case (n.)
- ablative
- accusative
- action
- afghan
- alien
- argument
- ark
- arthritic
- article
- ascender
- aspect
- axiom
- back
- backing
- bag
- bandolier
- bark
- barrel
- basis
- basket
- beard
- bedclothes
- bedcover
- bedding
- bedspread
- belly
- bevel
- billfold
- bin
- binding
- blanket
- body
- bookbinding
- bookcase
- boot
- bottle
- box
- bran
- briefcase
- bug
- bunker
- burden
- cadre
- caisson
- can
- canister
- canvass
- cap
- capital
- capsule
- cardcase
- carton
- casement
- casing
- cask
- casket
- cause
- chaff
- chapter
- character
- chassis
- chest
- circumstance
- cist
- citation
- clothes
- coffer
- coffin
- comfort
- comforter
- compact
- con
- concern
- condition
- cone
- consideration
- consumptive
- container
- cornhusk
- count
- counter
- counterpane
- cover
- covering
- coverlet
- crackpot
- crank
- crate
- crib
- crush
- dative
- datum
- demonstration
- descender
- detail
- dispute
- doorframe
- duck
- dyspeptic
- eccentric
- eiderdown
- elative
- element
- em
- emblem
- embrace
- en
- encasement
- envelope
- epileptic
- episode
- essence
- essive
- estate
- etui
- event
- eventuality
- example
- exemplar
- exemplification
- explanation
- exponent
- fabric
- face
- facet
- fact
- factor
- fanatic
- feet
- file
- fix
- folding
- folio
- font
- footing
- frame
- framework
- framing
- gathering
- genitive
- gist
- gospel
- groove
- hamper
- happening
- head
- headband
- heading
- hermit
- hobo
- holder
- holster
- housewife
- hull
- husk
- hussy
- hutch
- if
- illustration
- incident
- incidental
- incurable
- infatuation
- inpatient
- instance
- invalid
- issue
- italic
- item
- jacket
- jam
- jar
- kit
- kook
- lap
- lative
- lattice
- latticework
- lawsuit
- lest
- letter
- ligature
- linen
- lining
- litigation
- location
- locative
- logotype
- loner
- lot
- majuscule
- mash
- matter
- maverick
- meat
- minuscule
- minutia
- modality
- mode
- monstrance
- motif
- motive
- natural
- nick
- nominative
- nonconformist
- nut
- occasion
- occurrence
- oddball
- oddity
- order
- original
- ostensorium
- outpatient
- outsider
- pack
- package
- packet
- palea
- parcel
- pariah
- particular
- pass
- patient
- peel
- peep
- perlative
- pi
- pica
- pickle
- pillbox
- pillowcase
- place
- plain
- plea
- pleading
- plight
- pod
- point
- portfolio
- position
- postulate
- posture
- pot
- predicament
- problem
- proceedings
- pros
- prosecution
- protection
- question
- quilt
- quiver
- quiz
- quotation
- rack
- rank
- reason
- receptacle
- reference
- refutation
- regard
- reliquary
- repair
- representative
- respect
- rheumatic
- rind
- robe
- roman
- rounding
- rubric
- rug
- sack
- sample
- sampling
- sarcophagus
- sash
- scabbard
- scout
- screwball
- script
- sewing
- shank
- shape
- sheath
- sheathing
- sheet
- sheeting
- shell
- shoulder
- shroud
- shuck
- shut-in
- signature
- situation
- skeleton
- skin
- slip
- slipcover
- slough
- smashing
- smother
- snuffbox
- socket
- solitary
- spastic
- specimen
- spook
- spot
- spread
- spy
- stamp
- standing
- state
- station
- status
- stem
- study
- subject
- sufferer
- suit
- suitcase
- surround
- swathe
- symbol
- tank
- terminative
- text
- theme
- thing
- till
- tin
- tinderbox
- tipping
- topic
- tramp
- trimming
- trunk
- type
- typeface
- valetudinarian
- vet
- victim
- view
- vocative
- wallet
- watch
- wrap
- wrapper
- zealot
- zombie
case (v.)
- action
- alien
- ark
- article
- back
- bag
- bark
- barrel
- beard
- belly
- bevel
- bin
- blanket
- body
- boot
- bottle
- box
- bug
- bunker
- burden
- can
- canvass
- cap
- capsule
- casket
- cause
- chaff
- character
- coffin
- comfort
- compact
- con
- concern
- condition
- cone
- containerize
- count
- counter
- cover
- crank
- crate
- crib
- crush
- detail
- dispute
- duck
- em
- embrace
- en
- encapsulate
- encase
- enfold
- enshroud
- envelop
- enwrap
- estate
- event
- examine
- face
- fact
- factor
- feet
- file
- fix
- frame
- groove
- hamper
- head
- holster
- hull
- husk
- if
- inspect
- instance
- invalid
- invest
- issue
- jacket
- jam
- jar
- kit
- lap
- lest
- letter
- lot
- mash
- matter
- mode
- nick
- nut
- occasion
- order
- pack
- package
- parcel
- pass
- peel
- peep
- pickle
- place
- plain
- plight
- pod
- point
- position
- postulate
- posture
- pot
- pros
- question
- quilt
- quiver
- quiz
- rack
- rank
- reason
- reconnoiter
- reference
- regard
- repair
- respect
- rind
- robe
- rubric
- rug
- sack
- sample
- scout
- script
- shank
- shape
- sheathe
- sheet
- shell
- shoulder
- shroud
- shuck
- skin
- slip
- slough
- smother
- spook
- spot
- spread
- spy
- stamp
- state
- station
- stem
- study
- subject
- suit
- surround
- swaddle
- swathe
- tank
- theme
- till
- tin
- tramp
- type
- vet
- view
- watch
- wrap
case (adv.)
case (adj.)
- ablative
- accusative
- afghan
- alien
- apoplectic
- approximative
- ark
- arthritic
- back
- bag
- barrel
- binding
- blanket
- can
- cap
- capital
- cist
- compact
- condition
- consumptive
- count
- counter
- cover
- covering
- crank
- crate
- dative
- dyspeptic
- eccentric
- elative
- em
- en
- enfold
- epileptic
- essence
- essive
- estate
- face
- fact
- fanatic
- folding
- gathering
- genitive
- head
- if
- illative
- incident
- incidental
- incurable
- instrumental
- invalid
- italic
- item
- jar
- lative
- lest
- letter
- lot
- majuscule
- maverick
- minuscule
- mode
- motive
- natural
- nominative
- nonconformist
- nut
- order
- original
- particular
- pass
- patient
- perlative
- place
- plain
- pleading
- pod
- point
- pot
- prepositional
- question
- rack
- rank
- representative
- rheumatic
- rind
- roman
- rounding
- screwball
- script
- shape
- shoulder
- shut-in
- slip
- smashing
- solitary
- spastic
- spot
- spread
- spy
- standing
- state
- subject
- suit
- tank
- terminative
- thing
- till
- tin
- topic
- valetudinarian
- vet
- vocative
A flat case as plain as a pack-staff.
Let us consider the reason of the case. For nothing is law that is not reason.
What a case am I in.
As the case stands.
And when a lady's in the case,
You know all other things give place.