heavy (n.)
- actor
- actress
- acute
- adhesive
- aesthetic
- alveolar
- ample
- annoying
- antagonist
- antihero
- arcane
- arid
- back
- bad
- baritone
- barnstormer
- barren
- barytone
- bass
- bilabial
- bit
- blah
- blank
- blimp
- boring
- boss
- breeding
- broad
- bully
- cast
- cataleptic
- central
- character
- close
- cold
- compact
- complex
- comprehensive
- concrete
- consonant
- continuant
- contralto
- cool
- crackerjack
- crushing
- cue
- dandy
- dark
- dead
- deep
- delicious
- dense
- dental
- dim
- downcast
- dry
- ducky
- earnest
- empty
- fab
- fade
- fat
- fatty
- feeder
- fine
- firm
- flat
- foil
- formal
- foul
- front
- full
- gear
- glide
- glossal
- gone
- grand
- grave
- great
- grey
- grinding
- gross
- gumbo
- gummy
- guttural
- hard
- heavyweight
- hero
- heroine
- high
- hippo
- histrion
- hollow
- hot
- ingenue
- inkhorn
- juvenile
- keen
- killing
- labial
- labiodental
- laden
- lasting
- lateral
- lax
- lead
- light
- lingual
- liquid
- logy
- lovely
- low
- lowering
- lumbering
- lump
- lush
- main
- maximum
- mean
- melancholy
- mid
- mighty
- mime
- mimer
- mimic
- monologist
- mummer
- napping
- narcoleptic
- narrow
- nasal
- neat
- occlusive
- occult
- okay
- open
- overcast
- overrun
- overweight
- oxytone
- palatal
- pale
- pantomime
- pantomimist
- part
- passive
- pasty
- peachy
- pedestrian
- person
- personage
- pharyngeal
- piece
- pitch
- playactor
- player
- plodding
- plump
- poky
- potbelly
- protagonist
- rank
- reciter
- rich
- ripping
- role
- roly-poly
- ropy
- rum
- sad
- secret
- semivowel
- sesquipedalian
- side
- slack
- sleeping
- slow
- smashing
- solid
- sonant
- soporific
- sore
- soubrette
- sound
- stable
- standing
- static
- steady
- stiff
- stifling
- stooge
- stout
- stroller
- strong
- stupid
- surd
- swell
- tame
- tense
- theatrical
- thespian
- thick
- tonic
- total
- tough
- trouper
- tub
- tun
- uphill
- vegetable
- velar
- villain
- viscose
- vowel
- walk-on
- wan
- weak
- wearing
- wizard
- yawning
heavy (adv.)
- ample
- awful
- back
- bad
- big
- bit
- blank
- broad
- close
- dead
- deep
- earnest
- fine
- firm
- flat
- front
- full
- hard
- heavily
- high
- hot
- lead
- light
- low
- lump
- lush
- main
- mighty
- okay
- onerously
- part
- person
- phonemic
- piece
- plaguey
- plump
- ponderously
- powerful
- pretty
- ripping
- rum
- secret
- side
- slow
- soft
- standing
- steady
- stiff
- thick
- uphill
- weightily
- wide
heavy (adj.)
- abeyant
- abstruse
- abundant
- accented
- acute
- adamantine
- adhesive
- aesthetic
- alveolar
- ample
- amylaceous
- annoying
- apathetic
- apical
- arcane
- arduous
- arid
- articulated
- attractive
- awe-inspiring
- awful
- awkward
- back
- backbreaking
- bad
- bang-up
- baritone
- barren
- bass
- beauteous
- beautiful
- benumbed
- big
- bilabial
- bit
- blank
- blase
- bleak
- bloodless
- blunt
- bombastic
- bonzer
- bored
- boring
- boss
- bothersome
- breeding
- broad
- bulky
- bullnecked
- bully
- burdened
- burdensome
- cacuminal
- cast
- cataleptic
- catatonic
- central
- cerebral
- characterless
- checked
- cheerless
- chubby
- clammy
- close
- close-knit
- clotted
- clouded
- cloudy
- clumsy
- coagulated
- coarse
- cold
- colorless
- comatose
- compact
- complex
- comprehensive
- compressed
- concentrated
- concrete
- congested
- consequential
- considerable
- consolidated
- consonant
- consonantal
- continuant
- contralto
- cool
- copious
- corking
- corpulent
- cramped
- crass
- crestfallen
- critical
- crowded
- crucial
- crushing
- cumbersome
- cumbrous
- cumuliform
- cumulous
- curdled
- dandy
- dark
- dead
- debilitated
- deep
- dejected
- delicious
- dense
- dental
- depressed
- depressing
- despondent
- difficult
- dim
- dim-witted
- dirty
- disconsolate
- dismal
- distressful
- distressing
- doped
- dopey
- dormant
- dorsal
- doughy
- downcast
- downhearted
- dozy
- dreamy
- dreary
- droopy
- drowsy
- drugged
- dry
- dull
- durable
- dusty
- earnest
- effete
- effortful
- elegant
