nod (n.)
- acceptance
- acclaim
- address
- adherence
- admiration
- affirmation
- affirmative
- affirmativeness
- agree
- alarm
- amen
- approbation
- approval
- assent
- authentication
- authorization
- aye
- bag
- balefire
- beacon
- beck
- bell
- bend
- bidding
- blessing
- blinker
- bob
- bow
- buoy
- buy
- call
- calling
- cascade
- catalepsy
- certification
- cheer
- clue
- coma
- confirmation
- consent
- convocation
- countenance
- countersignature
- crouch
- cue
- curtsy
- default
- dip
- disregard
- drag
- drape
- droop
- duck
- embrace
- endorsement
- esteem
- evocation
- fall
- favor
- flag
- flap
- flare
- flash
- flop
- flow
- foghorn
- genuflection
- gesture
- glance
- glimmer
- glimmering
- go-ahead
- grant
- greeting
- hail
- half-mast
- handshake
- hang
- heliograph
- hello
- high
- hint
- homage
- how-do-you-do
- hug
- ignore
- implication
- imprimatur
- inclination
- indent
- index
- indication
- inkling
- innuendo
- insinuation
- intimation
- invocation
- kick
- kiss
- kneel
- kneeling
- kowtow
- lapse
- leer
- lethargy
- look
- lop
- narcolepsy
- narcosis
- neglect
- nod
- nudge
- obeisance
- obsequiousness
- okay
- overlook
- pend
- permission
- permit
- poke
- prompt
- prostration
- ratification
- requisition
- respect
- reverence
- rocket
- sag
- salaam
- salutation
- salute
- sanction
- scent
- scrape
- seal
- sedation
- semaphore
- servility
- shake
- shock
- sign
- signal
- signature
- signet
- sleep
- smile
- sopor
- speak
- spoor
- squat
- stamp
- stoop
- stupor
- submission
- submissiveness
- subscription
- suggestion
- summons
- supination
- suspicion
- swag
- swing
- swoon
- symptom
- telltale
- touch
- track
- trail
- trance
- validation
- visa
- vise
- voice
- vote
- warrant
- wave
- weep
- welcome
- whisper
- wink
- yea
- yes
nod (v.)
- accede
- accept
- acclaim
- accost
- acquiesce
- address
- agree
- alarm
- applaud
- approve
- assent
- bag
- beacon
- bell
- bend
- blinker
- bob
- bow
- buoy
- buy
- call
- cascade
- cheer
- clue
- comply
- condescend
- consent
- countenance
- crouch
- cue
- curtsy
- dangle
- default
- deign
- depend
- dip
- disregard
- drag
- draggle
- drape
- droop
- duck
- embrace
- endorse
- esteem
- fail
- fall
- favor
- flag
- flap
- flare
- flash
- flop
- flow
- genuflect
- gesture
- glance
- glimmer
- grant
- greet
- hail
- hang
- heliograph
- high
- hint
- hug
- ignore
- indent
- index
- kick
- kiss
- kneel
- kowtow
- lapse
- leer
- look
- lop
- neglect
- nod
- nudge
- okay
- overlook
- pend
- permit
- poke
- prompt
- ratify
- receive
- requisition
- respect
- reverence
- rocket
- sag
- salaam
- salute
- sanction
- scent
- scrape
- seal
- semaphore
- shake
- shock
- sign
- signal
- signalize
- sleep
- smile
- speak
- squat
- stamp
- stoop
- summons
- swag
- swing
- swoon
- touch
- track
- trail
- trance
- uncover
- visa
- vise
- voice
- vote
- warrant
- wave
- weep
- welcome
- whisper
- wigwag
- wink
- yes
With ravish'd ears
The monarch hears;
Assumes the god,
Affects to nod,
And seems to shake the spheres.
Even a nod from a person who is esteemed is of more force than a thousand arguments or studied sentences from others.
Lives like a drunken sailor on a mast,
Ready with every nod to tumble down.
Shakes his ambrosial curls, and gives the nod,—
The stamp of fate, and sanction of the god.