central
- champaign
- check
- chink
- clear
- close
- common
- commonplace
- consonant
- contingent
- continuant
- cordial
- cover
- crack
- crevasse
- current
- cut
- deltoid
- demonstrative
- dental
- dependent
- display
- ditch
- divaricate
- divide
- dry
- employable
- exhibit
- expose
- fair
- fan
- feature
- fissure
- fit
- flare
- flat
- flop
- foursquare
- fracture
- frank
- free
- friendly
- front
- full
- furrow
- gap
- gash
- get
- giving
- glide
- glossal
- groove
- guttural
- hard
- headline
- heart-to-heart
- heavy
- high
- hint
- hole
- homespun
- humanitarian
- idle
- initiate
- innocent
- insight
- labial
- labiodental
- large
- lateral
- launch
- lax
- lean
- leisure
- liberal
- light
- lingual
- liquid
- low
- manifest
- mantle
- mid
- moot
- mount
- movable
- naked
- narrow
- nasal
- natural
- neat
- occlusive
- offer
- ope
- operative
- out-of-doors
- outcropping
- outdoors
- outside
- overrun
- overt
- oxytone
- palatal
- part
- patent
- pendent
- pending
- perfect
- pharyngeal
- pierce
- pitch
- plain
- plastic
- pleasing
- pliant
- premiere
- present
- preview
- produce
- public
- pure
- raise
- receivable
- recipient
- release
- rent
- rift
- ringent
- rip
- rive
- roomy
- round
- rupture
- rustic
- semivowel
- sensitive
- separate
- shadow
- show
- showing
- simple
- sit
- slash
- slit
- slot
- sociable
- sonant
- spare
- splay
- split
- sprawl
- sprawling
- spread
- spreading
- square
- stage
- star
- start
- straight
- strong
- subject
- surd
- swell
- tap
- tear
- telecast
- tense
- thick
- tonic
- trench
- unblock
- undo
- unlock
- unscreen
- untie
- velar
- visual
- vowel
- warm
- weak
- willing
- yawning
- yield
open (v.)
- activate
- adumbrate
- advertise
- afford
- air
- announce
- appropriate
- back
- bald
- bare
- begin
- bill
- billow
- bluff
- blunt
- bomb
- branch
- brazen
- breach
- break
- broach
- broadcast
- check
- chink
- clear
- cleave
- close
- commence
- communicate
- contribute
- cover
- crack
- cut
- deploy
- develop
- dilate
- direct
- disclose
- discover
- disperse
- display
- disrupt
- distend
- ditch
- divaricate
- divide
- divulge
- dramatize
- dry
- dull
- embark
- establish
- exhibit
- expand
- explain
- expose
- extend
- fail
- fair
- fan
- feature
- fissure
- fit
- flare
- flat
- flop
- fracture
- frank
- free
- front
- full
- furnish
- furrow
- gap
- gash
- get
- glide
- groove
- hard
- headline
- high
- hint
- hole
- idle
- impart
- inaugurate
- incise
- initiate
- introduce
- large
- launch
- lavish
- lax
- lean
- light
- low
- manifest
- mantle
- mid
- moot
- mount
- narrow
- offer
- ope
- outside
- overgrow
- overrun
- overspread
- overt
- part
- patent
- peeled
- perfect
- perforate
- pierce
- pitch
- plain
- premiere
- present
- preview
- produce
- provide
- publish
- pure
- raise
- ramify
- release
- rent
- retroflex
- reveal
- rift
- rip
- rive
- round
- rupture
- separate
- severe
- shadow
- show
- sit
- slash
- slit
- slot
- sober
- spare
- splay
- split
- sprawl
- spread
- square
- stage
- star
- start
- subject
- succeed
- suggest
- swell
- tap
- tear
- telecast
- tense
- trench
- unbar
- unblock
- unbolt
- uncloak
- unclog
- unclothe
- uncork
- uncover
- undo
- undrape
- unfasten
- unfold
- unfurl
- unlock
- unmask
- unpack
- unroll
- unseal
- unsheathe
- untie
- unveil
- unwrap
- warm
- weak
- widen
- yield
open (adj.)
