report (n.)
- accidental
- acclaim
- account
- accounting
- acquaintance
- acta
- advice
- analysis
- announcement
- annual
- annunciation
- answer
- anthem
- antiphon
- antiphony
- approval
- article
- backfire
- ballyhoo
- bang
- blast
- blowout
- blowup
- blurb
- book
- boom
- breve
- brief
- briefing
- broadcast
- bulletin
- burst
- buzz
- canard
- canticle
- celebrity
- censure
- chant
- character
- charge
- chat
- chatter
- chitchat
- chorale
- chronicle
- circular
- cite
- comment
- commentary
- communication
- communique
- conversation
- cover
- crack
- criticism
- critique
- crotchet
- cry
- currency
- data
- datum
- daylight
- declaration
- decree
- demisemiquaver
- description
- detail
- detonation
- directory
- dirt
- discharge
- dispatch
- document
- dominant
- doom
- doxology
- eclat
- edict
- editorial
- encyclical
- enlightenment
- enunciation
- evidence
- explosion
- exposure
- fable
- facts
- fame
- familiarization
- figure
- find
- finger
- flare
- flash
- flat
- fulmination
- gen
- give
- glare
- glory
- gloss
- gossip
- grapevine
- guidebook
- gunfire
- gunshot
- hallelujah
- handout
- hearsay
- hemidemisemiquaver
- history
- hoopla
- hosanna
- hymn
- hymnody
- info
- information
- instruction
- intelligence
- knowledge
- kudos
- leader
- light
- limelight
- manifesto
- mantra
- mention
- message
- minim
- minutes
- motet
- murmur
- name
- narrative
- natural
- news
- note
- notice
- notification
- notoriety
- offertory
- order
- paean
- pass
- piece
- plug
- popularity
- presentation
- probe
- proceedings
- proclamation
- program
- programma
- pronouncement
- pronunciamento
- proof
- psalm
- psalmody
- publication
- publicity
- puff
- quaver
- recognition
- record
- recount
- relate
- release
- remark
- render
- renown
- rep
- reproach
- reputation
- repute
- research
- response
- returns
- review
- romance
- rule
- rumble
- rumor
- scandal
- scuttlebutt
- semibreve
- semiquaver
- send
- sentence
- share
- sharp
- shot
- sidelight
- signal
- speak
- speech
- spiccato
- spotlight
- state
- statement
- story
- study
- surface
- talk
- tally
- task
- tattle
- tax
- tell
- tercet
- tidings
- tittle-tattle
- tone
- transactions
- transfer
- transmission
- triplet
- twit
- ukase
- verse
- versicle
- version
- vogue
- whisper
- whispering
- word
- yearbook
report (v.)
- acclaim
- account
- accuse
- acquaint
- advertise
- advise
- affirm
- allege
- allegorize
- announce
- annunciate
- answer
- appear
- apprise
- arraign
- arrive
- article
- backfire
- ballyhoo
- bang
- blast
- book
- boom
- brief
- broadcast
- bruit
- bulletin
- burst
- buzz
- censure
- chant
- character
- charge
- chat
- chatter
- chitchat
- chronicle
- circulate
- cite
- comment
- communicate
- complain
- condemn
- convey
- cover
- crack
- critique
- cry
- declare
- decree
- denounce
- describe
- detail
- dirt
- discharge
- disclose
- dispatch
- disseminate
- divulge
- document
- doom
- edict
- enlighten
- enunciate
- evidence
- examine
- explore
- fame
- familiarize
- fictionalize
- figure
- find
- finger
- flare
- flash
- flat
- give
- glare
- glory
- gloss
- gossip
- hymn
- impart
- impeach
- imply
- impute
- indict
- inform
- insinuate
- instruct
- investigate
- knowledge
- laud
- light
- mention
- message
- murmur
- mythicize
- mythologize
- name
- narrate
- note
- notice
- notify
- novelize
- order
- pass
- piece
- plug
- probe
- program
- promulgate
- pronounce
- proof
- psalm
- publicize
- publish
- puff
- quaver
- recite
- record
- recount
- rehearse
- relate
- release
- remark
- render
- reproach
- repute
- research
- retell
- reveal
- review
- romance
- rule
- rumble
- rumor
- scrutinize
- send
- sentence
- share
- sharp
- signal
- speak
- spotlight
- state
- study
- surface
- talk
- tally
- task
- tattle
- tax
- tell
- tittle-tattle
- tone
- transfer
- transmit
- twit
- verse
- whisper
- word
By evil report and good report.
If my gossip Report be an honest woman of her word.
Report me and my cause aright.
'T is greatly wise to talk with our past hours,
And ask them what report they bore to heaven.
Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report: if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
He's gone, and who knows how he may report
Thy words by adding fuel to the flame?