- elephantine
- empty
- encumbered
- enduring
- enervated
- esoteric
- etiolated
- exanimate
- excessive
- exhausting
- exhaustive
- expectant
- exquisite
- exuberant
- fab
- fat
- fatal
- fateful
- fatty
- fine
- firm
- flat
- fleshy
- flourishing
- forced
- forceful
- formal
- formidable
- foul
- front
- full
- full-bodied
- gear
- gelatinous
- gloomy
- glossal
- glottal
- gluey
- glutinous
- gone
- gooey
- graceful
- gracile
- grand
- grave
- gravid
- great
- grey
- grieving
- grievous
- groggy
- groovy
- gross
- grueling
- grumous
- gummy
- guttural
- halting
- handsome
- hard
- hard-fought
- harsh
- heavyhearted
- heavyset
- hefty
- hermetic
- high
- ho-hum
- hollow
- hot
- hunky-dory
- impenetrable
- impermeable
- important
- imposing
- inactive
- inane
- inanimate
- incomprehensible
- inert
- insipid
- insupportable
- intense
- intolerable
- irksome
- irresistible
- jaded
- jam-packed
- jammed
- jejune
- jelled
- jellied
- jellylike
- jungly
- juvenile
- keen
- killing
- labial
- labored
- laborious
- lackadaisical
- laden
- languid
- languorous
- lasting
- latent
- lateral
- lax
- lead
- leaden
- lethargic
- lifeless
- light
- lingual
- liquid
- listless
- loaded
- logy
- long-faced
- lovely
- low
- low-pitched
- low-spirited
- lowering
- lumbering
- lump
- lumpish
- lush
- luxuriant
- main
- massive
- maximum
- mean
- melancholy
- mid
- mighty
- mimic
- miserable
- monotonous
- moribund
- morose
- mucilaginous
- muted
- napping
- narcoleptic
- narcotized
- narrow
- nasal
- neat
- nebulous
- nifty
- nobby
- nodding
- nonporous
- numb
- obese
- obtuse
- occlusive
- occult
- okay
- onerous
- open
- operose
- oppressed
- oppressive
- oscitant
- overcast
- overflowing
- overgrown
- overloaded
- overweight
- packed
- painful
- palatal
- palatalized
- pale
- pallid
- part
- parturient
- passive
- pasty
- paunchy
- peachy
- pedestrian
- person
- pharyngeal
- phlegmatic
- phonemic
- phonetic
- phonic
- piece
- pitched
- plaguey
- plenary
- plodding
- plump
- pointless
- poky
- pompous
- ponderous
- portentous
- portly
- powerful
- pregnant
- pretty
- prodigious
- profound
- profuse
- prosaic
- pulchritudinous
- punishing
- rank
- recondite
- rich
- riotous
- ripping
- roly-poly
- ropy
- rounded
- rugged
- rum
- sad
- sad-faced
- sated
- scrumptious
- secret
- sedentary
- sepulchral
- serious
- serried
- sesquipedalian
- severe
- side
- slack
- slap-up
- sleeping
- sleepy
- slimy
- slithery
- slow
- slow-witted
- sluggish
- slumberous
- slumbery
- smashing
- smoldering
- sober
- soft
- solemn
- solid
- somnolent
- sonant
- soporific
- sore
- sorrowful
- sound
- spiffing
- spiffy
- spiritless
- squally
- stable
- stagnant
- staid
- standing
- starchy
- static
- steady
- sterile
- sticky
- stiff
- stifling
- stilted
- stodgy
- stopped
- stormy
- stout
- strained
- strenuous
- stressed
- stretchy
- stringy
- strong
- stuffy
- stunning
- stupid
- stuporous
- sturdy
- substantial
- superficial
- supine
- surd
- suspended
- swell
- syllabic
- syrupy
- tacky
- tame
- tasteless
- tedious
- teeming
- tenacious
- tense
- theatrical
- thespian
- thick
- thick-bodied
- thickened
- thickset
- threatening
- three-dimensional
- throaty
- toilsome
- tonal
- tonic
- torpid
- torrential
- total
- tough
- tragic
- troublesome
- trying
- tubby
- turgid
- tyrannous
- unaccented
- unbearable
- unfathomable
- ungraceful
- unhappy
- uninteresting
- unmanageable
- unstressed
- unsupportable
- unwieldy
- unyielding
- uphill
- upsetting
- vapid
- vegetative
- velar
- vexatious
- violent
- viscid
- viscous
- vocalic
- voiced
- voiceless
- vowellike
- walk-on
- wan
- weak
- wearing
- wearisome
- weary
- wearying
- weedy
- weighty
- well-founded
- well-grounded
- well-made
- wide
- wizard
- wooden
- world-weary
- yawning
With fingers weary and worn,
With eyelids heavy and red,
A woman sat in unwomanly rags
Plying her needle and thread,—
Stitch! Stitch! Stitch!
But oh the heavy change, now thou art gone,
Now thou art gone and never must return!