authority (n.)
- acme
- adept
- administration
- adviser
- affidavit
- aficionado
- agency
- amateur
- amperage
- announcer
- annunciator
- appurtenance
- arbiter
- artisan
- artist
- artiste
- ascendancy
- assignment
- attache
- attestation
- authorities
- authority
- authorization
- beef
- birthright
- brevet
- buff
- care
- certificate
- certification
- championship
- channel
- charge
- charisma
- charm
- claim
- claws
- clearance
- clout
- clutches
- cogency
- cognoscente
- collector
- command
- commission
- commissioning
- commitment
- communicant
- communicator
- compulsion
- conduct
- connoisseur
- consequence
- consignment
- consultant
- control
- countenance
- craftsman
- credential
- credit
- critic
- cure
- delegation
- demand
- deposition
- deputation
- devolution
- devolvement
- dilettante
- dint
- diploma
- diplomat
- diplomatist
- direction
- directorship
- disposition
- doctor
- dominance
- domination
- dominion
- drive
- due
- duress
- effect
- effectiveness
- effectuality
- elder
- embassy
- eminence
- empire
- empowerment
- enchantment
- energy
- enfranchisement
- entitlement
- epicure
- epicurean
- errand
- establishment
- esteem
- evidence
- example
- exemplar
- expert
- faculty
- fan
- favor
- fiat
- force
- forcefulness
- freak
- gossipmonger
- gourmand
- gourmet
- governance
- government
- graduate
- grapevine
- greatness
- grip
- guidance
- guru
- hand
- handling
- hands
- headship
- hegemony
- height
- hold
- husbandry
- ideal
- imperium
- importance
- influence
- informant
- informer
- insinuation
- intellect
- intellectual
- interest
- interviewee
- journeyman
- judge
- jurisdiction
- justness
- kingship
- lead
- leadership
- leading
- legation
- leverage
- license
- lieutenancy
- lordship
- magnetism
- mahatma
- mana
- management
- mandarin
- mandate
- manipulation
- marksman
- master
- mastermind
- mastership
- mastery
- maven
- maximum
- mentor
- might
- mightiness
- mission
- model
- moment
- monitor
- most
- mouthpiece
- moxie
- newsmonger
- note
- nut
- office
- officialdom
- officials
- oracle
- ordering
- paramountcy
- pattern
- personality
- persuasion
- philosopher
- pilotage
- pizzazz
- police
- politician
- poop
- potence
- potency
- potentiality
- power
- powerfulness
- precedence
- predominance
- preponderance
- prepotency
- prerogative
- prescription
- presidency
- press
- pressure
- prestige
- pretense
- pretension
- primacy
- priority
- pro
- productiveness
- productivity
- professional
- professor
- prominence
- proxy
- publisher
- puissance
- pull
- punch
- pundit
- purchase
- purview
- push
- rabbi
- radio
- raj
- rank
- ratification
- record
- regency
- regnancy
- regulation
- reign
- reporter
- repute
- responsibility
- right
- rule
- running
- sage
- sanction
- savant
- say
- say-so
- scholar
- scientist
- seer
- seniority
- shark
- sharp
- sheepskin
- sinew
- solidity
- soundness
- source
- sovereignty
- specialist
- spokesman
- standard
- starets
- statesman
- stature
- steam
- steerage
- steering
- strength
- strings
- suasion
- substantiality
- suggestion
- superiority
- superpower
- supremacy
- sway
- task
- technician
- technologist
- television
- teller
- testimonial
- testimony
- thinker
- ticket
- tipster
- title
- tout
- trust
- trusteeship
- validity
- vehemence
- vigor
- vim
- virility
- virtue
- virtuoso
- virulence
- visa
- vise
- vitality
- voucher
- warrant
- warranty
- wattage
- weight
- weightiness
- witness
- wizard
- word
- zenith
O, what authority and show of truth
Can cunning sin cover itself withal!
And art made tongue-tied by authority.
But man, proud man,
Drest in a little brief authority,
Most ignorant of what he's most assured,
His glassy essence, like an angry ape,
Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven
As make the angels weep.
Small have continual plodders ever won
Save base authority from others' books.
These earthly godfathers of heaven's lights
That give a name to every fixed star
Have no more profit of their shining nights
Than those that walk and wot not what they are.