concern (n.)
- accent
- activity
- affair
- affairs
- affect
- agency
- agitation
- agreeableness
- ail
- angst
- anticipation
- anxiety
- anxiousness
- applicability
- application
- appositeness
- apprehension
- apprehensiveness
- area
- arena
- art
- atelier
- attention
- attentiveness
- awareness
- bag
- barbershop
- basis
- bearing
- bench
- bother
- burden
- business
- care
- carefulness
- caring
- cartel
- case
- cathexis
- caution
- chapter
- charge
- chord
- circumspection
- combine
- commerce
- company
- complaisance
- conglomerate
- connect
- connection
- consciousness
- consequence
- considerateness
- consideration
- consortium
- copartnership
- corporation
- curiosity
- delicacy
- desk
- discipline
- disquiet
- disquietude
- distress
- disturbance
- doing
- domain
- doubt
- dread
- dubiety
- duty
- echo
- empathy
- emphasis
- employ
- employment
- engage
- entangle
- enterprise
- enthusiasm
- essence
- establishment
- excellence
- facility
- faltering
- fear
- field
- firm
- foreboding
- forethought
- frazzle
- function
- germaneness
- gimmick
- gist
- gizmo
- head
- heading
- heed
- heedfulness
- helpfulness
- house
- identification
- import
- importance
- incertitude
- inconvenience
- indulgence
- industry
- inquietude
- installation
- institution
- interest
- interestedness
- invite
- involvement
- irk
- irresolution
- issue
- jigger
- job
- labor
- leniency
- loft
- lookout
- malaise
- mark
- materiality
- matter
- meat
- merit
- mindfulness
- misgiving
- mistrust
- moment
- motif
- motive
- nervousness
- note
- obligingness
- occasions
- occupation
- ology
- organization
- outfit
- overanxiety
- palaver
- paramountcy
- parlor
- partnership
- passion
- pathos
- pertinence
- perturbation
- pique
- plague
- point
- pool
- pother
- precedence
- preeminence
- preparedness
- primacy
- priority
- problem
- proceeding
- province
- pucker
- puzzle
- question
- reference
- regard
- relatedness
- relevance
- respect
- response
- responsibility
- responsiveness
- rubric
- science
- self-importance
- service
- sharing
- shop
- shtick
- significance
- skepticism
- solicitousness
- solicitude
- specialty
- sphere
- stew
- strain
- stress
- studio
- study
- subject
- substance
- superiority
- supremacy
- suspense
- suspicion
- sweatshop
- sympathy
- syndicate
- tact
- tactfulness
- tangle
- task
- technics
- technology
- tension
- text
- theme
- thing
- thought
- thoughtfulness
- tickle
- toleration
- topic
- torment
- touch
- transaction
- trouble
- trust
- undertaking
- unease
- uneasiness
- upset
- utility
- value
- vex
- vexation
- vibes
- weight
- widget
- wonder
- work
- workbench
- workhouse
- workplace
- workroom
- workshop
- worktable
- worry
- worth
- zeal
concern (v.)
- absorb
- accent
- affect
- agitate
- ail
- art
- attention
- attract
- bag
- bench
- beset
- bother
- burden
- care
- case
- caution
- charge
- chord
- combine
- company
- conglomerate
- connect
- discipline
- discommode
- disquiet
- distress
- disturb
- doubt
- dread
- echo
- embarrass
- employ
- engage
- enmesh
- entangle
- excite
- fascinate
- fear
- field
- firm
- frazzle
- function
- harass
- head
- heed
- house
- implicate
- import
- inconvenience
- interest
- invite
- involve
- irk
- issue
- job
- labor
- loft
- mark
- matter
- merit
- mistrust
- note
- outfit
- palaver
- perplex
- perturb
- pique
- plague
- point
- pool
- pother
- provoke
- pucker
- puzzle
- question
- reference
- regard
- respect
- rubric
- service
- shop
- stew
- stimulate
- strain
- stress
- study
- subject
- syndicate
- tact
- tangle
- tantalize
- task
- theme
- tickle
- titillate
- torment
- touch
- trouble
- trust
- unsettle
- upset
- value
- vex
- weight
- wonder
- work
- worry
For forms of government let fools contest;
Whate'er is best administer'd is best.
For modes of faith let graceless zealots fight;
His can't be wrong whose life is in the right.
In faith and hope the world will disagree,
But all mankind's concern is charity.