privilege (n.)
- accomplishment
- advantage
- allowance
- appanage
- ascendancy
- authority
- authorization
- benefit
- birthright
- boon
- certificate
- charter
- concession
- consent
- copyright
- deanship
- discharge
- dispensation
- excellence
- exception
- exemption
- favor
- franchise
- freedom
- grant
- greatness
- immunity
- indulgence
- lead
- leave
- liberty
- license
- majority
- one-upmanship
- patent
- permission
- perquisite
- precedence
- predominance
- predomination
- preeminence
- preponderance
- prepotency
- prerogative
- prestige
- priority
- release
- right
- sanction
- seniority
- skill
- success
- superiority
- transcendence
- transcendency
- virtuosity
- warrant
privilege (v.)
The schoolboy whips his taxed top; the beardless youth manages his taxed horse with a taxed bridle on a taxed road; and the dying Englishman, pouring his medicine, which has paid seven per cent, into a spoon that has paid fifteen per cent, flings himself back upon his chintz bed which has paid twenty-two per cent, and expires in the arms of an apothecary who has paid a license of a hundred pounds for the privilege of putting him to death.