task (n.)
- affair
- agency
- article
- assignment
- attempt
- authority
- authorization
- blame
- book
- bother
- brevet
- burden
- business
- busywork
- calling
- care
- cargo
- censure
- charge
- chore
- cite
- commission
- commissioning
- commitment
- consignment
- contract
- cure
- deal
- delegation
- demand
- deputation
- devoir
- devolution
- devolvement
- discourse
- disquisition
- donkeywork
- drive
- drudgery
- duty
- effort
- embassy
- employment
- empowerment
- engagement
- enterprise
- errand
- exercise
- exposition
- fag
- fatigue
- finger
- freight
- function
- grind
- handiwork
- handwork
- harangue
- headache
- homework
- homily
- industry
- instruction
- job
- jurisdiction
- labor
- lade
- lay
- lecture
- legation
- lesson
- levy
- license
- lick
- lieutenancy
- load
- lumber
- make-work
- mandate
- millstone
- mission
- moil
- moral
- morality
- moralization
- nuisance
- obligation
- occupation
- office
- onus
- operation
- overdrive
- overwork
- pain
- place
- plan
- preachment
- program
- project
- proposition
- province
- proxy
- purview
- put
- rebuke
- recital
- recitation
- regency
- report
- reprimand
- reproach
- responsibility
- saddle
- scold
- sermon
- service
- set
- slavery
- spadework
- stint
- strain
- stroke
- struggle
- sweat
- talk
- tax
- teaching
- toil
- travail
- treadmill
- trouble
- trust
- trusteeship
- twit
- undertaking
- venture
- vocation
- warrant
- weight
- work
task (v.)
- accuse
- allege
- arraign
- article
- attempt
- blame
- book
- bother
- brevet
- burden
- busy
- care
- censure
- charge
- chide
- cite
- commission
- complain
- contract
- criticize
- cure
- deal
- demand
- denounce
- discourse
- drive
- encumber
- enjoin
- exact
- exercise
- fag
- fatigue
- finger
- freight
- function
- grind
- harangue
- impeach
- imply
- impose
- impute
- indict
- insinuate
- job
- labor
- lade
- lay
- lecture
- levy
- license
- lick
- load
- lumber
- mandate
- mission
- moil
- office
- oppress
- overdrive
- overtax
- overwork
- pain
- place
- plan
- program
- project
- proposition
- put
- rebuke
- recriminate
- report
- reprehend
- reprimand
- reproach
- reprove
- saddle
- scold
- service
- set
- stint
- strain
- stroke
- struggle
- sweat
- talk
- tax
- toil
- travail
- trouble
- trust
- twit
- upbraid
- venture
- warrant
- weigh
- weight
- work
The trivial round, the common task,
Would furnish all we ought to ask.
Delightful task! to rear the tender thought,
To teach the young idea how to shoot.
But now my task is smoothly done,
I can fly, or I can run.
Whose sore task
Does not divide the Sunday from the week.