call (n.)
- address
- adjuration
- alarm
- alarum
- allurement
- ante
- apostleship
- appeal
- ask
- attractiveness
- augur
- awake
- back
- bark
- base
- basis
- bay
- beck
- bell
- bellow
- bet
- bid
- biddance
- bidding
- bill
- birdcall
- blackmail
- blare
- blate
- bleat
- bray
- buzz
- cackle
- call
- calling
- cancel
- carol
- caterwaul
- causation
- cause
- caw
- challenge
- chatter
- cheep
- cheer
- chirp
- chirrup
- chuck
- cite
- clack
- claim
- clamor
- clang
- class
- cluck
- cock-a-doodle-doo
- collect
- command
- conscript
- conscription
- contribution
- convocation
- coo
- cover
- croak
- crow
- cry
- cuckoo
- demand
- determinant
- determinative
- dial
- draft
- drafting
- drain
- draw
- drum
- dub
- dun
- duty
- element
- enlistment
- enrollment
- entreaty
- estimate
- etiology
- evocation
- evoke
- exaction
- excuse
- extortion
- factor
- fade
- fetch
- figure
- forecast
- foundation
- gabble
- gaggle
- gamble
- game
- gather
- gauge
- get
- gobble
- ground
- grounds
- grunt
- guess
- hail
- halloo
- hazard
- holler
- hollo
- honk
- hoo
- hoot
- howl
- howling
- hurrah
- imposition
- impost
- imprecation
- impressment
- indent
- induction
- invitation
- invite
- invocation
- invoice
- judge
- justification
- label
- lay
- levy
- lot
- low
- lure
- mark
- measure
- meow
- mew
- miaow
- mobilization
- moo
- muster
- name
- necessity
- need
- neigh
- nicker
- nickname
- nod
- note
- notice
- notification
- obligation
- occasion
- option
- order
- page
- parlay
- pass
- pastorate
- peep
- petition
- phone
- pip
- pipe
- place
- play
- plea
- plunge
- postulate
- prayer
- presage
- press
- priesthood
- principle
- prize
- pule
- pull
- punt
- put
- quack
- rabbinate
- rally
- rank
- rate
- ready
- reason
- rebuke
- recall
- recruit
- recruitment
- reprimand
- request
- requirement
- requisition
- reveille
- right
- ring
- roar
- rogation
- roll
- rouse
- rush
- scold
- scream
- screech
- seduction
- see
- serve
- shout
- shriek
- sing
- song
- sport
- spread
- squall
- squawk
- squeak
- squeal
- stake
- stimulus
- straddle
- strap
- stridulation
- strip
- style
- subpoena
- substance
- suit
- summons
- supplication
- tag
- taps
- tax
- telephone
- term
- tinkle
- title
- toss
- tribute
- trill
- tweet
- twit
- ultimatum
- ululation
- value
- visit
- visitation
- visiting
- vocation
- wager
- wail
- warble
- warning
- warrant
- whicker
- whine
- whinny
- whistle
- whoop
- yap
- yawl
- yell
- yelp
- yip
- yowl
call (v.)
