claim (n.)
- advance
- affidavit
- affirmation
- allegation
- application
- appurtenance
- ask
- assertion
- authority
- benefit
- bill
- birthright
- blackmail
- boast
- call
- challenge
- claim
- clasp
- claw
- clench
- clinch
- clutch
- colony
- command
- common
- complaint
- contribution
- declaration
- demand
- dependency
- deposition
- draft
- drain
- due
- duty
- easement
- embrace
- equity
- estate
- exaction
- extortion
- faculty
- feud
- fiefdom
- fill
- freehold
- get
- grab
- grapple
- grasp
- grip
- gripe
- have
- hold
- holding
- hug
- imposition
- impost
- indent
- interest
- lease
- leasehold
- levy
- libel
- limitation
- loot
- mandate
- nail
- need
- nip
- notice
- occupancy
- occupation
- order
- owning
- palm
- part
- percentage
- petition
- pillage
- possession
- postulate
- power
- preoccupancy
- preoccupation
- prepossession
- prerogative
- prescription
- pretend
- pretense
- pretension
- pretext
- privilege
- profession
- property
- protestation
- purport
- request
- requirement
- requisition
- right
- rights
- ripping
- rush
- screw
- seek
- settlement
- share
- snatch
- socage
- squat
- squatting
- stake
- state
- statement
- steal
- sublease
- take
- tax
- tearing
- tenancy
- tenantry
- tenure
- title
- tribute
- trust
- ultimatum
- use
- want
- warning
- warrant
- wrench
- wring
claim (v.)
- acquire
- adduce
- advance
- affirm
- allege
- argue
- ask
- assert
- avow
- benefit
- bill
- blackmail
- boast
- call
- challenge
- claim
- clasp
- claw
- clench
- clinch
- clutch
- command
- contend
- declare
- defend
- demand
- draft
- drain
- due
- embrace
- enjoy
- estate
- exact
- extort
- feud
- fill
- get
- grab
- grapple
- grasp
- grip
- gripe
- have
- hold
- hug
- impose
- indent
- interest
- justify
- lease
- levy
- libel
- loot
- maintain
- mandate
- nail
- need
- nip
- notice
- occupy
- order
- palm
- part
- partake
- petition
- pillage
- possess
- postulate
- power
- pretend
- privilege
- profess
- purport
- receive
- request
- require
- requisition
- right
- rush
- screw
- seek
- seize
- share
- snatch
- solicit
- squat
- stake
- state
- steal
- sublease
- take
- tax
- tenure
- title
- tribute
- trust
- use
- vindicate
- want
- warn
- warrant
- wrench
- wrest
- wring
So great was the extremity of his pain and anguish that he did not only sigh but roar.