rule (n.)
- acme
- act
- administration
- antitype
- apothegm
- appointment
- archetype
- ascendancy
- assize
- authority
- authorization
- average
- axiom
- balance
- ban
- bar
- barometer
- bid
- bill
- biotype
- brevet
- bull
- bylaw
- bypass
- canon
- center
- championship
- charge
- charisma
- charm
- check
- claws
- clout
- clutches
- code
- command
- commandment
- commission
- consequence
- control
- convention
- credit
- criterion
- customs
- declaration
- decorum
- decree
- degree
- dictate
- dictation
- dictum
- dilemma
- direction
- directive
- directorship
- discipline
- dispensation
- disposition
- disregard
- dominance
- domination
- dominion
- doom
- drill
- edict
- effect
- effectiveness
- eminence
- empire
- enactment
- enchantment
- epitome
- esteem
- etiquette
- fact
- favor
- fiat
- figure
- find
- force
- form
- formality
- formula
- formulary
- fugleman
- fundamental
- gather
- gauge
- generality
- genotype
- gnome
- governance
- government
- grip
- guide
- guideline
- hand
- hands
- headship
- hegemony
- height
- hold
- ignore
- imperative
- imperium
- importance
- influence
- insinuation
- institution
- instruction
- judge
- jurisdiction
- jus
- kingship
- law
- lead
- leadership
- legislation
- leverage
- lex
- lordship
- magnetism
- management
- mandate
- mastership
- mastery
- maxim
- maximum
- mean
- measure
- median
- mediocrity
- medium
- middle
- midpoint
- mirror
- mitzvah
- mode
- model
- moment
- mood
- moral
- most
- norm
- norma
- normal
- order
- ordinance
- original
- overlook
- oversight
- par
- paradigm
- paralogism
- parameter
- paramountcy
- pattern
- personality
- persuasion
- policy
- polity
- postulate
- potency
- power
- practice
- precedent
- precept
- predominance
- preponderance
- prescript
- prescription
- presidency
- pressure
- prestige
- primacy
- principle
- procedure
- proclamation
- pronouncement
- pronunciamento
- proposition
- propriety
- prototype
- purchase
- quantity
- raj
- reading
- readout
- record
- regime
- regimen
- regnancy
- regulation
- reign
- report
- representative
- repute
- rescript
- resolve
- routine
- rubric
- ruler
- ruling
- run
- say
- scale
- sentence
- settle
- sovereignty
- square
- standard
- statute
- straightedge
- suasion
- suggestion
- supervision
- supremacy
- sway
- syllogism
- tenet
- test
- theorem
- touchstone
- triangle
- truism
- truth
- type
- ukase
- value
- weight
- yardstick
- zenith
rule (v.)
- act
- average
- balance
- ban
- bar
- bid
- bill
- brevet
- bull
- bypass
- center
- charge
- charm
- check
- clout
- code
- command
- commission
- conclude
- condemn
- control
- credit
- decide
- declare
- decree
- deduce
- deem
- determine
- dictate
- direct
- discipline
- dismiss
- dispose
- disregard
- dominate
- domineer
- doom
- drill
- edict
- effect
- eliminate
- enjoin
- esteem
- exclude
- fact
- favor
- figure
- find
- forbid
- force
- form
- gather
- gauge
- govern
- grip
- guide
- hand
- hands
- hold
- ignore
- infer
- influence
- instruct
- judge
- law
- lead
- leverage
- lex
- manage
- mandate
- mean
- measure
- middle
- mirror
- mitzvah
- mode
- model
- negate
- obtain
- ordain
- order
- overlook
- overrule
- oversee
- palms
- par
- pattern
- postulate
- power
- practice
- preclude
- predominate
- preponderate
- preside
- pressure
- prevail
- proclaim
- prohibit
- promulgate
- pronounce
- proposition
- proscribe
- purchase
- record
- regulate
- reign
- report
- repute
- resolve
- rubric
- run
- say
- scale
- sentence
- settle
- square
- superintend
- supervise
- sway
- test
- type
- value
- weight
Should such a man, too fond to rule alone,
Bear, like the Turk, no brother near the throne.
I have not kept my square; but that to come
Shall all be done by the rule.
When Britain first, at Heaven's command,
Arose from out the azure main,
This was the charter of her land,
And guardian angels sung the strain:
Rule, Britannia! Britannia rules the waves!
Britons never shall be slaves.
No rule is so general, which admits not some exception.
For contemplation he and valour form'd,
For softness she and sweet attractive grace;
He for God only, she for God in him.
His fair large front and eye sublime declar'd
Absolute rule; and hyacinthine locks
Round from his parted forelock manly hung
Clustering, but not beneath his shoulders broad.
For I, who hold sage Homer's rule the best,
Welcome the coming, speed the going guest.
A little rule, a little sway,
A sunbeam in a winter's day,
Is all the proud and mighty have
Between the cradle and the grave.
With thy long levell'd rule of streaming light.
None shall rule but the humble,
And none but Toil shall have.
Beneath the rule of men entirely great,
The pen is mightier than the sword.
Ornate rhetorick taught out of the rule of Plato. . . . To which poetry would be made subsequent, or indeed rather precedent, as being less suttle and fine, but more simple, sensuous, and passionate.
How shall I be able to rule over others, that have not full power and command of myself?
Because the good old rule
Sufficeth them,—the simple plan,
That they should take who have the power,
And they should keep who can.
Ill can he rule the great that cannot reach the small.
Laws grind the poor, and rich men rule the law.
Rule the rost.
Her that ruled the rost in the kitchen.
Resolv'd to ruin or to rule the state.
See, Winter comes to rule the varied year.
He shall rule them with a rod of iron.