evidence (n.)
- account
- acquaintance
- affect
- affidavit
- affirmation
- announcement
- apparentness
- appearance
- argument
- assertion
- attestation
- avatar
- averment
- basis
- brandish
- briefing
- bulletin
- catchword
- ceiling
- certification
- clarity
- clearness
- clue
- communication
- communique
- confirmation
- conspicuousness
- corroboration
- cue
- data
- datum
- definiteness
- definition
- demonstration
- deposition
- directory
- disclosure
- dispatch
- display
- dissemination
- distinctness
- documentation
- embodiment
- enlightenment
- epiphany
- exhibit
- expose
- express
- expression
- facts
- familiarization
- flaunt
- flourish
- gen
- grounds
- guidebook
- handout
- highlight
- hint
- incarnation
- index
- indication
- info
- information
- instruction
- intelligence
- intimation
- key
- knowledge
- lead
- light
- manifest
- manifestation
- mark
- materialization
- mean
- mention
- message
- notice
- notification
- obviousness
- openness
- overtness
- palpability
- parade
- perspicuity
- plainness
- present
- presentation
- produce
- prominence
- proof
- publication
- publicity
- release
- report
- revelation
- scent
- seeing
- show
- sidelight
- sign
- spoor
- spotlight
- statement
- substantiation
- suggestion
- summation
- support
- symptom
- tangibility
- tell
- telltale
- testament
- testimonial
- testimony
- theophany
- tip-off
- token
- trace
- transmission
- unquestionability
- validation
- verification
- vestige
- visibility
- wave
- whiff
- witness
- word
evidence (v.)
- account
- affect
- approve
- argue
- attest
- bespeak
- betoken
- brandish
- breathe
- bulletin
- ceiling
- clue
- confirm
- connote
- cue
- dangle
- demonstrate
- denote
- develop
- disclose
- dispatch
- display
- divulge
- dramatize
- embody
- enact
- evince
- exhibit
- expose
- express
- flaunt
- flourish
- highlight
- hint
- illuminate
- illustrate
- imply
- incarnate
- index
- indicate
- involve
- key
- knowledge
- lead
- light
- manifest
- mark
- materialize
- mean
- mention
- message
- notice
- parade
- perform
- present
- proclaim
- produce
- proof
- prove
- release
- report
- represent
- reveal
- scent
- show
- sign
- signalize
- signify
- spotlight
- suggest
- support
- tell
- testify
- token
- trace
- unfold
- wave
- whiff
- witness
- word
evidence (adj.)
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.