square (n.)
- accord
- agora
- agree
- alike
- anal
- antediluvian
- antique
- aplomb
- arena
- assent
- atone
- back-number
- balance
- bang
- biquadrate
- block
- bob
- bourgeois
- burgher
- burly
- buy
- campo
- cancel
- change
- check
- chime
- cincture
- clean
- clear
- close
- common
- commonplace
- compulsive
- conformist
- conservative
- constant
- container
- coop
- coordinate
- counterbalance
- counterpoise
- court
- courtyard
- croft
- cube
- cuboid
- curtilage
- dad
- dead
- dice
- discharge
- dodo
- dovetail
- due
- elder
- enclave
- enclosure
- equal
- equilateral
- even
- express
- fade
- fair
- faithful
- familiar
- fat
- field
- filling
- fine
- fit
- fix
- flush
- fogy
- fold
- forty
- forum
- fossil
- four
- foursome
- foursquare
- fud
- fuddy-duddy
- full
- gee
- good
- granny
- green
- gross
- ground
- hackney
- half-and-half
- has-been
- have
- hippy
- hit
- honor
- innocent
- interlock
- jibe
- kosher
- kraal
- lead
- legal
- level
- lift
- like
- list
- lock
- lot
- market
- marketplace
- mart
- match
- matriarch
- meet
- mossback
- nerd
- nice
- nonpartisan
- obey
- objective
- oblong
- offset
- old-timer
- open
- orthodox
- outsider
- overlap
- overweight
- pale
- paling
- par
- parallel
- park
- parrot
- patch
- patriarch
- pay
- pedant
- pen
- perfectionist
- piazza
- pinpoint
- place
- plastic
- plat
- plaza
- plop
- plot
- plumb
- plummet
- plump
- plunk
- poise
- pop
- pops
- proportion
- provincial
- quad
- quadrangle
- quadrate
- quadratic
- quadrature
- quadrennium
- quadrilateral
- quadrille
- quadruplet
- quartet
- quatern
- quaternary
- quaternion
- quaternity
- quit
- reactionary
- recompense
- rectangle
- redress
- refund
- register
- relic
- religious
- repair
- rhomboid
- right
- rigid
- roly-poly
- rule
- ruler
- section
- set
- settle
- sharp
- sheep
- smack
- solid
- sop
- squat
- stalwart
- starets
- stick-in-the-mud
- stock
- stout
- straight
- straightedge
- strict
- suit
- tailor
- tally
- tense
- tetrad
- tetragon
- tetragram
- tetragrammaton
- tetrahedron
- tetralogy
- theater
- tract
- traditionalist
- trapezoid
- triangle
- trimmer
- trite
- true
- upright
- yard
- yes-man
square (v.)
- accommodate
- accord
- adapt
- adjust
- agree
- amortize
- anal
- antique
- arrange
- assent
- atone
- balance
- bang
- block
- bob
- buy
- cancel
- change
- check
- chime
- clean
- clear
- close
- cohere
- coincide
- compensate
- concur
- confine
- conform
- coop
- cooperate
- coordinate
- correct
- correspond
- counteract
- counterbalance
- counterpoise
- countervail
- court
- cube
- dead
- dice
- direct
- discharge
- dovetail
- due
- equal
- equalize
- equate
- even
- exact
- expiate
- express
- fade
- fair
- fat
- field
- fine
- fit
- fix
- flush
- fold
- full
- gee
- good
- green
- gross
- ground
- harmonize
- have
- hit
- honor
- indemnify
- integrate
- interlock
- intersect
- jibe
- just
- lead
- level
- lift
- like
- liquidate
- list
- lock
- lot
- lubricate
- market
- mart
- match
- meet
- modify
- nice
- obey
- offset
- open
- overlap
- pale
- par
- parallel
- park
- parrot
- patch
- pay
- pen
- pinpoint
- place
- plat
- plop
- plot
- plumb
- plummet
- plump
- plunk
- poise
- pop
- propitiate
- proportion
- quit
- quits
- recompense
- reconcile
- redeem
- redress
- refund
- register
- reimburse
- repair
- repay
- requite
- retire
- right
- rule
- satisfy
- section
- set
- settle
- severe
- sharp
- sheer
- smack
- sop
- spang
- squat
- stale
- stiffen
- stock
- strict
- suit
- tailor
- tally
- tense
- tract
- true
- upright
- verbally
square (adv.)
