lead (n.)
- accent
- accomplishment
- actor
- advance
- advantage
- affect
- aim
- aluminum
- americium
- antagonist
- antecedence
- antecedency
- anteriority
- antihero
- antitype
- approach
- archetype
- arrow
- ascendancy
- aureate
- authority
- ballast
- bar
- barium
- beacon
- bear
- begin
- bellwether
- bend
- beryllium
- bias
- bidet
- biotype
- bismuth
- bit
- blaze
- bob
- brass
- broach
- bronze
- cable
- cadmium
- calcium
- cancel
- captain
- carry
- cast
- catchword
- cause
- cerium
- cesium
- chain
- chair
- chaperon
- character
- chief
- chrome
- chromium
- clue
- cobalt
- color
- command
- conduct
- control
- convoy
- copper
- cord
- criterion
- cue
- dean
- deanship
- decoy
- direction
- discipline
- distance
- diva
- dominion
- dot
- doyen
- drop
- dysprosium
- edge
- effect
- engage
- engineer
- entice
- epitome
- erbium
- escort
- esquire
- europium
- evidence
- evoke
- example
- excellence
- exemplar
- experience
- favor
- feeder
- fermata
- filler
- first
- fist
- flex
- fool
- front
- fugleman
- gadolinium
- gallium
- genotype
- germanium
- get
- gilt
- go
- gold
- golden
- governance
- government
- greatness
- guard
- guidance
- guide
- guidepost
- hack
- hackney
- hand
- handle
- handling
- head
- heading
- headliner
- heavy
- herald
- hero
- heroine
- hint
- hold
- holmium
- honcho
- hunter
- husbandry
- incline
- index
- indium
- influence
- ingenue
- initiate
- intimation
- iridium
- iron
- jument
- key
- king
- lanthanum
- lap
- leader
- leadership
- leading
- lean
- leash
- ligature
- lithium
- live
- luminary
- lure
- lutetium
- magnesia
- magnesium
- main
- majority
- management
- maneuver
- manganese
- manipulation
- margin
- mark
- marshal
- mastermind
- measure
- mercury
- milepost
- mirror
- model
- molybdenum
- mount
- move
- needle
- neodymium
- nickel
- niobium
- notation
- officer
- one-upmanship
- order
- ordering
- original
- osmium
- pace
- palfrey
- palladium
- paradigm
- part
- pass
- pattern
- pause
- person
- personage
- pewter
- phosphorus
- piece
- pilot
- pilotage
- pioneer
- platinum
- plumb
- plummet
- plunge
- point
- pointer
- polonium
- possibility
- post-horse
- potassium
- potential
- praseodymium
- precedence
- precedency
- precedent
- precession
- precipitate
- precursor
- predominance
- predomination
- preeminence
- preface
- preference
- prefixation
- prelude
- premier
- preponderance
- prepotency
- prerogative
- present
- prestige
- primacy
- principal
- priority
- privilege
- produce
- promethium
- prompt
- prospect
- protactinium
- protagonist
- prototype
- quarterback
- quicksilver
- radium
- rank
- rate
- recedence
- regulation
- remount
- representative
- restraint
- rhenium
- rider
- roadster
- role
- route
- rubidium
- rule
- run
- running
- ruthenium
- saddler
- samarium
- sandbag
- scandium
- scent
- see
- segno
- seniority
- serve
- set
- settle
- shepherd
- show
- side
- sign
- signature
- signboard
- signpost
- silver
- singer
- sink
- sinker
- skill
- skipper
- slur
- sodium
- soubrette
- spearhead
- spoor
- square
- squire
- stalking-horse
- standard
- star
- steel
- steer
- steerage
- steering
- strontium
- success
- suggestion
- sumpter
- superiority
- superstar
- supremacy
- sway
- swell
- symbol
- tantalum
- technetium
- telltale
- tempt
- tend
- terbium
- tether
- thallium
- thulium
- tie
- tin
- tinge
- tip
- tip-off
- titanium
- tone
- trace
- transcendence
- transcendency
- trend
- tungsten
- turn
- type
- uranium
- urgency
- usher
- van
- vanadium
- vanguard
- verge
- vestige
- villain
- virtuosity
- walk-on
- warp
- weight
- wheeler
- whiff
- wire
- wolfram
- work
- workhorse
- ytterbium
- yttrium
- zinc
- zirconium
lead (v.)
