raise (n.)
- abandon
- abet
- access
- accession
- accretion
- accrual
- accruement
- accumulation
- acme
- addition
- advance
- advancement
- agglomerate
- aggrandizement
- aggregate
- amass
- amplification
- answer
- apex
- appreciation
- apprentice
- approach
- arouse
- articulate
- ascent
- augmentation
- ballooning
- batch
- better
- bloat
- boom
- boost
- boss
- break
- breed
- broach
- broadening
- build
- buildup
- bulk
- bunch
- buoy
- call
- cast
- cause
- chase
- chime
- chisel
- chorus
- clump
- cluster
- collect
- combine
- compare
- compound
- condition
- conglomerate
- conscript
- construct
- contact
- convert
- corral
- crescendo
- crop
- crown
- culture
- development
- devise
- discipline
- draft
- drill
- edema
- elate
- elevation
- eminence
- emit
- enlargement
- ennoblement
- ether
- evoke
- exaltation
- exercise
- expansion
- express
- extension
- extract
- farm
- fashion
- father
- favor
- feed
- ferment
- fit
- float
- flood
- form
- forward
- foster
- found
- frame
- gain
- garden
- gather
- get
- give
- graduate
- graduation
- groom
- group
- growth
- gush
- harvest
- hatch
- heave
- heaven
- heavens
- heft
- height
- heights
- heist
- hike
- hoist
- huff
- impress
- increase
- increment
- inflation
- initiate
- institute
- join
- jump
- keep
- knight
- lard
- launch
- leap
- leaven
- levy
- lift
- lip
- list
- lob
- loft
- machine
- make
- manufacture
- mass
- match
- mature
- mend
- mention
- mill
- mine
- mold
- moot
- mother
- mounting
- multiplication
- muster
- nurse
- nurture
- occasion
- open
- pair
- parent
- parlay
- partner
- pass
- passing
- phrase
- pique
- pitch
- plant
- practice
- preferment
- present
- press
- process
- produce
- productiveness
- proliferation
- promotion
- prompt
- puff
- pump
- pyramid
- question
- rally
- ranch
- reach
- ready
- rear
- recruit
- reform
- remove
- ridge
- rise
- rouse
- run
- saint
- say
- set
- shape
- shout
- sky
- smelt
- sound
- spread
- steep
- stir
- stratosphere
- stretch
- surge
- swell
- swelling
- tell
- throne
- train
- tumescence
- up
- upcast
- upgrade
- uplift
- upping
- upright
- upsurge
- upthrow
- upturn
- utter
- voice
- waxing
- whisper
- widening
- word
- write
- zenith
raise (v.)
- abandon
- abet
- access
- accession
- acculturate
- accumulate
- advance
- agglomerate
- aggrandize
- aggregate
- aggroup
- amass
- ameliorate
- amend
- amplify
- animate
- answer
- apotheose
- apotheosize
- apprentice
- approach
- arouse
- articulate
- assemble
- augment
- awaken
- batch
- beatify
- better
- bloat
- boom
- boost
- boss
- break
- breathe
- breed
- broach
- broaden
- build
- bulk
- bunch
- buoy
- call
- canonize
- carve
- cast
- cause
- chase
- chime
- chisel
- chorus
- christen
- civilize
- clump
- cluster
- collect
- colligate
- collocate
- combine
- commandeer
- communicate
- compare
- compile
- compose
- compound
- concoct
- condition
- conglomerate
- conjure
- conscript
- construct
- contact
- convene
- convert
- convey
- corral
- correspond
- create
- crescendo
- crop
- crown
- cultivate
- culture
- cumulate
- deify
- deliver
- detach
- develop
- devise
- dilate
- discipline
- disclose
- discontinue
- distend
- draft
- drill
- edify
- educate
- elaborate
- elate
- elevate
- eliminate
- emboss
- emend
- emit
- encourage
- engender
- enhance
- enlarge
- enlighten
- enlist
- ennoble
- enrich
- enroll
- enshrine
- enthrone
- enunciate
- erect
- escalate
- establish
- ether
- evoke
- evolve
- exalt
- exercise
- exhilarate
- expand
- express
- extend
- extract
- extrude
- fabricate
- farm
- fashion
- father
- fatten
- favor
- feed
- ferment
- fit
- float
- flood
- foment
- form
- formulate
- forward
- foster
- found
- frame
- gain
- garden
- gather
- get
- give
- glamorize
- glorify
- graduate
- groom
- group
- grow
- gush
- harvest
- hatch
- heave
- heft
- heighten
- heist
- hike
- hoist
- house-train
- housebreak
- huff
- immortalize
- impart
- impress
- improve
- inaugurate
- increase
- indite
- induct
- inflate
- initiate
- inspire
- install
- instigate
- institute
- interrogate
- introduce
- invigorate
- invoke
- join
- jump
- juxtapose
- keep
- knight
- lard
- launch
- leap
- leaven
- lengthen
- levitate
- levy
- lift
- lionize
- lip
- list
- lob
- loft
- machine
- magnify
- make
- manufacture
- mass
- match
- mature
- maximize
- meliorate
- mend
- mention
- mill
- mine
- mobilize
- mold
- moot
- mother
- muster
- nurse
- nurture
- obtain
- occasion
- open
- originate
- pair
- parent
- parlay
- partner
- pass
- phonate
- phrase
- pique
- pitch
- plant
- practice
- prefabricate
- prefer
- prepare
- present
- press
- process
- produce
- promote
- prompt
- pronounce
- propagate
- provoke
- puff
- pump
- pyramid
- question
- quicken
- rally
- ranch
- rarefy
- reach
- ready
- rear
- recruit
- refine
- reform
- rehearse
- relieve
- remove
- ridge
- rise
- rouse
- run
- saint
- sanctify
- say
- set
- shape
- shout
- sky
- smelt
- socialize
- solicit
- sound
- spread
- steep
- stimulate
- stir
- stretch
- sufflate
- suggest
- summon
- surge
- swell
- tell
- terminate
- thicken
- throne
- train
- transfigure
- transform
- up
- upend
- upgrade
- upheave
- uphold
- uplift
- upraise
- upright
- uprise
- utter
- verbalize
- vitalize
- vivify
- vocalize
- voice
- waken
- whisper
- widen
- word
- write
Even such is time, that takes in trust
Our youth, our joys, our all we have,
And pays us but with age and dust;
Who in the dark and silent grave,
When we have wandered all our ways,
Shuts up the story of our days.
But from this earth, this grave, this dust,
My God shall raise me up, I trust!
What in me is dark
Illumine, what is low raise and support,
That to the height of this great argument
I may assert eternal Providence,
And justify the ways of God to men.