puff (n.)
- acknowledgment
- advertisement
- advocate
- appreciation
- aspiration
- back
- baklava
- balloon
- ballyhoo
- bark
- base
- bill
- blast
- blintz
- bloat
- blow
- blubber
- blurb
- bluster
- boast
- boost
- brag
- breakers
- breath
- breathing
- breeze
- brew
- build
- buildup
- bulk
- bulletin
- burlesque
- butter
- caricature
- celebrity
- chaw
- chew
- chewing
- clay
- cock-a-doodle-doo
- collapse
- collar
- comforter
- commendation
- compact
- cough
- crescendo
- crow
- cry
- currency
- cushion
- daylight
- diastole
- dilatation
- dilation
- distension
- dough
- dowdy
- down
- drag
- draught
- draw
- droop
- drop
- dropsy
- eclair
- eclat
- edema
- eiderdown
- emit
- exhalation
- exhaust
- expiration
- exposure
- faint
- fame
- fatigue
- flag
- flatulence
- flatulency
- flatus
- fleece
- floss
- flourish
- flue
- fluff
- foam
- foundation
- froth
- fume
- gasconade
- gasp
- gather
- glare
- greasepaint
- gulp
- gust
- hack
- head
- heave
- hiccup
- hike
- hoopla
- huff
- hype
- increase
- inflation
- inhalation
- inhalator
- inspiration
- insufflation
- intumescence
- item
- jade
- kapok
- lather
- limelight
- lipstick
- makeup
- mascara
- mention
- meringue
- mousse
- mouth
- notice
- notoriety
- overcharge
- overestimate
- paint
- pandowdy
- pant
- pastry
- pasty
- patisserie
- patty
- pie
- pillow
- placard
- plug
- plush
- post
- powder
- praise
- prate
- promotion
- publicity
- pudding
- puffery
- puffiness
- puffing
- pull
- pump
- push
- putty
- quiche
- rage
- raise
- recognition
- reek
- report
- respiration
- review
- rodomontade
- rosette
- rouge
- rubber
- salute
- satin
- scuba
- scud
- scum
- sell
- sigh
- silk
- sink
- smoke
- smoking
- sneeze
- sniff
- sniffle
- snore
- snoring
- snort
- snuff
- snuffle
- soapsuds
- souffle
- spiel
- spindrift
- spoondrift
- spotlight
- spray
- spume
- squall
- steam
- sternutation
- stertor
- stinging
- storm
- stretch
- stretching
- strudel
- suck
- suds
- support
- surf
- suspiration
- swagger
- swell
- swelling
- talcum
- tart
- thistledown
- timbale
- tire
- tout
- travesty
- trifle
- trumpet
- tumefaction
- tumescence
- tumidity
- tumidness
- turgidity
- turgidness
- turnover
- up
- vapor
- vaunt
- velvet
- vol-au-vent
- waft
- wax
- wheeze
- whiff
- wilt
- wind
- windiness
- wool
- word
- zephyr
puff (v.)
- adulate
- advertise
- advocate
- aggrandize
- amplify
- apotheosize
- augment
- back
- balloon
- ballyhoo
- bark
- base
- bill
- blast
- bless
- bloat
- blow
- blubber
- bluster
- boast
- boost
- brag
- breath
- breathe
- breeze
- brew
- broaden
- build
- bulk
- bulletin
- burlesque
- butter
- caricature
- celebrate
- chain-smoke
- chaw
- chew
- circularize
- clay
- collapse
- collar
- commend
- compact
- cough
- crescendo
- crow
- cry
- cushion
- deify
- develop
- dilate
- distend
- down
- drag
- draught
- draw
- droop
- drop
- emblazon
- emit
- enlarge
- establish
- eulogize
- evacuate
- exaggerate
- exalt
- exhale
- exhaust
- expand
- expel
- expire
- extend
- extol
- faint
- fame
- fatigue
- flag
- flatter
- fleece
- floss
- flourish
- fluff
- foam
- freshen
- froth
- fume
- gasconade
- gasp
- gather
- glare
- glorify
- gulp
- gust
- hack
- head
- heave
- hero-worship
- hiccup
- hike
- huff
- hype
- hyperbolize
- idolize
- increase
- inflate
- inhale
- inspire
- jade
- lather
- laud
- lionize
- lipstick
- magnify
- mention
- mousse
- mouth
- notice
- overcharge
- overdo
- overdraw
- overestimate
- overpraise
- overreach
- overreact
- overstate
- overstress
- paint
- pant
- pie
- pillow
- placard
- plug
- post
- powder
- praise
- prate
- promote
- publicize
- pull
- pump
- push
- putty
- rage
- raise
- rarefy
- recommend
- reek
- report
- respire
- review
- rouge
- rubber
- salute
- scud
- scum
- sell
- sigh
- sink
- smoke
- sneeze
- sniff
- sniffle
- snore
- snort
- snuff
- snuffle
- spiel
- spotlight
- spray
- spume
- squall
- steam
- storm
- stretch
- succumb
- suck
- suds
- sufflate
- support
- surf
- swagger
- swell
- tart
- tire
- tout
- travesty
- trifle
- trumpet
- up
- vaunt
- waft
- wax
- weary
- wheeze
- whiff
- widen
- wilt
- wind
- word
puff (adj.)
I can enjoy her while she's kind;
But when she dances in the wind,
And shakes the wings and will not stay,
I puff the prostitute away.