- accent
- actor
- administer
- administrate
- advance
- advantage
- affect
- aim
- antecede
- approach
- arrow
- attend
- ballast
- bamboozle
- bar
- beacon
- bear
- begin
- beguile
- bend
- bias
- bit
- blaze
- bob
- brazen
- bring
- broach
- bronze
- cable
- cancel
- captain
- carry
- cast
- cause
- chain
- chair
- chaperon
- character
- chrome
- clue
- color
- command
- commence
- conduce
- conduct
- contribute
- contrive
- control
- convince
- convoy
- copper
- cord
- create
- cue
- deceive
- decide
- decoy
- descend
- determine
- direct
- discipline
- dispose
- distance
- dot
- drop
- edge
- effect
- elicit
- engage
- engender
- engineer
- enlist
- entice
- escort
- evidence
- evoke
- exceed
- excel
- experience
- favor
- flex
- fool
- front
- get
- go
- govern
- gravitate
- guard
- guide
- hack
- hand
- handle
- head
- herald
- hint
- hold
- hoodwink
- inaugurate
- incline
- index
- induce
- influence
- initiate
- inspire
- instigate
- introduce
- inveigle
- invent
- iron
- key
- king
- lap
- lean
- leash
- lines
- live
- lure
- main
- manage
- maneuver
- manipulate
- mark
- marshal
- mastermind
- measure
- mirror
- misdirect
- misguide
- mislead
- model
- motivate
- mount
- move
- needle
- nickel
- obtain
- officer
- order
- originate
- outdo
- outrank
- outrun
- outstrip
- pace
- part
- pass
- pattern
- pause
- persuade
- piece
- pilot
- pioneer
- plumb
- plummet
- plunge
- point
- precede
- precipitate
- predispose
- preface
- prelude
- premier
- prescribe
- present
- prevail
- privilege
- procure
- produce
- prompt
- prospect
- provoke
- quarterback
- rank
- rate
- regulate
- remount
- role
- route
- rule
- run
- sandbag
- scent
- seduce
- see
- serve
- set
- settle
- shepherd
- show
- side
- sign
- signpost
- silver
- sink
- skipper
- slur
- spearhead
- spend
- square
- squire
- star
- steel
- steer
- subside
- superintend
- supervise
- surpass
- sway
- swell
- tempt
- tend
- tether
- tie
- tin
- tinge
- tip
- tone
- trace
- trend
- turn
- type
- usher
- van
- verge
- warp
- weight
- whiff
- wire
- work
- zinc
lead (adv.)
lead (adj.)
- advance
- arrow
- aureate
- bar
- bend
- bias
- bit
- blaze
- brassy
- brazen
- broach
- bronze
- bronzy
- cable
- carry
- cast
- chain
- chief
- chrome
- color
- coppery
- cuprous
- dean
- direct
- distance
- edge
- effect
- evidence
- ferrous
- first
- fist
- flex
- foregoing
- foremost
- front
- get
- gilt
- go
- gold
- golden
- guard
- hack
- hand
- head
- heavy
- initiate
- iron
- ironlike
- key
- king
- leaden
- leading
- lean
- live
- main
- mark
- mercurial
- mercurous
- model
- mount
- order
- original
- paramount
- part
- pass
- person
- piece
- plumb
- point
- potential
- precedent
- preceding
- precipitate
- premier
- present
- principal
- prompt
- quicksilver
- rank
- rate
- regulation
- representative
- run
- running
- scent
- see
- serve
- set
- side
- sign
- silver
- silvery
- square
- standard
- star
- steely
- swell
- telltale
- tend
- tie
- tin
- tinny
- tone
- turn
- van
- walk-on
- weight
- whiff
- wire
- work
Dare to look up to God and say, "Make use of me for the future as Thou wilt. I am of the same mind; I am one with Thee. I refuse nothing which seems good to Thee. Lead me whither Thou wilt. Clothe me in whatever dress Thou wilt."