- accompany
- address
- adumbrate
- alarm
- ante
- apostrophize
- appeal
- appraise
- appreciate
- approximate
- ask
- assemble
- assess
- attend
- augur
- awake
- awaken
- back
- baptize
- bark
- base
- bawl
- bay
- bell
- bellow
- bet
- bid
- bill
- blackmail
- blare
- blat
- blate
- bleat
- bray
- buzz
- cackle
- call
- cancel
- carol
- castigate
- caterwaul
- cause
- caw
- challenge
- chastise
- chatter
- cheep
- cheer
- chirk
- chirp
- chirr
- chirrup
- chitter
- christen
- chuck
- cite
- clack
- claim
- clamor
- clang
- class
- cluck
- collect
- command
- conjure
- conscript
- convene
- convoke
- coo
- cover
- croak
- cronk
- crow
- cry
- cuckoo
- define
- demand
- denominate
- denote
- designate
- dial
- discontinue
- draft
- drain
- draw
- drum
- dub
- dun
- elicit
- enlist
- entitle
- entreat
- estimate
- evaluate
- evoke
- exact
- excuse
- factor
- fade
- fetch
- figure
- forecast
- gabble
- gaggle
- gamble
- game
- gather
- gauge
- get
- gobble
- ground
- grunt
- guess
- guggle
- hail
- halloo
- hazard
- holler
- hollo
- honk
- hoo
- hoot
- howl
- hurrah
- identify
- indent
- inspire
- invite
- invoice
- invoke
- judge
- label
- lay
- levy
- lot
- low
- lure
- mark
- measure
- meow
- mew
- mewl
- miaow
- moo
- muster
- name
- need
- neigh
- nicker
- nickname
- nod
- note
- notice
- occasion
- order
- page
- parlay
- pass
- peep
- petition
- phone
- pip
- pipe
- place
- play
- plunge
- portend
- postpone
- postulate
- predict
- presage
- press
- prize
- prognosticate
- prophesy
- pule
- pull
- punt
- put
- quack
- rally
- rank
- rate
- ready
- reason
- rebuke
- recall
- reckon
- recruit
- reprimand
- reprove
- request
- require
- requisition
- right
- ring
- roar
- roll
- rouse
- rush
- scold
- screak
- scream
- screech
- see
- serve
- shout
- shriek
- shrill
- sing
- solicit
- song
- specify
- speculate
- sport
- spread
- squall
- squawk
- squeak
- squeal
- stake
- straddle
- strap
- strip
- style
- subpoena
- suit
- summon
- summons
- supplicate
- tag
- tax
- telephone
- term
- tinkle
- title
- toss
- tribute
- trill
- troat
- tweet
- twit
- ululate
- upbraid
- valuate
- value
- vaticinate
- visit
- vociferate
- wager
- wail
- warble
- warrant
- whicker
- whine
- whinny
- whistle
- whoop
- yammer
- yap
- yawl
- yawp
- yell
- yelp
- yip
- yowl
Go call a coach, and let a coach be called;
And let the man who calleth be the caller;
And in his calling let him nothing call
But "Coach! Coach! Coach! Oh for a coach, ye gods!"
Pyrrhus said, "If I should overcome the Romans in another fight, I were undone."
O, call back yesterday, bid time return!
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil.
Call for the robin-redbreast and the wren,
Since o'er shady groves they hover,
And with leaves and flowers do cover
The friendless bodies of unburied men.
Oh call it by some better name,
For friendship sounds too cold.
Ay, call it holy ground,
The soil where first they trod:
They have left unstained what there they found,—
Freedom to worship God.
I 'll give you leave to call me anything, if you don't call me "spade."
You must wake and call me early, call me early, mother dear;
To-morrow 'll be the happiest time of all the glad New Year,—
Of all the glad New Year, mother, the maddest, merriest day;
For I'm to be Queen o' the May, mother, I'm to be queen o' the May.
Oh, call my brother back to me!
I cannot play alone:
The summer comes with flower and bee,—
Where is my brother gone?
Go call a coach, and let a coach be called;
And let the man who calleth be the caller;
And in his calling let him nothing call
But "Coach! Coach! Coach! Oh for a coach, ye gods!"
A day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a door-keeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.
But shapes that come not at an earthly call
Will not depart when mortal voices bid.
The breezy call of incense-breathing morn.
O Mary, go and call the cattle home,
And call the cattle home,
And call the cattle home,
Across the sands o' Dee!
O curse of marriage,
That we can call these delicate creatures ours,
And not their appetites! I had rather be a toad,
And live upon the vapour of a dungeon,
Than keep a corner in the thing I love
For others' uses.
Call things by their right names. . . . Glass of brandy and water! That is the current but not the appropriate name: ask for a glass of liquid fire and distilled damnation.
Happy the man, and happy he alone,
He who can call to-day his own;
He who, secure within, can say,
To-morrow, do thy worst, for I have liv'd to-day.
When the scourge
Inexorable and the torturing hour
Call us to penance.
Call you that backing of your friends? A plague upon such backing!