express (n.)
- absolute
- advice
- affect
- air
- airmail
- all-out
- apparent
- articulate
- aver
- bearer
- brandish
- broach
- busboy
- caddie
- carrier
- carter
- character
- chime
- choo-choo
- chorus
- clear
- close
- commissionaire
- communication
- communique
- concentrate
- concrete
- constant
- conveyer
- coolie
- correspondence
- couch
- courier
- crisp
- crush
- cupbearer
- discharge
- dispatch
- display
- drain
- draw
- el
- electric
- elevated
- embassy
- emissary
- emit
- entail
- entire
- even
- evidence
- evoke
- exhibit
- export
- expose
- extract
- extraordinary
- faithful
- fast
- final
- fine
- flat
- flaunt
- fleet
- flier
- flourish
- flying
- forward
- frame
- frank
- freight
- freighter
- funicular
- give
- go-between
- hauler
- have
- highlight
- hint
- hold
- import
- individual
- inner
- intimate
- letter
- letters
- limited
- lip
- litter-bearer
- local
- manifest
- manifesto
- mark
- mean
- message
- messenger
- metro
- minute
- monorail
- nice
- note
- nuncio
- outline
- paint
- parade
- paragraph
- particular
- patent
- perfect
- personal
- phrase
- picture
- pinpoint
- plain
- porter
- positive
- post
- precipitate
- predicate
- present
- private
- produce
- prompt
- protest
- put
- quick
- raise
- rapid
- rattler
- redcap
- release
- religious
- remit
- render
- rigid
- round
- runner
- running
- say
- send
- set
- ship
- show
- shuttle
- simple
- singular
- sketch
- skycap
- soak
- sound
- spanking
- speak
- special
- specific
- spell
- spotlight
- square
- state
- steep
- stevedore
- straight
- streamliner
- stretcher-bearer
- strict
- style
- subway
- swift
- tangible
- telegram
- tell
- token
- total
- train
- transporter
- trucker
- true
- tube
- underground
- utter
- vent
- voice
- wagoner
- wave
- whisper
- whole
- word
- wring
- write
express (v.)
- affect
- affirm
- air
- airfreight
- airmail
- allege
- announce
- annunciate
- approve
- argue
- articulate
- assert
- asseverate
- attest
- aver
- avouch
- avow
- bespeak
- betoken
- brandish
- breathe
- broach
- caddie
- certain
- character
- characterize
- chime
- chorus
- circulate
- clear
- clear-cut
- close
- communicate
- complete
- conceive
- concentrate
- concrete
- connote
- consign
- contend
- convey
- couch
- crisp
- crush
- dangle
- declare
- decoct
- delineate
- deliver
- demonstrate
- denominate
- denote
- depict
- describe
- designate
- develop
- differentiate
- direct
- discharge
- disclose
- dispatch
- display
- distill
- divulge
- drain
- dramatize
- draw
- el
- embark
- embody
- emit
- enact
- entail
- enunciate
- even
- evidence
- evince
- evoke
- exact
- exhibit
- expedite
- expel
- export
- expose
- extract
- fast
- fine
- flat
- flaunt
- fleet
- flourish
- formularize
- formulate
- forward
- frame
- frank
- freight
- give
- have
- highlight
- hint
- hold
- identify
- illuminate
- illustrate
- impart
- imply
- import
- incarnate
- indicate
- infuse
- insist
- intend
- intimate
- involve
- letter
- limn
- lip
- maintain
- manifest
- mark
- materialize
- mean
- message
- minute
- nice
- note
- outline
- paint
- parade
- paragraph
- patent
- perfect
- perform
- phonate
- phrase
- picture
- pinpoint
- plain
- porter
- portray
- post
- precipitate
- predicate
- present
- proclaim
- produce
- profess
- prompt
- pronounce
- protest
- put
- raise
- refine
- release
- remit
- render
- represent
- reveal
- round
- say
- send
- set
- severe
- ship
- show
- shuttle
- signalize
- signify
- sketch
- soak
- sound
- speak
- spell
- spotlight
- square
- state
- steep
- strict
- style
- submit
- suggest
- symbolize
- tell
- testify
- token
- total
- train
- transmit
- true
- tube
- unfold
- utter
- vent
- ventilate
- verbalize
- vocalize
- voice
- wave
- whisper
- word
- wring
- write
express (adv.)
express (adj.)
- absolute
- accurate
- agile
- air
- all-out
- apparent
- articulate
- breakneck
- broach
- categorical
- certain
- clean-cut
- clear
- clear-cut
- close
- coherent
- complete
- conclusive
- concrete
- connected
- consistent
- constant
- crisp
- crystalline
- dashing
- decided
- decisive
- defined
- definite
- definitive
- delicate
- delineate
- designate
- detailed
- determinate
- different
- direct
- discernible
- distinct
- distinguished
- double-quick
- downright
- el
- electric
- elevated
- entire
- esoteric
- especial
- even
- evidence
- evident
- exact
- exceptional
- expeditious
- explicit
- expressed
- extraordinary
- faithful
- fast
- final
- fine
- fixed
- flat
- fleet
- flying
- forward
- frank
- funicular
- give
- global
- hasty
- headlong
- immediate
- implicit
- imply
- import
- incarnate
- indisputable
- individual
- indubitable
- inerrable
- inerrant
- infallible
- inner
- intended
- intentional
- intimate
- letter
- light-footed
- limited
- limpid
- lip
- lively
- local
- lucid
- luminous
- manifest
- mark
- mathematical
- mean
- mercurial
- microscopic
- minute
- nice
- nimble
- noteworthy
- noticeable
- observable
- obvious
- open-and-shut
- out-and-out
- outright
- palpable
- parliamentary
- particular
- patent
- pellucid
- perceivable
- perceptible
- peremptory
- perfect
- personal
- perspicuous
- plain
- positive
- post
- precipitate
- precise
- premeditated
- present
- private
- prompt
- put
- quick
- rapid
- reckless
- refined
- release
- religious
- respective
- rigid
- rigorous
- round
- running
- say
- scientific
- seeable
- self-evident
- self-explanatory
- set
- several
- severe
- ship
- simple
- singular
- snappy
- sound
- spanking
- special
- specific
- speedy
- square
- state
- steep
- straight
- straight-out
- straightforward
- strict
- style
- subtle
- swift
- tangible
- token
- total
- translucent
- transparent
- true
- unambiguous
- unconditional
- unconditioned
- unconfused
- underground
- undeviating
- unequivocal
- unerring
- unhampered
- unhesitating
- univocal
- unlimited
- unmistakable
- unmitigated
- unqualified
- unquestioning
- unreserved
- unrestricted
- utter
- uttered
- vent
- visible
- voiced
- well-defined
- whole
- winged
This goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory; this most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o'erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire, why, it appears no other thing to me than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours. What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god!
Is she not more than painting can express,
Or youthful poets fancy when they love?
The true use of speech is not so much to express our wants as to conceal them.