sign (n.)
- abandon
- abnormality
- accent
- adumbration
- advertisement
- affection
- affliction
- agent
- ailment
- alarm
- allergy
- alphabet
- alternate
- alternative
- amen
- analogy
- announcement
- atrophy
- attestation
- augury
- auspice
- autograph
- back
- backup
- badge
- balefire
- banner
- bar
- beacon
- bell
- bit
- blight
- blinker
- bond
- brand
- broadside
- buoy
- cancel
- cartouche
- change
- changeling
- character
- characteristic
- cipher
- clue
- colophon
- comparison
- complaint
- complication
- condition
- contract
- contrail
- copy
- counterfeit
- countersign
- course
- cue
- cypher
- data
- datum
- defect
- deformity
- deputy
- device
- differentia
- digit
- dip
- disability
- disease
- disorder
- distemper
- documentation
- donate
- dot
- double
- dummy
- earmark
- emblem
- employ
- enchantment
- endemic
- engage
- ensign
- ensure
- equal
- equivalent
- ersatz
- evidence
- exchange
- exhibit
- exponent
- fact
- facts
- fake
- fantasy
- fermata
- figure
- fill-in
- flag
- flare
- flash
- foghorn
- foreboding
- foreshadowing
- foretoken
- forewarning
- gesticulation
- gesture
- ghost
- ghostwriter
- give
- glance
- glimmer
- glimmering
- graph
- grapheme
- grounds
- guarantee
- guaranty
- hail
- half-mast
- hallmark
- handicap
- heliograph
- hieroglyph
- hint
- hire
- hold
- icon
- ideogram
- ideograph
- idiosyncrasy
- illness
- image
- imitation
- implication
- index
- indicant
- indication
- indicator
- indisposition
- infirmity
- initial
- ink
- inkling
- innuendo
- insignia
- insinuation
- intimation
- keynote
- kick
- lead
- leer
- letter
- lexeme
- ligature
- line
- logotype
- look
- makeshift
- malady
- malaise
- manifestation
- mark
- measure
- metaphor
- metonymy
- miracle
- monogram
- morbidity
- morbus
- morpheme
- motion
- movement
- muniments
- nod
- notation
- note
- notice
- nudge
- number
- numeral
- omen
- pass
- path
- pathology
- pause
- peculiarity
- permit
- personnel
- phony
- phrase
- picture
- piste
- placard
- poke
- portent
- poster
- prefiguration
- preindication
- premises
- present
- prodigy
- prognosis
- prognostic
- prognostication
- promise
- prompt
- proof
- property
- prophecy
- proxy
- rebus
- register
- release
- relief
- reminder
- replacement
- representation
- representative
- reserves
- ringer
- rocket
- rockiness
- sacrifice
- salute
- sanction
- scent
- seal
- second
- secondary
- seediness
- segno
- semaphore
- shadow
- shingle
- show
- sickness
- signal
- signature
- signboard
- slur
- speak
- sponsor
- spoor
- stamp
- stand-in
- standard
- sub
- substitute
- substitution
- succedaneum
- suggestion
- supplanter
- support
- surrender
- surrogate
- suspicion
- swell
- symbol
- symbolization
- symptom
- syndrome
- synecdoche
- telltale
- term
- tie
- token
- touch
- trace
- track
- trail
- trait
- transfer
- type
- understudy
- vestige
- vicar
- vice-regent
- visa
- vise
- volunteer
- wake
- warning
- warrant
- wave
- whisper
- wink
- witness
- wonder
- word
- writing
sign (v.)
- abandon
- accent
- accept
- accredit
- affirm
- alarm
- alphabetize
- alternate
- approve
- assign
- assure
- atrophy
- attest
- authenticate
- authorize
- autograph
- back
- badge
- bar
- beacon
- bell
- bit
- blight
- blinker
- bond
- brand
- broadside
- buoy
- cancel
- capitalize
- certify
- change
- character
- cipher
- clue
- condition
- confirm
- consign
- contract
- copy
- cosign
- counterfeit
- countersign
- course
- cue
- cypher
- defect
- deliver
- dip
- direct
- disorder
- distemper
- donate
- dot
- double
- dummy
- earmark
- employ
- endorse
- engage
- enlist
- ensure
- equal
- evidence
- exchange
- exhibit
- fact
- fake
- fantasy
- figure
- flag
- flare
- flash
- foreshadow
- forgo
- formalize
- gesture
- ghost
- give
- glance
- glimmer
- graph
- guarantee
- hail
- handicap
- heliograph
- hint
- hire
- hold
- image
- index
- initial
- ink
- inscribe
- insure
- keynote
- kick
- lead
- leer
- letter
- line
- look
- mark
- measure
- motion
- nod
- notarize
- note
- notice
- nudge
- number
- omen
- pass
- pause
- permit
- phrase
- picture
- placard
- poke
- present
- promise
- prompt
- proof
- ratify
- register
- release
- relinquish
- retain
- rocket
- sacrifice
- salute
- sanction
- scent
- seal
- second
- secure
- semaphore
- shadow
- shingle
- show
- signal
- signalize
- slur
- speak
- sponsor
- stamp
- sub
- subscribe
- substitute
- support
- surrender
- swell
- term
- tie
- token
- touch
- trace
- track
- trail
- transcribe
- transfer
- transliterate
- type
- undersign
- understudy
- underwrite
- validate
- visa
- vise
- volunteer
- waive
- wake
- warrant
- wave
- whisper
- wigwag
- wink
- witness
- wonder
- word
sign (adv.)
sign (adj.)
- alternate
- alternative
- back
- banner
- bar
- bit
- bond
- broadside
- change
- characteristic
- condition
- counterfeit
- course
- direct
- double
- dummy
- endemic
- equal
- equivalent
- ersatz
- evidence
- fact
- fake
- figure
- flare
- flash
- foreboding
- foreshadowing
- give
- hire
- imitation
- initial
- ink
- inkling
- lead
- letter
- line
- makeshift
- mark
- numeral
- pass
- personnel
- phony
- poke
- present
- prognostic
- prompt
- proof
- release
- representative
- scent
- seal
- second
- secondary
- secure
- signal
- significant
- standard
- substitute
- support
- surrogate
- swell
- syllabic
- telltale
- term
- tie
- token
- track
- trait
- volunteer
- wake
- warning
- writing
The sign brings customers.
He dies, and makes no sign.
That when a man fell into his anecdotage, it was a sign for him to retire.
With an angry wafture of your hand,
Gave sign for me to leave you.
O hearts that break and give no sign
Save whitening lip and fading tresses!
She what was honour knew,
And with obsequious majesty approv'd
My pleaded reason. To the nuptial bower
I led her blushing like the morn; all heaven
And happy constellations on that hour
Shed their selectest influence; the earth
Gave sign of gratulation, and each hill;
Joyous the birds; fresh gales and gentle airs
Whisper'd it to the woods, and from their wings
Flung rose, flung odours from the spicy shrub.
An outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.
For all that faire is, is by nature good;
That is a signe to know the gentle blood.
Without a sign his sword the brave man draws,
And asks no omen but his country's cause.