character (n.)
- accent
- acclaim
- actor
- actress
- advocacy
- affection
- alien
- allele
- allelomorph
- alphabet
- animus
- antagonist
- antihero
- aptitude
- aroma
- arrowhead
- attribute
- badge
- banner
- bar
- barnstormer
- bastard
- bat
- being
- bent
- bias
- bigwig
- bird
- birth
- birthmark
- bit
- blamelessness
- blood
- body
- body-build
- brand
- breed
- bugger
- cachet
- cameo
- cancel
- capacity
- card
- case
- cast
- cat
- catalog
- celebrity
- chap
- characteristic
- characterization
- chart
- chief
- chisel
- chromatid
- chromatin
- chromosome
- cipher
- clan
- cleanness
- clothing
- color
- complexion
- composition
- condition
- configuration
- constitution
- courage
- cove
- crackpot
- crank
- crease
- creature
- credential
- cribble
- crosshatch
- cue
- cuneiform
- customer
- cut
- decency
- delineation
- denomination
- depiction
- description
- designation
- details
- determinant
- determinative
- determiner
- device
- dharma
- diagram
- diathesis
- differentia
- differential
- digit
- dignitary
- disposition
- distinction
- dot
- draw
- duck
- duty
- earmark
- earthling
- eccentric
- eccentricity
- eclat
- emblem
- eminence
- endowment
- erectness
- ethos
- eugenics
- evocation
- evoke
- express
- factor
- fairness
- fame
- fanatic
- feather
- feature
- feeder
- feller
- fellow
- fermata
- fiber
- figure
- fitting
- flake
- flavor
- foil
- footing
- form
- frame
- freak
- function
- furrow
- gene
- genetics
- genius
- genre
- genus
- glory
- goodness
- grain
- graph
- grapheme
- grave
- groove
- groundling
- gust
- guy
- habit
- hallmark
- hand
- hatch
- head
- heavy
- heredity
- heritage
- hermit
- hero
- heroine
- hieroglyph
- hieroglyphic
- high-mindedness
- histrion
- hobo
- hold
- homo
- honesty
- honor
- honorableness
- hue
- human
- humor
- ideogram
- ideograph
- idiosyncrasy
- ilk
- image
- imagery
- impress
- impression
- inclination
- index
- indicant
- indicator
- individual
- individualism
- individuality
- ingenue
- inheritance
- initial
- insignia
- integrity
- intellect
- intelligence
- itemization
- jasper
- job
- joker
- justice
- justness
- juvenile
- kana
- keynote
- kidney
- kin
- kind
- kook
- kudos
- label
- lad
- lead
- leaning
- letter
- life
- ligature
- limning
- line
- lithograph
- logogram
- logograph
- loner
- loony
- lot
- make
- makeup
- man
- manner
- mannerism
- map
- mark
- marking
- maverick
- measure
- mettle
- mime
- mimer
- mimic
- mind
- mind-set
- mold
- monogram
- monologist
- morality
- mortal
- mummer
- nabob
- name
- natural
- nature
- nobility
- nonconformist
- normal
- nose
- notability
- notation
- note
- notoriety
- number
- numeral
- nut
- oddball
- oddity
- odor
- office
- one
- original
- outline
- outsider
- paint
- pantomime
- pantomimist
- pariah
- part
- particularity
- particularization
- party
- patronage
- pause
- peculiarity
- person
- personage
- personality
- persuasion
- pharmacogenetics
- photograph
- phylum
- physique
- pictograph
- picture
- piece
- place
- playactor
- player
- point
- popularity
- portrait
- portraiture
- portrayal
- position
- predilection
- predisposition
- preference
- principles
- probity
- proclivity
- profile
- propensity
- property
- protagonist
- province
- publicity
- pureness
- purity
- quality
- quirk
- quiz
- race
- radical
- rank
- reciter
- recluse
- recognition
- recommendation
- rectitude
- reference
- register
- relation
- render
- rendering
- rendition
- renown
- replication
- report
- representation
- representative
- reputability
- reputation
- repute
- resolution
- respectability
- righteousness
- role
- rub
- rune
- savor
- score
- scrape
- scratch
- screwball
- sculpture
- seal
- segno
- set
- shape
- shorthand
- side
- sign
- signal
- signature
- single
- singularity
- situation
- sketch
- slant
- slur
- smack
- solitary
- somatotype
- somebody
- someone
- sort
- soubrette
- soul
- specialty
- species
- specification
- spirit
- spook
- stamp
- standing
- state
- station
- status
- stooge
- strain
- streak
- stripe
- stroller
- stud
- style
- swell
- symbol
- symptom
- system
- taint
- tang
- taste
- tellurian
- temper
- temperament
- tendency
- tenor
- testimonial
- theatrical
- thespian
- tie
- token
- tone
- tool
- trace
- trait
- tramp
- tribe
- trick
- trouper
- turn
- twist
- type
- uniqueness
- uprightness
- variety
- vein
- vignette
- villain
- virtue
- virtuousness
- vogue
- voucher
- walk-on
- warp
- way
- wedge
- weirdo
- worldling
- worthiness
- write
- writing
- zealot
- zombie
character (v.)
- accent
- acclaim
- actor
- alien
- alphabetize
- attribute
- badge
- bar
- bat
- being
- bias
- bird
- birth
- bit
- blood
- body
- brand
- breed
- bugger
- cancel
- capitalize
- card
- carve
- case
- cast
- cat
- catalog
- chap
- characterize
- chart
- chisel
- cipher
- color
- complexion
- condition
- courage
- crank
- crease
- cribble
- crosshatch
- cue
- cut
- delineate
- depict
- describe
- diagram
- direct
- distinction
- dot
- draw
- duck
- earmark
- engrave
- evoke
- express
- factor
- fame
- feather
- feature
- figure
- flake
- flavor
- foil
- form
- frame
- freak
- function
- furrow
- glory
- grain
- graph
- grave
- groove
- gust
- guy
- habit
- hand
- hatch
- head
- hold
- honor
- hue
- humor
- ilk
- image
- impress
- incise
- index
- initial
- inscribe
- integrity
- job
- justice
- keynote
- kin
- label
- lead
- letter
- life
- limn
- line
- lines
- lithograph
- lot
- make
- man
- map
- mark
- measure
- mime
- mimic
- mind
- mold
- name
- nature
- nose
- notate
- note
- number
- nut
- office
- one
- outline
- paint
- pantomime
- part
- party
- patronage
- pause
- photograph
- picture
- piece
- place
- point
- portray
- position
- profile
- quirk
- quiz
- race
- rank
- recommend
- reference
- register
- render
- report
- represent
- repute
- role
- rub
- rune
- savor
- schematize
- score
- scrape
- scratch
- sculpture
- seal
- set
- shape
- side
- sign
- signal
- single
- sketch
- slant
- slur
- smack
- sort
- spirit
- spook
- stamp
- state
- station
- stipple
- stooge
- strain
- streak
- stripe
- stud
- style
- swell
- symbolize
- taint
- taste
- temper
- tie
- token
- tone
- tool
- trace
- tramp
- transcribe
- transliterate
- trick
- turn
- twist
- type
- vein
- warp
- way
- wedge
- write
Here is the whole set! a character dead at every word.
I leave my character behind me.
The man that makes a character makes foes.
Most women have no characters at all.
There is a fine circumstance connected with the character of a Cynic,—that he must be beaten like an ass, and yet when beaten must love those who beat him, as the father, as the brother of all.
The playbill, which is said to have announced the tragedy of Hamlet, the character of the Prince of Denmark being left out.
Solitude is as needful to the imagination as society is wholesome for the character.