- abandoned
- aboveboard
- absolute
- accented
- acceptable
- accessible
- admissible
- admissive
- agape
- agreeable
- air
- ajar
- aloof
- altruistic
- alveolar
- ambiguous
- amenable
- amiable
- announced
- apical
- apparent
- approachable
- appropriate
- arguable
- articulated
- artless
- ascetic
- attainable
- austere
- authentic
- available
- back
- bald
- bare
- beneficent
- bighearted
- bilabial
- bill
- blatant
- bluff
- blunt
- bounteous
- bountiful
- branch
- brazen
- broach
- broad
- broken
- brusque
- cacuminal
- campestral
- candid
- central
- cerebral
- charitable
- checked
- childlike
- clear
- cleared
- close
- come-at-able
- common
- commonplace
- communicative
- conditional
- conditioned
- confiding
- consonant
- consonantal
- conspicuous
- contingent
- continuant
- cordial
- cover
- crack
- current
- cut
- debatable
- declared
- dehiscent
- deltoid
- demonstrative
- dental
- denuded
- dependent
- deserted
- detached
- detectable
- diffused
- direct
- discernible
- disclosed
- disconnected
- discontinuous
- discrete
- disposed
- distributed
- ditch
- dorsal
- downright
- dry
- dubious
- dubitable
- dull
- effusive
- employable
- equivocal
- evident
- expansive
- explicit
- exposed
- extended
- extensive
- extroverted
- fair
- fan-shaped
- fanlike
- fanned
- fit
- flagrant
- flare
- flaring
- flat
- flexible
- forsaken
- forthright
- foursquare
- frank
- free
- free-spoken
- freehanded
- freehearted
- friendly
- front
- full
- gaping
- generous
- genial
- genuine
- get
- getatable
- gettable
- giving
- glaring
- glossal
- glottal
- godforsaken
- gossipy
- gracious
- greathearted
- guileless
- guttural
- handsome
- hard
- heart-to-heart
- hearty
- heavy
- high
- hole
- homely
- homespun
- honest
- hospitable
- humanitarian
- idle
- illimitable
- impressionable
- inclined
- incoherent
- inconsistent
- indecisive
- ingenuous
- initiate
- innocent
- invitatory
- inviting
- labial
- large
- lateral
- lavish
- lax
- lean
- leisured
- liable
- liberal
- light
- limitless
- lingual
- liquid
- low
- magnanimous
- malleable
- manifest
- matter-of-fact
- mid
- moot
- mount
- movable
- munificent
- muted
- naive
- naked
- narrow
- nasal
- natural
- navigable
- neat
- neighborly
- newsy
- nonadhesive
- nonimmune
- noticeable
- obnoxious
- observable
- obtainable
- obvious
- occlusive
- ope
- open-minded
- openhanded
- openhearted
- operative
- outgoing
- outside
- outspoken
- outspread
- outstretched
- overt
- palatal
- palatalized
- palpable
- part
- passable
- patent
- peeled
- pendent
- pending
- penetrable
- perceivable
- perceptible
- perfect
- perforate
- persuadable
- persuasible
- pervious
- pharyngeal
- phonemic
- phonetic
- phonic
- pitched
- plain
- plastic
- pleasing
- plenary
- pliable
- pliant
- practicable
- predisposed
- premiere
- present
- princely
- problematic
- proclaimed
- procurable
- profuse
- prone
- proper
- prosaic
- public
- published
- pure
- reachable
- receivable
- receptive
- recognizable
- release
- rent
- reported
- responsive
- retired
- retroflex
- revealed
- rift
- ringent
- rip
- roomy
- round
- rounded
- rustic
- seeable
- sensitive
- separate
- severe
- simple
- sincere
- single-minded
- sober
- sociable
- soft
- sonant
- spacious
- spare
- splay
- split
- sprawling
- sprawly
- spread
- square
- stage
- star
- stark
- start
- stated
- stopped
- straight
- straight-out
- straightforward
- stressed
- stripped
- strong
- suasible
- subject
- suggestible
- suitable
- surd
- susceptible
- suspenseful
- swell
- syllabic
- talkative
- tap
- tense
- tenuous
- thick
- throaty
- tonal
- tonic
- transparent
- trustful
- trusting
- unaccented
- unadorned
- unaffected
- unbarred
- unbolted
- unbooked
- unbound
- unbounded
- uncertain
- unchecked
- unclassified
- unclogged
- unclouded
- uncluttered
- uncommitted
- unconcealed
- unconditional
- unconditioned
- unconfined
- unconnected
- unconstrained
- uncounted
- uncovered
- undecided
- undefended
- undetermined
- undisguised
- unencumbered
- unequivocal
- unestablished
- unfastened
- unfilled
- unfixed
- ungrudging
- unguarded
- unhampered
- unhindered
- unimaginative
- unimpeded
- uninhabited
- uninhibited
- unlimited
- unlocked
- unmanned
- unmeasured
- unobstructed
- unoccupied
- unpeopled
- unpopulated
- unprotected
- unqualified
- unrepressed
- unreserved
- unresolved
- unrestrained
- unrestricted
- unscheduled
- unsealed
- unselfish
- unsettled
- unshrinking
- unsigned
- unsophisticated
- unsparing
- unstinted
- unstinting
- unstressed
- unsuppressed
- unsuspicious
- untenanted
- untended
- untold
- unvarnished
- unwary
- usable
- vacant
- velar
- veritable
- viewable
- visible
- visual
- vocalic
- voiced
- voiceless
- vowellike
- warm
- warmhearted
- weak
- welcoming
- well-known
- wide
- wide-open
- widespread
- willing
- yawning
- yield
His heart and hand both open and both free;
For what he has he gives, what thinks he shows;
Yet gives he not till judgment guide his bounty.
He hath a tear for pity, and a hand
Open as day for melting charity.
And smale foules maken melodie,
That slepen alle night with open eye,
So priketh hem nature in hir corages;
Than longen folk to gon on pilgrimages.
By the pricking of my thumbs,
Something wicked this way comes.
Open, locks,
Whoever knocks!
Open rebuke is better than secret love.
Together let us beat this ample field,
Try what the open, what the covert yield.