- aboveboard
- absolutely
- accurately
- alike
- bang
- block
- clean
- clear
- close
- common
- dead
- decent
- definitely
- direct
- directly
- due
- even
- exactly
- express
- expressly
- fair
- faithfully
- field
- fine
- flush
- fold
- foursquare
- full
- good
- ground
- half-and-half
- just
- lead
- like
- literally
- literatim
- lock
- lot
- mart
- perpendicularly
- place
- plop
- plumb
- plump
- plunk
- point-blank
- pop
- positively
- precise
- precisely
- right
- rigidly
- rigorously
- sharp
- sheer
- smack
- squarely
- straight
- strictly
- tally
- true
- unerringly
- verbally
- verbatim
square (adj.)
- aboveboard
- accordant
- accurate
- adipose
- alike
- anal
- antediluvian
- antique
- authentic
- balanced
- banal
- bang
- beefy
- bewhiskered
- block
- blowzy
- bosomy
- bourgeois
- brawny
- bromidic
- burly
- button-down
- buxom
- change
- chubby
- chunky
- clean
- clear
- close
- commensurate
- common
- commonplace
- compulsive
- concordant
- conformist
- conservative
- constant
- conventional
- coordinate
- corny
- corpulent
- correct
- corresponding
- cube-shaped
- cubic
- cubiform
- cuboid
- cut-and-dried
- dead
- decent
- defensible
- delicate
- deserved
- dice
- diced
- die-hard
- direct
- drawn
- due
- dumpy
- elder
- equal
- equalized
- equate
- equilateral
- equitable
- ethical
- even
- evenhanded
- exact
- express
- fair
- faithful
- familiar
- fat
- fattish
- field
- fifty-fifty
- fine
- fit
- fleshy
- flush
- fold
- formalistic
- forty
- fossil
- four
- foursquare
- full
- fusty
- generous
- genuine
- good
- green
- gross
- ground
- hackneyed
- half-and-half
- harmonious
- healthful
- healthy
- heavyset
- hefty
- hippy
- hit
- honest
- honorable
- impartial
- impersonal
- imposing
- inerrable
- inerrant
- infallible
- innocent
- just
- justifiable
- justified
- knotted
- kosher
- lawful
- lead
- legal
- level
- like
- list
- lock
- lot
- lusty
- market
- mart
- mathematical
- meaty
- meet
- merited
- microscopic
- moth-eaten
- musty
- naive
- nice
- nonpartisan
- nutritious
- obese
- objective
- oblong
- old-fashioned
- open
- orthodox
- orthogonal
- overweight
- pale
- parallel
- paunchy
- pedantic
- pen
- place
- plastic
- platitudinous
- plumb
- plump
- podgy
- point-blank
- pop
- portly
- potbellied
- precise
- predictable
- proper
- proportionate
- provincial
- pudgy
- puffy
- pursy
- quadrangular
- quadrate
- quadratic
- quadrilateral
- quaternary
- quits
- reactionary
- rectangular
- refined
- religious
- rhombic
- rhomboid
- right
- right-angled
- rightful
- rigid
- rigorous
- roly-poly
- rotund
- satisfying
- scientific
- section
- set
- settled
- severe
- sharp
- sheer
- solid
- squat
- squatty
- stale
- stalemated
- stalwart
- stereotyped
- stick-in-the-mud
- stock
- stocky
- stout
- straight
- straightforward
- strait-laced
- strapping
- strict
- stuffy
- substantial
- subtle
- suit
- swollen
- tense
- tetragonal
- thick-bodied
- thickset
- threadbare
- tied
- timeworn
- top-heavy
- tract
- traditionalist
- trite
- true
- truistic
- tubby
- unbiased
- undeviating
- unerring
- unimaginative
- unoriginal
- unprejudiced
- unsophisticated
- unstinting
- upright
- uptight
- verbatim
- veritable
- warrantable
- warranted
- well-fed
- well-known
- well-worn
- worn
Straight down the crooked lane,
And all round the square.
Unto dying eyes
The casement slowly grows a glimmering square.
If you choose to represent the various parts in life by holes upon a table, of different shapes,—some circular, some triangular, some square, some oblong,—and the persons acting these parts by bits of wood of similar shapes, we shall generally find that the triangular person has got into the square hole, the oblong into the triangular, and a square person has squeezed himself into the round hole. The officer and the office, the doer and the thing done, seldom fit so exactly that we can say they were almost made for each other.
I have not kept my square; but that to come
Shall all be done by the rule.