record (n.)
- accomplishment
- account
- accounting
- acme
- acta
- album
- annals
- annual
- archives
- authority
- authorization
- autobiography
- biography
- book
- brief
- bulletin
- calendar
- cartridge
- cassette
- catalog
- catalogue
- chalk
- championship
- chronicle
- chronicles
- chronology
- command
- control
- copy
- cut
- data
- daybook
- deeds
- diary
- directorship
- disc
- distance
- docket
- document
- documentation
- dominion
- dossier
- draft
- edit
- effectiveness
- enter
- evidence
- extreme
- file
- grave
- hagiography
- hagiology
- headship
- hegemony
- height
- historiography
- history
- imperium
- index
- influence
- information
- insert
- journal
- jurisdiction
- kingship
- leadership
- legend
- life
- list
- log
- lordship
- management
- mark
- mastership
- mastery
- matriculate
- maximum
- memento
- memoir
- memorabilia
- memorandum
- memorial
- minute
- minutes
- monument
- most
- necrology
- notation
- note
- obituary
- paramountcy
- pen
- pencil
- platter
- poll
- post
- power
- presidency
- primacy
- proceedings
- profile
- read
- recording
- recount
- register
- registry
- relate
- release
- report
- reputation
- resume
- returns
- revise
- rewrite
- rule
- say
- scribe
- scroll
- single
- souvenir
- sovereignty
- statement
- story
- supremacy
- sway
- tally
- tape
- time
- timecard
- timetable
- trace
- transactions
- transcription
- type
- videotape
- wax
- write
- yearbook
- zenith
record (v.)
- account
- book
- brief
- bulletin
- calendar
- carve
- catalog
- catalogue
- chalk
- chronicle
- command
- control
- copy
- cut
- distance
- docket
- document
- draft
- edit
- engrave
- engross
- enroll
- enter
- enumerate
- evidence
- file
- grave
- impanel
- incise
- index
- indicate
- influence
- inscribe
- insert
- itemize
- life
- list
- log
- mark
- matriculate
- minute
- narrate
- note
- palms
- pen
- pencil
- platter
- poll
- post
- power
- profile
- read
- recite
- recount
- register
- relate
- release
- report
- resume
- revise
- rewrite
- rule
- say
- scribe
- scroll
- single
- superscribe
- sway
- tabulate
- tally
- tape
- time
- trace
- transcribe
- type
- videotape
- wax
- write
record (adv.)
But sad as angels for the good man's sin,
Weep to record, and blush to give it in.